











public class LruCache<T, Y> {private final LinkedHashMap<T, Y> cache = new LinkedHashMap<>(100, 0.75f, true);private final int initialMaxSize;private int maxSize;private int currentSize = 0;/*** Constructor for LruCache.** @param size The maximum size of the cache, the units must match the units used in {@link*             #getSize(Object)}.*/public LruCache(int size) {this.initialMaxSize = size;this.maxSize = size;}/*** Sets a size multiplier that will be applied to the size provided in the constructor to put the* new size of the cache. If the new size is less than the current size, entries will be evicted* until the current size is less than or equal to the new size.** @param multiplier The multiplier to apply.*/public synchronized void setSizeMultiplier(float multiplier) {if (multiplier < 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiplier must be >= 0");}maxSize = Math.round(initialMaxSize * multiplier);evict();}/*** Returns the size of a given item, defaulting to one. The units must match those used in the* size passed in to the constructor. Subclasses can override this method to return sizes in* various units, usually bytes.** @param item The item to get the size of.*/protected int getSize(Y item) {return 1;}/*** A callback called whenever an item is evicted from the cache. Subclasses can override.** @param key  The key of the evicted item.* @param item The evicted item.*/protected void onItemEvicted(T key, Y item) {// optional override}/*** Returns the current maximum size of the cache in bytes.*/public synchronized int getMaxSize() {return maxSize;}/*** Returns the sum of the sizes of all items in the cache.*/public synchronized int getCurrentSize() {return currentSize;}/*** Returns true if there is a value for the given key in the cache.** @param key The key to check.*/public synchronized boolean contains(T key) {return cache.containsKey(key);}/*** Returns the item in the cache for the given key or null if no such item exists.** @param key The key to check.*/@Nullablepublic synchronized Y get(T key) {return cache.get(key);}/*** Adds the given item to the cache with the given key and returns any previous entry for the* given key that may have already been in the cache.** <p> If the size of the item is larger than the total cache size, the item will not be added to* the cache and instead {@link #onItemEvicted(Object, Object)} will be called synchronously with* the given key and item. </p>** @param key  The key to add the item at.* @param item The item to add.*/public synchronized Y put(T key, Y item) {final int itemSize = getSize(item);if (itemSize >= maxSize) {onItemEvicted(key, item);return null;}final Y result = cache.put(key, item);if (item != null) {currentSize += getSize(item);}if (result != null) {// TODO: should we call onItemEvicted here?currentSize -= getSize(result);}evict();return result;}/*** Removes the item at the given key and returns the removed item if present, and null otherwise.** @param key The key to remove the item at.*/@Nullablepublic synchronized Y remove(T key) {final Y value = cache.remove(key);if (value != null) {currentSize -= getSize(value);}return value;}/*** Clears all items in the cache.*/public void clearMemory() {trimToSize(0);}/*** Removes the least recently used items from the cache until the current size is less than the* given size.** @param size The size the cache should be less than.*/protected synchronized void trimToSize(int size) {Map.Entry<T, Y> last;while (currentSize > size) {last = cache.entrySet().iterator().next();final Y toRemove = last.getValue();currentSize -= getSize(toRemove);final T key = last.getKey();cache.remove(key);onItemEvicted(key, toRemove);}}private void evict() {trimToSize(maxSize);}

LruCache采用的集合是LinkedHashMap,这个集合是HashMap的基础上增加了 数据链表的功能,可以看到下面这个构造函数,第一个是初始容量100, 第二个是碰撞因子0.75(即真实容量到达总容量的75%就开始扩容),第三个是链表顺序是否按访问顺序,关于这个容器的代码分析我们放在下一篇文章,在这里我们只需要知道这个集合能记录到你访问数据的次序,最近的访问的会放在链表的前面

 private final LinkedHashMap<T, Y> cache = new LinkedHashMap<>(100, 0.75f, true);

initialMaxSize:初始大小,maxSize:最大,currentSize:当前 三个成员变量,创建时this.initialMaxSize 和this.maxSize 一样。 注意setSizeMultiplier函数的作用是传入一个变化乘数,改变当前的最大容量

 private final int initialMaxSize;private int maxSize;private int currentSize = 0;public LruCache(int size) {this.initialMaxSize = size;this.maxSize = size;}public synchronized void setSizeMultiplier(float multiplier) {if (multiplier < 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiplier must be >= 0");}maxSize = Math.round(initialMaxSize * multiplier);evict();}


protected synchronized void trimToSize(int size) {Map.Entry<T, Y> last;while (currentSize > size) {last = cache.entrySet().iterator().next();final Y toRemove = last.getValue();currentSize -= getSize(toRemove);final T key = last.getKey();cache.remove(key);onItemEvicted(key, toRemove);}}private void evict() {trimToSize(maxSize);}

获取item的大小,默认现在是1 。比如要实现一个Bitmap 缓存是需要返回大小的,缓存的大小是取决于所有bitmap的总大小和,而不是总个数

protected int getSize(Y item) {return 1;

一个清除元素发生的回调,让LruCache 的继承者选择自己做要的事

  protected void onItemEvicted(T key, Y item) {// optional override}


  public synchronized int getMaxSize() {return maxSize;}public synchronized int getCurrentSize() {return currentSize;}public synchronized boolean contains(T key) {return cache.containsKey(key);}@Nullablepublic synchronized Y get(T key) {return cache.get(key);}

put操作,首先获取待加入的item 大小,如果大于缓存最大容量,就不放进去,直接调用onItemEvicte. 小于缓存最大容量,执行放入,item不为空,更新缓存当前大小。 执行放入的结果result就是说如果之前在容器内key存在,会执行替换value的操作,这时候result!=null,需要把替换出来的item的大小减去, 作者弄了个//TODO,不知道这里是否加上onItemEvicted 的回调,个人感觉应该加上,毕竟数据被清除缓存了,通知下,怎么处理交给继承者。 最后 evict(),因为单个待处理的item大小小于缓存最大容量,但是加入后,有可能超出,这里加个维护容量的代码

  public synchronized Y put(T key, Y item) {final int itemSize = getSize(item);if (itemSize >= maxSize) {onItemEvicted(key, item);return null;}final Y result = cache.put(key, item);if (item != null) {currentSize += getSize(item);}if (result != null) {// TODO: should we call onItemEvicted here?currentSize -= getSize(result);}evict();return result;}


 public synchronized Y remove(T key) {final Y value = cache.remove(key);if (value != null) {currentSize -= getSize(value);}return value;}


  public void clearMemory() {trimToSize(0);}






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