

注:配置文件必须为unix格式,即\n结尾*/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdint.h>// 结构体
struct hostapd_config
{char iface[16];uint16_t beacon_int;uint8_t channel;char country[3]; /* first two octets: country code as described in* ISO/IEC 3166-1. Third octet:* ' ' (ascii 32): all environments* 'O': Outdoor environemnt only* 'I': Indoor environment only*/
};// 默认值
struct hostapd_config * config_defaults(void)
{struct hostapd_config *conf = NULL;conf = (struct hostapd_config *)calloc(1, sizeof(*conf));if (conf == NULL){return NULL;}// set default valueconf->beacon_int = 100;conf->channel = 1;return conf;
}// 根据读取到的信息填充结构体
static int config_defaults(struct hostapd_config *conf, const char *buf, char *pos, int line)
{if (strcmp(buf, "interface") == 0){strncpy(conf->iface, pos, sizeof(conf->iface));}else if (strcmp(buf, "channel") == 0){int val = atoi(pos);conf->channel = val;}else if (strcmp(buf, "beacon_int") == 0){int val = atoi(pos);conf->beacon_int = val;}else if (strcmp(buf, "country_code") == 0){memcpy(conf->country, pos, 2);conf->country[2] = ' ';}// more ...return 0;
// 读配置文件
struct hostapd_config* config_read(const char *fname)
{struct hostapd_config *conf = NULL;FILE *f = NULL;char buf[1024] = {0};char *pos = NULL;int line = 0;int errors = 0;f = fopen(fname, "r");if (f == NULL){printf("Could not open configuration file '%s' for reading.\n", fname);return NULL;}conf = config_defaults();if (conf == NULL){fclose(f);return NULL;}while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)){line++;if (buf[0] == '#')continue;pos = buf;while (*pos != '\0'){if (*pos == '\n'){*pos = '\0';break;}pos++;}if (buf[0] == '\0')continue;pos = strchr(buf, '=');if (pos == NULL) {printf("Line %d: invalid line '%s'\n", line, buf);errors++;continue;}*pos = '\0';pos++;errors += config_defaults(conf, buf, pos, line);}fclose(f);return conf;
}/int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{const char* conf_file = "foo.conf";if (argc == 2){conf_file = argv[1];}struct hostapd_config *conf = NULL;conf = config_read(conf_file);if (conf == NULL){printf("failed to read file: %s\n", conf_file);return -1;}printf("%d %s %s\n", conf->channel, conf->country, conf->iface);return 0;

李迟 2016.8.21 周日

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