
If you live your life in both Android and iOS, you’ll have an easier time if you use Google services. Almost all of Google’s apps are present on iOS, but the same isn’t true if you want to use Apple’s services on Android. Case in point: There’s not a great way to sync your iCloud calendar to Android, but there’s an easy way to at least see your calendar.

如果您同时生活在Android和iOS上,那么使用Google服务将使您的生活更轻松。 Google几乎所有的应用程序都在iOS上提供,但是如果您想在Android上使用Apple的服务,则情况并非如此。 恰当的例子:没有一种将iCloud日历同步到Android的好方法,但是有一种简单的方法至少可以查看您的日历。

If you’re still going to have one iOS device, one thing you can do is share your iCloud to Google Calendar. You won’t have complete control over each event, but it’ll give you the basics like the event title, time, and description.

如果您仍然要拥有一台iOS设备,则可以做的一件事是将iCloud共享到Google日历。 您将无法完全控制每个事件,但是它将为您提供事件标题,时间和描述之类的基础知识。

The thing is, this can’t be done directly from Android. In order to have your iCloud calendar show up on Android, you’ll need to link it to Google Calendar on the web. Here’s how to do that.

问题是,这不能直接通过Android完成。 为了让您的iCloud日历显示在Android上,您需要将其链接到网络上的Google日历。 这是这样做的方法。

Head to the iCloud webpage and sign in with your Apple ID. On the main page, select the “Calendar” option.

前往iCloud网页并使用您的Apple ID登录。 在主页上,选择“日历”选项。

Click the Share icon next to the calendar you want to view from Google Calendar. In the pop-up window, select the “Public Calendar” check box and then click the “Copy Link” option beneath the URL.

单击要从Google日历查看的日历旁边的共享图标。 在弹出窗口中,选中“公共日历”复选框,然后单击URL下方的“复制链接”选项。

Note: Anyone with the URL of your iCloud calendar—displayed on this page—will be able to see its contents.

注意 :拥有iCloud日历URL(显示在此页面上)的任何人都可以看到其内容。

Now, open Google Calendar. Click the plus sign on the left side and then click the “From URL” option.

现在,打开Google日历 。 单击左侧的加号,然后单击“来自URL”选项。

Paste in the calendar URL from iCloud and then click the “Add Calendar” link.


You’ll now get a read-only version of your iCloud Calendar in your Google Calendar feed. This means you can see your events, but you won’t be able to make any changes without using an Apple device or iCloud.com.

现在,您将在Google日历Feed中获得iCloud日历的只读版本。 这意味着您可以看到您的事件,但是如果不使用Apple设备或iCloud.com,将无法进行任何更改。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/392848/how-to-see-your-icloud-calendar-on-android/



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