
According to Sensor Tower Store Intelligence, Pokémon Go made $894 million in 2019, which was more than the earnings of $832 million when Pokémon GO took the world in 2016. It’s really rear for a free-to-play game to make more money at a later year after launch, as most fail to keep players’ interests over time.

根据Sensor Tower Store Intelligence的数据,《PokémonGo》在2019年的收入为8.94亿美元,比《PokémonGO》在2016年获得世界冠军时的8.32亿美元的收入还多。免费游戏的真正靠后方是可以在在推出后的第二年,大多数人都无法随着时间的推移保持玩家的兴趣。

In 2017, Pokémon GO made $589 million, still a hefty amount but much lower compared to the previous year. This may be attributed to issues such as hardcore players trespassing and causing accidents. The game recovered in 2018, making $816 million, before marking its best year ever in 2019.

2017年,《 PokémonGO》的收入为5.89亿美元,虽然仍然很高,但与前一年相比要低得多。 这可能归因于诸如铁杆玩家闯入并导致事故的问题。 这款游戏在2018年实现了有史以来最好的一年,并于2018年恢复了收入,达到8.16亿美元。

These numbers are so impressive for a pioneering company that we have no choice but to ask ourselves who Niantic Labs really are and how they came up with the formula for global success. Because despite what many believe, including investors, the augmented reality game that has turned the world upside down was not born in Nintendo, but arose as a project of another company much more popular worldwide.

这些数字对于一家开创性的公司而言是如此令人印象深刻,我们别无选择,只能问自己Niantic Labs的真实身份,以及他们如何提出全球成功的秘诀。 因为尽管有包括投资者在内的许多人相信,但颠覆世界的增强现实游戏并非诞生于任天堂,而是作为另一家在世界范围内更受欢迎的公司的项目而诞生的。

您是谁的Niantic实验室? (Who Are You Niantic Labs?)

NIA Horizontal. Source: Niantic.
NIA水平。 资料来源:Niantic。

You might think that Pokémon Go was born on the very streets of Japan, where the first Pokemon video game for Game Boy Color was initially released in 1996. But actually this video game was developed on the streets of San Francisco, California, at the hands of the Niantic Labs company.

您可能会认为《PokémonGo》诞生于日本的街头,1996年首次发行了《 Game Boy Color》的第一个《 Pokemon》电子游戏。但实际上,这款电子游戏是在加利福尼亚州旧金山的街头开发的。 Niantic Labs公司的产品。

Niantic Labs is a startup conceived within Google and formed by John Hanke, an entrepreneur who came to the technology company when it acquired its previous startup, Keyhole, in 2004. Hanke invented this operation called Keyhole, which is a geospatial data visualization technology, which according to Soshana Zuboff, was bested by the CIA, and later purchased by Google and called Google Earth. So…yeah, Niantic Labs is Google and Keyhole is now Google Earth.

Niantic Labs是由Google构思的初创公司,由约翰·汉克(John Hanke)创办。约翰·汉克(John Hanke)于2004年收购了前一家创业公司Keyhole时加入了这家技术公司。汉科(Hanke)发明了称为Keyhole的这项操作,这是一种地理空间数据可视化技术,根据Soshana Zuboff的说法,它曾被CIA击败,后来被Google收购,并称为Google Earth。 所以…是的,Niantic Labs是Google,而Keyhole现在是Google Earth。

As part of Google, Hanke launched the Niantic Labs project in 2012 with the intention of creating video games that use Google Maps. His first game, Field Trip, shows people finding interesting things within their community. However, it was Ingress, their second game, that gave Niantic Labs worldwide recognition and that laid the foundation for Pokémon Go.

作为Google的一部分,Hanke于2012年启动了Niantic Labs项目,旨在创建使用Google Maps的视频游戏。 他的第一个游戏“实地考察”向人们展示了在社区中发现有趣的事物的过程。 但是,正是他们的第二款游戏Ingress令Niantic Labs获得了全世界的认可,并为《神奇宝贝Go》打下了基础。

Pokémon Go was developed inside Google for many years but when they decided to bring it to the public, they didn’t want to bring it as a Google game. That’s why they launched in the name of Niantic Labs, which by the way, no one had ever heard of it before.

PokémonGo在Google内部开发了很多年,但是当他们决定将其发布给公众时,他们并不想将其作为Google游戏发布。 这就是为什么他们以Niantic Labs的名义推出的原因,顺便说一句,以前没人听说过。

愚人节的一个玩笑……或者也许根本不是一个玩笑 (A Joke on April Fool’s Day…or Maybe Was Not a Joke At All)


Pokémon April Fool’s Day. Source: Youtube
神奇宝贝愚人节。 资料来源:Youtube

Google made a joke on April Fool’s Day that ended up getting serious. In a video posted on YouTube, the company announced that it was launching a game to hunt pokémon using its Google Maps application.

Google在愚人节开了个玩笑,但后来变得越来越严重。 在YouTube上发布的视频中,该公司宣布将推出一款使用其Google Maps应用程序狩猎神奇宝贝的游戏。

Niantic was inspired by the occurrence of Google to work on a new augmented reality project, a field still under exploration that involves superimposing digital elements on images of houses, offices, streets, parks, and other real-life scenarios.


Back in 2016 emerge this Google augmented reality game and it turns out that the big game that the children are playing around the globe, is a game that precisely emulates the logic of Surveillance Capitalism.


Surveillance capitalism refers to an economic system centred around the commodification of personal data with the core purpose of profit-making. Since personal data can be commodified it has become one of the most valuable resources on earth. The concept of surveillance capitalism, according to Shoshana Zuboff, arose as advertising companies, led by Google’s AdWords, saw the possibilities of using personal data to target consumers more precisely.

监视资本主义是指以个人数据商品化为核心,以牟利为核心的经济体制。 由于个人数据可以被修改,因此它已成为地球上最有价值的资源之一。 Shoshana Zuboff认为,监视资本主义的概念是由Google的AdWords领导的广告公司提出的,它看到了使用个人数据更精确地定位消费者的可能性。

监视资本主义 (Surveillance Capitalism)

In Virtual Surveillance Capitalism, the click-through rate is predicted and sold to advertisers who pay to get clicks on their website in order for people to become customers and buy their products.


Players connect in the hunt for virtual monsters. Source: WSJ
玩家连接寻找虚拟怪物。 资料来源:《华尔街日报》

How does it work in the real world? In the case of Pokémon Go, the companies paid Niantic Labs for something called “footfall.” The main objective is for people to physically enter real establishments and to walk through the store, restaurant, or a bar in order to buy or consume something. They made this experimentation with what they called the “Pokémon Go Festival”.

它在现实世界中如何运作? 在《PokémonGo》中,这些公司向Niantic Labs支付了所谓的“脚步费”。 人们的主要目标是亲自进入真实的场所,并穿过商店,饭店或酒吧,以购买或消费某种东西。 他们以所谓的“神奇宝贝围棋节”进行了实验。

They gathered around hundreds and hundreds of people in different parks around the world in order to capture different kinds of Pokémon and the main reward is that they would get exclusives Pokémons that you probably couldn’t get easily on regular streets or in a daily basis.


So…Footfall is dedicated to the collection of data in the store, such as customer count, hot and cold areas, the impact of promotions, and some other things. Once the information has been collected and thanks to retail analytics systems, a virtual map of the store is made and the traffic of people through the same store is analyzed. The first step is to count people, then the type of client that enters is analyzed: gender, socioeconomic level, loyal or new clients.

因此,... Footfall致力于收集商店中的数据,例如客户数量,热区和冷区,促销的影响等。 一旦收集了信息并借助零售分析系统,就可以制作商店的虚拟地图,并分析通过同一商店的人员流量。 第一步是计算人数,然后分析进入的客户类型:性别,社会经济水平,忠诚或新客户。

行动经济 (The Economy of Action)


And big companies like McDonald's and Starbucks we’re making money and the people playing the game had no idea. According to Soshana Zuboff all establishments they’re buying something called “lure modules”. As the name says, they use modules to lure people to you, so they will come and spend money in your store or your restaurant. They just don’t care about your happiness and satisfaction, they want you to consume.

像麦当劳和星巴克这样的大公司,我们都在赚钱,而玩游戏的人根本不知道。 根据Soshana Zuboff的说法,所有机构都购买了“诱饵模块”。 顾名思义,他们使用模块吸引人们,因此他们会来您的商店或餐厅消费。 他们只是不在乎您的幸福和满足,他们要您消费。

To guide users around the city they use reward and penalty systems associated with the activation of dopamine in your brain, remember that this is the hormone related to motivation and pleasure, and Niantic makes users walk and enter the establishments that have paid for your body to get the reward.


So now Google’s data prediction guarantee companies that people are actually going to be there, in your store, restaurant, or bar. Pokémon Go was a large-scale experiment in the economies of action, using remote control means to automate behavior and engineer behavior to fulfill other commercial ends while you’re playing the game, and no one will notice or will complain, and no one will ask questions because you’re so busy being entertained. And that is the real Pokémon game.

因此,现在Google的数据预测功能可确保公司确实有人在您的商店,餐厅或酒吧里。 《PokémonGo》是一项关于动作经济的大型实验,在您玩游戏时使用远程控制手段使行为和工程师行为自动化以实现其他商业目的,没有人会注意到或抱怨,也没人会问问题,因为您正忙于娱乐。 那才是真正的神奇宝贝游戏。

Read more Medium Stories.


翻译自: https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/the-secret-behind-pokémon-gos-wild-success-affa722d9c7d




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