From Palo Alto to London, next month’s QCon London will feature four of Facebook’s finest engineers, joining another 100 speakers at this 4th annual event. The Facebook talks this year include:

  • Design in the face of scale and change. In the Design and Objects 2011 track, Nick Schrock talks about the internal programming abstractions Facebook developed to make their engineering organization more productive and less error-prone.
  • HTML5 @ Facebook - Part of the HTML "HTML5, the Platform" track, David Recordon explores the why and how behind Facebook's adoption of HTML5 technologies.
  • Scaling the Social Graph: Infrastructure at Facebook. Jason Sobel presents FB's infrastructure evolution from the early days of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP to our more recent contributions like HipHop for PHP.  This talk attracted half of the conference at the last QConSF, and is part of the architectures you've always wondered about track that also includes talks from Twitter, OnLive, and Visa.
  • HBase @ Facebook.  QCon features a NoSQL track including talks from, Nokia, and others. In this talk from Facebook, Kannan Muthukkaruppan talks about the use of HBase for Facebook Messages

QCon London is a practitioner-driven conference designed for team leads, architects and project management now in its 4th year. In addition to the Facebooks talks, QCon London features the following tracks:

  • Enterprise Agile Transformation - Teams, Learning, Contracts & Collaboration
  • Lean and Kanban: Learning Through Systems Thinking -  Kanban@BBC, Design Thinking,  Complexity vs. Lean, System Design
  • Building Systems with REST- REST@BestBuy, Hypermedia-driven apps & integration, REST in .NET
  • Architectures You've Always Wondered About - Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, OnLive, Visa
  • When Things Break -  "Let it crash", operating during Failure, Continuous Deployment, Unreliable Components
  • Software Architecture Improvements - Architecture Refactoring, Re-engingeering, Erosion, Arch Assessment
  • Design and Objects 2011 - OO@Facebook, OO@Government, Onion Design, OO in Java, Event-driven design
  • Next-Generation Financial Technology - Futures Trade Flow, Millisecond latencies @ Linear Scale, CEP, and more
  • NoSQL: Where and How - HBase@Facebook,, and more NoSQL
  • Software Craftsmanship - Craftsmanship & Engineering, Deliberate Practice, Leadership, Quality, Learning
  • Functional Web - Node.JS, Haskell, Webmachine, Clojure, Conversational Web
  • HTML5, the Platform - HTML5@Facebook, WebSockets, Mobile, Secure browser OO
  • Future of Java - JVM Languages, Java EE, Spring, OSGi, Virtualization & Cloud, GC
  • .NET State of the Art - Azure, Rx Async Programming, Code Contracts, Reflection
  • iOS4 and Android - Advanced iOS4 and Android stuff

Registration this year is currently more than double the same time last year, meaning we may reach a sold-out situation like QConSan Francisco did in November. You can get in by reserving your seat now saving £135 by Feb 18th.

Last years' QCon London drew over 650 people despite the economic downturn. There were thousands of tweets and hundreds of blogs written by attendees - see Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon London 2010 for a feel!  QConferences occurs annually in London , San Francisco, Beijing, Sao Paolo, and Tokyo.


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