
Prophet is a forecasting model by Facebook that forecasts time series using special adjustments for factors such as seasonality, holiday periods, and changepoints.


Let’s investigate this further by building a Prophet model to forecast air passenger numbers.


背景 (Background)

The dataset is sourced from the San Francisco International Airport Report on Monthly Passenger Traffic Statistics by Airline, which is available from data.world (Original Source: San Francisco Open Data) as indicated in the References section below.

该数据集来自《 旧金山国际机场每月航空客运量统计报告》 ,该报告可从data.world(原始来源:旧金山开放数据)获得,如以下“参考”部分所述。

Specifically, adjusted passenger numbers for the airline KLM (enplaned) are filtered as the time series for analysis from the period May 2005 to March 2016.

具体来说,将筛选出荷航 (预定)的已调整乘客人数,作为从2005年5月到2016年3月的时间序列进行分析。

Source: Jupyter Notebook Output
资料来源:Jupyter Notebook输出

As we can see, the time series shows quite a stationary pattern (one where there is a constant mean, variance and autocorrelation.


We will not formally test for this condition here, but it is also evident that there appears to be significant seasonality present in the dataset — i.e. significant shifts in the time series trend that occur at certain time intervals.


From a visual inspection of the time series, it would appear that this shift happens approximately every eight months or so.


建筑模型 (Model Building)

With that in mind, let’s get started on building a forecasting model.


The first step is to properly format the data in order to work with Prophet.


train_dataset= pd.DataFrame()train_dataset['ds'] = train_df['Date']train_dataset['y']= train_df['Adjusted Passenger Count']train_dataset.head(115)
Source: Jupyter Notebook Output
资料来源:Jupyter Notebook输出

Here is the dataframe that will be used as the test set (the part of the time series we are trying to predict), with the time interval defined as monthly:


future= prophet_basic.make_future_dataframe(periods=14, freq='M')future.tail(15)
Source: Jupyter Notebook Output
资料来源:Jupyter Notebook输出

We firstly define a model as follows:


prophet_basic = Prophet()prophet_basic.fit(train_dataset)

Here is a plot of the forecast:


forecast=prophet_basic.predict(future)fig1 =prophet_basic.plot(forecast)
Source: Jupyter Notebook Output
资料来源:Jupyter Notebook输出

Here are the components of the forecast:


fig1 = prophet_basic.plot_components(forecast)

Some observations:


  • We can see that there is a significant growth in the trend from 2007 up until 2009, with passenger numbers levelling off after that.我们可以看到,从2007年到2009年,这一趋势有了显着增长,此后旅客人数趋于稳定。
  • We also observe that passenger numbers appear to be highest from approximately May — September, after which we see a dip in numbers for the rest of the year.我们还观察到,大约5月至9月的旅客人数似乎最高,此后,其余年份的旅客人数均出现下降。

Note that we observed visually that seasonality appears to be present in the dataset. However, given that we are working with a monthly dataset — we will not use Prophet to explicitly model seasonality in this instance.

请注意,我们从视觉上观察到数据集中似乎存在季节性。 但是,鉴于我们正在使用每月数据集-在这种情况下,我们将不会使用Prophet显式模拟季节性。

There are two reasons for this:


  1. Detection of seasonality would be more accurate if we were using daily data — but we are not in this case.如果我们使用每日数据,则季节性的检测将更加准确-但在这种情况下我们不这样做。
  2. Making an assumption of yearly seasonality may not be particularly accurate in this case. Inspecting the dataset shows that while certain seasonal shifts occur every year, others occur every 6 to 8 months. Therefore, explicitly defining a seasonality parameter in the model may do more harm than good in this instance.在这种情况下,假设年度季节性可能不是特别准确。 检查数据集可以发现,尽管每年发生某些季节性变化,但每6至8个月发生一次。 因此,在这种情况下,在模型中明确定义季节性参数可能弊大于利。

变更点 (Changepoints)

A changepoint represents a significant structural shift in a time series.


For instance, the big drop in air passenger numbers after the onset of COVID-19 would represent a significant structural shift in the data.


For instance, here is the indicated changepoints on the model when the appropriate parameter is set to 4.


pro_change= Prophet(n_changepoints=4)forecast = pro_change.fit(train_dataset).predict(future)fig= pro_change.plot(forecast);a = add_changepoints_to_plot(fig.gca(), pro_change, forecast)
Source: Jupyter Notebook Output
资料来源:Jupyter Notebook输出

We see that the significant changepoint as indicated in the model lies between 2007–2009.


What is interesting is that while passenger numbers did see a significant decline for 2009 — numbers were still higher on average for this period than for 2005–2007, indicating that the overall demand for air travel (for KLM flights from San Francisco at least) actually grew towards the end of the decade.


模型验证 (Model Validation)

Now that the forecasting model has been built, the predicted passenger numbers are compared to the test set in order to determine model accuracy.


With the changepoint set to 4, we obtain the following error metrics:

将changepoint设置为4 ,我们获得以下错误度量:

  • Root Mean Squared Error: 524均方根误差:524
  • Mean Forecast Error: 71平均预测误差:71
Source: Jupyter Notebook Output
资料来源:Jupyter Notebook输出

With a mean of 8,799 passengers per month — the errors are quite low in comparison to this figure — indicating that the model is performing well in forecasting monthly passenger numbers.


However, it is important to note that the model accuracy is significantly influenced by the changepoint parameter.


Let’s see what happens to the RMSE when the changepoints are modified.


Source: Author’s Calculations

We can see that the RMSE drops quite dramatically as more changepoints are introduced — but the RMSE is minimised at 4 changepoints.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this example, you have seen:


  • How Prophet can be used to make time series forecasts如何使用先知来进行时间序列预测
  • How to analyse trends and seasonal fluctuations using Prophet如何使用先知分析趋势和季节性波动
  • The importance of changepoints in determining model accuracy变更点在确定模型准确性中的重要性

Hope you found this of use, and grateful for any thoughts or feedback!


You can access the code and datasets for this example at the MGCodesandStats repository as indicated below.


Disclaimer: This article is written on an “as is” basis and without warranty. It was written with the intention of providing an overview of data science concepts, and should not be interpreted as professional advice in any way.

免责声明:本文按“原样”撰写,不作任何担保。 它旨在提供数据科学概念的概述,并且不应以任何方式解释为专业建议。

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/time-series-analysis-with-prophet-air-passenger-data-6f29c7989681




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