
Just because an app isn’t available from the Google Play Store doesn’t mean it’s not available at all—you can effectively install non-Play Store apps on any Android phone, tablet, or other device by enabling one simple toggle. This practice is called “sideloading.”

仅仅因为Google Play商店中不提供某个应用程序并不意味着它根本不可用-您只需启用一个简单的切换按钮,就可以在任何Android手机,平板电脑或其他设备上有效地安装非Play商店应用程序。 这种做法称为“侧载”。

Why would you need to do this? After all, most of the applications you want are more than likely in the Google Play Store. But there are occasions when even these “official” apps aren’t available for some reason—maybe they’re restricted in your region, not compatible with your phone, or some other equally as unimportant third thing. In any of those cases, you may want to sideload the app onto your phone. One of my favorite apps, Skitch, was discontinued a few years ago, but the old version still works. So I sideload it. It can also help you get the latest and greatest version of an app if the latest update is rolling out in stages.

您为什么需要这样做? 毕竟,您想要的大多数应用程序在Google Play商店中的可能性都很大。 但有时甚至由于某些原因而无法使用这些“官方”应用程序-可能是它们在您所在的地区受限,与您的手机不兼容或其他不重要的第三件事。 在任何情况下,您都可能需要将应用程序侧面加载到手机上。 我最喜欢的应用程序之一Skitch于几年前停产,但旧版本仍然有效。 因此,我将其分担。 如果最新的更新正在分阶段推出,它还可以帮助您获取应用程序的最新和最高版本。

但首先,免责声明 (But First, a Disclaimer)

Before we get started on how to do it, however, let’s first talk about why this setting is disabled by default, and the security implications you could potentially face by allowing your phone to accept installations outside of the Play Store.


Basically, when you allow any application to be installed on your phone, you’re essentially bypassing the security protocols that are enabled in the Play Store—the stuff Google does behind the scenes to make sure all the apps you install from the official channels are safe for you, your phone, and your data. That is, of course, your call—that’s why there’s a toggle to allow other apps to be installed, after all.

基本上,当您允许在手机上安装任何应用程序时,实际上是在绕过Play商店中启用的安全协议-Google在后台执行的操作是确保您从官方渠道安装的所有应用程序对您,您的手机和数据安全。 当然,这就是您的电话,这就是为什么毕竟有一个切换开关允许安装其他应用。

But that brings me to another point: if you’re going to install apps outside of the Play Store, make sure they’re from a trusted source like APK Mirror. This is absolutely paramount if you want to make sure your stuff stays safe. There are a lot of malicious people/websites/etc. out there that want nothing more than to hijack your data, so if you’re going to slideload apps, be smart about it. If you pick your sources correctly, you can easily be just as safe installing these apps as the ones from the Play Store.

但这又引出了另一点:如果您要在Play商店之外安装应用,请确保它们来自可信任的来源,例如APK Mirror 。 如果您想确保自己的物品安全,这是绝对重要的。 有很多恶意的人/网站/等。 在那里,除了劫持数据外,别无所求,因此,如果您要滑动加载应用程序,请多加注意。 如果您正确选择来源,则可以轻松安全地安装这些应用,就像在Play商店中安装这些应用一样。

Lastly, it’s worth noting that Google changed how sideloading apps is handled on Android 8.0, so we’ll break things down into two sections below: one for Android 7.0 and below, and one for Android 8.0.

最后,值得注意的是Google更改了在Android 8.0上处理旁加载应用程序的方式,因此我们将其分为以下两个部分:一个用于Android 7.0及以下版本,一个用于Android 8.0。

如何在Android 8.0中启用侧载 (How Enable Sideloading in Android 8.0)

  1. Open Settings > Apps & Notifications打开设置>应用和通知
  2. Expand the Advanced menu展开高级菜单
  3. Choose Special App Access选择特殊应用访问
  4. Select “Install Unknown Apps”选择“安装未知应用”
  5. Grant the permission on the desired app授予所需应用程序的权限

Like I said earlier, Google changed how sideloaded apps are handled in Oreo. Instead of having one universal setting to simply install unofficial apps across the board, “unknown sources” is now allowed or disallowed on a per app basis. For example, if you want to install things from APK Mirror, you’ll have to allow Chrome to install apps from unknown sources. For those interested, we have a more indepth explanation of the change here.

就像我之前说的,Google更改了在Oreo中处理侧载应用程序的方式。 现在不再有一种通用设置来简单地在整个板上安装非官方应用程序,而是现在允许或禁止基于每个应用程序的“未知来源”。 例如,如果要从APK Mirror安装东西,则必须允许Chrome安装来自未知来源的应用。 对于那些感兴趣的人,我们在这里对更改进行了更深入的说明。

We’re going to use Chrome as the example here, but the process will be the same for any app you’d like to allow application installs from.


Note: Not all apps have this ability—it’s part of the code, and Android will only offer the option for apps that have the ability to download and install applications.


The option to allow sideloading apps can be found in a couple of different places, but the easiest way to handle it is from a “universal” setting that will show all apps that have this option available to them. Start by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the gear icon.

允许在侧面加载应用程序的选项可以在几个不同的地方找到,但是处理它的最简单方法是通过“通用”设置,该设置将显示所有具有此选项的应用程序。 首先拉下通知栏并点击齿轮图标。

From there, tap on “Apps & Notifications,” then expand the Advanced menu.


Choose “Special App Access.”


The bottom option here should be “Install Unknown Apps.” Tap this.

底部选项应为“安装未知应用程序”。 点击此。

All apps that have the option available to download and install applications will be listed here. Again, we’re using Chrome in this example, but you can select the app you’re trying to allow.

所有可以选择下载和安装应用程序的应用程序都将在此处列出。 同样,在此示例中,我们使用的是Chrome,但您可以选择要允许的应用。

Once you open the app’s options, a simple “Allow from this source” toggle needs to be ticked. Turn that on, and you’re done.

打开应用程序的选项后,需要勾选一个简单的“允许来自此来源”切换。 打开它,您就完成了。

如何在Android 7.0及更低版本上启用幻灯片加载 (How to Enabling Slideloading on Android 7.0 and Below)

  1. Go to Settings > Security转到设置>安全性
  2. Enable “Unknown Sources”启用“未知来源”
  3. Download the application’s APK file, and tap on it to install.下载应用程序的APK文件,然后点击以进行安装。

I know, that was a bit of a long-winded explanation, but it’s important. In all actuality, the process is super simple. Pull down the notification shade and tap the gear icon.

我知道,这是一个冗长的解释,但这很重要。 实际上,该过程非常简单。 下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标。

From there, scroll down and tap on Security.


Scroll down this page until you see “Unknown Sources.” That’s your setting—toggle it to on.

向下滚动此页面,直到看到“未知来源”。 这是您的设置-启用它。

A warning will pop up letting you know what you’re getting into. If you’re cool with that, tap OK.

将会弹出一个警告,让您知道您正在进入什么。 如果您对此很满意,请点击“确定”。

如何在所有版本的Android上侧面加载应用 (How to Sideload Apps on All Versions of Android)

Now you’re ready to sideload any app you want. All you need to do is find the APK and download it to your device—Chrome will usually offer a warning letting you know that this type of file can be harmful, just tap OK to accept that and start the download.

现在,您可以准备加载所需的任何应用程序。 您所需要做的就是找到APK,然后将其下载到设备上-Chrome通常会发出警告,告知您这种类型的文件可能有害,只需点击“确定”以接受并开始下载。

Once it’s finished, tap on the download notification to install the app. A popup will show up asking if you’d like to install it—just tap “install.” Let it do its thing and you’re done!

完成后,点击下载通知以安装应用程序。 将显示一个弹出窗口,询问您是否要安装它-只需点击“安装”。 让它做自己的事,您就完成了!




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