
Watching a video game commercial that only shows gameplay doesn’t come close to capturing the joy of actually playing the game. Even with recent AAA titles, there’s something hollow about watching an “actual game footage” ad. People are more likely to rely on reviews from trusted publications than 30-second TV spots.

w ^ atching视频游戏广告,只显示游戏不能接近拍摄的实际玩游戏的快乐。 即使拥有最近的AAA称号,观看“实际游戏画面”广告还是有些空洞的。 与30秒的电视广告相比,人们更有可能依赖可信赖出版物的评论。

Video game publishers know this. And they know they need to get creative. That might mean bending or even breaking the rules when it comes to marketing. Over the years, video game commercials emerged as a new field for advertising in general. There are countless examples where boundaries were pushed to almost unbelievable limits. And there are tons of weird ideas that never saw the light of day at all, having been left on the cutting room floor.

视频游戏发行商知道这一点。 他们知道他们需要发挥创造力。 这可能意味着弯腰甚至违反营销规则。 多年来,视频游戏广告逐渐成为一般广告的新领域。 有无数的例子将边界推到几乎不可思议的极限。 而且,有很多古怪的想法根本就没见过,而是留在了切割室的地板上。

Things were different in the early days, though.


Advertisers seemed unsure how to be translate the charms of this new medium into a thirty-second advert. More often than not, they decided to go weird. Sometimes deeply, bafflingly weird. It made these commercials all the more interesting to watch. The subject fascinated me so much that I decided to hunt through and explore all the video game TV commercials that were outright banned, and to make a list of those you won’t believe were actually greenlit.

广告商似乎不确定如何将这种新媒体的魅力转化为30秒的广告。 他们常常决定变得怪异。 有时很深, 令人困惑 。 这些广告变得更加有趣。 这个主题使我着迷,以至于我决定搜寻并探索所有被彻底禁止的视频游戏电视广告,并列出您不会相信的那些广告。

Apologies for the quality of some of these, a lot of them are 20-year old VCR recordings that have been uploaded to YouTube.


扫射 (Strafe)

’90s Style Trailer



An opera from the indie market and its vintage vein that is expressed with brutal force in the Strafe trailer.

一部歌剧 独立市场及其在Strafe预告片中以残酷的力量表现出来的复古风格。

The spot is very scary, not only for the melting face of the child but in particular for the desperate scream of the mother and the next part when she tries to pick up the pieces of the exploded head, an explicit reference to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

这个斑点非常可怕,不仅因为孩子的面Kong融化,而且尤其是因为母亲拼命的尖叫,以及母亲试图捡拾爆炸头碎片的下一部分,这是对约翰被暗杀的明显暗示。 F.肯尼迪。

的PlayStation (PlayStation)

Mental Wealth



Created in 1999 by Chris Cunningham, the Mental Wealth commercial is probably the most representative of a series of advertisements that combine the video game with suggestions created by famous directors.

由克里斯·坎宁安(Chris Cunningham)于1999年创建的《 心理财富》广告可能是一系列广告中最具代表性的广告,这些广告结合了视频游戏和著名导演的建议。

This type of campaign merged into a way of making cinematic video games that today is one of the pillars of the PlayStation offer.


The image of Mental Wealth, digitally deformed and accompanied by a motivational message that can only be vaguely traced back to the game, has remained in the collective imagination, highlighting how the power of the message is sometimes more important than the message itself.


超级马里奥世界2:吉西岛 (Super Mario World 2: Yoshi Island)

The Fat Guy



When this game came out, Nintendo bragged about how much content they crammed into the game.


To give you a little sense of what they meant, we were greeted by a fat guy chowing down on whatever food was in reach. As he eats, his stomach starts to enlarge; when he’s finally full he explodes and spews entrails everywhere.

为了让您对它们的含义有所了解,一个胖子向我们致敬,他们cho着食物。 当他吃饭时,他的胃开始变大。 当他终于吃饱的时候,他爆炸并随处喷出内脏

I told you it got weird.


的Xbox (Xbox)

Life Is Short



Life Is Short is a strange way to persuade people that they should spend more time sitting in front of their TV playing Xbox.


But the illogical slogan wasn’t the reason this Xbox commercial was banned in the UK.


The video shows the harrowing depiction of a baby shooting out of a woman in labor, crashing out the window, then rapidly aging all the way through to dotage in about 30 seconds before smashing into a coffin.


的Xbox (Xbox)




Even Xbox, although without completely detaching itself from the message linked to the game, has tried the path of copyright advertising and has done so in particular with two controversial commercials.


We know the first very well and it’s the one we have seen before, Life is Short, the second one is Mosquito, a spot that talks about the game starting from mosquitoes, a metaphor for us about how life becomes a horror made of blood, repeated rituals, and death when the fun is less.

我们非常了解第一个,这是我们之前所见的, Life is Short ,第二个是Mosquito ,一个从蚊子开始谈论游戏的地方,这是我们对生命如何变得鲜血恐怖的隐喻,反复的礼节,和死亡时的乐趣较少。

All represented with disturbing images that alternate with moments with an epic breath in what it is a small masterpiece of audio and video editing.


榨汁 (Juiced)




Juiced isn’t a particularly good or well-known game but it led to the creation of this utterly ridiculous commercial. Who thought it would be a good idea to have two young men undress a woman with their controllers?

《 Juiced》并不是一款特别优秀或知名的游戏,但它导致了这一荒唐可笑的商业广告的产生。 谁认为让两个年轻人用他们的控制者给女人脱衣服是个好主意?

The advert was widely criticized not only for appearing to objectify women but also for making a joke out of sexual assault.


生化危机4 (Resident Evil 4)

French Commercial



When you think of Resident Evil 4, you naturally think of a mother breastfeeding her newborn child. No?

当您想到《 生化危机4》时 ,您自然会想到一位母亲正在为新生婴儿母乳喂养。 没有?

Well, that’s what Capcom’s French ad agency came up with.


Although I have to admit that the scare works pretty well, it’s an utterly absurd commercial that got banned for being too disturbing.


的PlayStation 4 (PlayStation 4)

Perfect Day



In this spot, as with Mountain (further down this list), the apparent friction between the images and the soundtrack generates an explosive mix that celebrates the combination of spectacular violence and carefree fun that only the video game can bring.

在这个地方,就像Mountain (在此列表的后面)一样,图像和配乐之间的明显摩擦产生了爆炸性的混合,庆祝了只有视频游戏才能带来的壮观暴力和无忧无虑乐趣的结合。

使命召唤:现代战争2 (Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

Everyone is doing it!



We still fail to see why this commercial was banned, is a friendly old man informing the public that everyone is apparently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 while using absolutely no sexual innuendo at all.

我们仍然看不到为什么禁止该广告,是一个友好的老人,告诉公众,每个人显然都在玩《 使命召唤现代战争2》,而完全不使用任何性暗示。

顶旋4 (Top Spin 4)

Sexy Serena Williams



While Serena Williams is one of the most prolific athletes of all time, this ad agency took things a little too far with an overload of sultry curves and excessive moaning.

塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)是有史以来最多产的运动员之一,但这个广告代理商因闷热的曲线和过度的mo吟而使事情走得太远。

This commercial was too steamy for TV, which must have disappointed the publisher since Serena Williams doesn’t come cheap.


的PlayStation 2 (PlayStation 2)



In this video, you will not see a single video game or console in the whole thing, but they get the point across.


Weirdly, as successful as the clip itself was, the ad, touting the PS2’s crummy online capabilities, might have worked better if they’d held off for a few years and waited for the PS3/PS4.

奇怪的是,宣传PS2糟糕的在线功能的广告虽然像剪辑本身一样成功,但如果推迟了几年并等待PS3 / PS4,效果可能会更好。

Xbox 360 (Xbox 360)




This commercial, made for the launch of the Xbox 360, has had a weird second life on the internet.

这是为Xbox 360的发布而制作的商业广告,在互联网上已经有了怪异的第二人生。

Originally airing for preview events in the lead-up to the console’s release, the fact it never went on to appear on TV (or even online trailers) led many to speculate that it had been banned, when really Microsoft simply chose not to air it.

最初是在控制台发布前播放预览事件,但实际上它从未出现在电视(甚至在线预告片)上,这一事实使许多人猜测它已被禁止,而实际上微软只是选择不对其进行广播。 。

Meaning most people have seen this on YouTube years later, not as part of any actual, timely ad campaign.


Which is a shame, because in a field dominated by classic PlayStation commercials, it would have been nice seeing a little more public airtime for the best Xbox commercial ever made.


的Xbox (Xbox)




Microsoft’s ad agency was on a roll by making not one but two bang commercials for the original Xbox but apparently it’s illegal to advertise a product that doesn’t exist like the funbox in this commercial.


As for the commercial…it’s creepy as hell.


Devin Jacoviello. Devin Jacoviello 。

结论 (Conclusion)

We can go on and on with weird video game commercials for ages; it’s incredible to think that some people really thought these were great ideas. But I suppose their existence does demonstrate the old adage that “there’s no bad marketing/PR”. Of course, when an advertising agency flies too close to the sun (or in this case, media rules in various jurisdictions), there’s always the risk of commercials being banned.

我们可以继续使用古怪的视频游戏广告,而且有很长时间了。 令人难以置信的是,有人真的认为这是个好主意。 但是我想他们的存在确实表明了古老的格言:“没有不良的营销/公关”。 当然,当广告代理商的飞行距离太阳太近时(或者在这种情况下,媒体在各个司法管辖区统治),总是有被禁止刊登广告的风险。

Let me know in the comments if I missed some special cases — I might do a part two! Thanks for reading.

如果我错过了一些特殊情况,请在评论中告诉我-我可能要做第二部分! 谢谢阅读。

Jisun Han. 韩继孙 。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/the-most-controversial-gaming-commercials-of-all-the-time-1289588d3bf8




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