
准确率(Accuracy) | 查准率(Precision) | 查全率(Recall)

最后采用方案:   *****   *****   *****   *****源代码

from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve,auc
from scipy import interpolate#pos_label=1 将0,1中的1视为正样本
fpr,tpr,thresh = roc_curve(labels, scores, pos_label=1)
fpr95 = float(interpolate.interp1d(tpr, fpr)(0.95))
print('FPR95:', fpr95)
print(auc(fpr, tpr))
return fpr95



import operator
import numpy as np
def ErrorRateAt95Recall(labels, scores):recall_point = 0.95# Sort label-score tuples by the score in descending order.temp = zip(labels, scores)#operator.itemgetter(1)按照第二个元素的次序对元组进行排序,reverse=True是逆序,即按照从大到小的顺序排列#sorted_scores.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)sorted_scores = sorted(temp, key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)# Compute error rate# n_match表示测试集正样本数目n_match = sum(1 for x in sorted_scores if x[0] == 1)n_thresh = recall_point * n_matchtp = 0count = 0for label, score in sorted_scores:count += 1if label == 1:tp += 1if tp >= n_thresh:breakreturn float(count - tp) / count

而论文Learning to Compare Image Patches via Convolutional Neural Networks在代码:中有不同表示方法




function [tpr,fpr,thresholds] = roc(targets,outputs)
%ROC Receiver operating characteristic.
%  The receiver operating characteristic is a metric used to check the
%  quality of classifiers. For each class of a classifier, threshold values
%  across the interval [0,1] are applied to outputs. For each threshold,
%  two values are calculated, the True Positive Ratio (the proportion of
%  the targets that are greater than or equal to the threshold that
%  actually have a target value of one), and the False Positive Ratio (the
%  proportion of the targets that are greater than or equal to the
%  threshold that actually have a target value of zero).
%  For single class problems, [TPR,FPR,TH] = <a href="matlab:doc roc">roc</a>(T,Y) takes
%  a 1xQ target matrix T, where each element is either 1 or 0 indicating
%  class membership or non-menbership respectively, and 1xQ outputs Y of
%  values in the range [0,1].
%  It returns three 1xQ vectors: the true-positive/positive ratios TPR,
%  the false-positive/negative ratios FPR, and the thresholds associated
%  with each of those values TH.
%  For multi-class problems [TPR,FPR,TH] = <a href="matlab:doc roc">roc</a>(T,Y) takes
%  an SxQ target matrix T, where each column contains a single 1 value,
%  with all other elements 0. The row index of each 1 indicates which of S
%  categories that vector represents. It also takes an SxQ output matrix Y,
%  with values in the range [0,1]. The row indices of the largest elements in
%  each column of Y indicate the most likely class.
%  In the multi-class case, all three values returned are 1xS cell arrays,
%  so that TPR{i}, FPR{i} and TH{i} are the ratios and thresholds for the
%  ith class.
%  <a href="matlab:doc roc">roc</a>(T,Y) can also take a boolean row vector T, and row vector Y, in
%  which case two categories are represented by targets 1 and 0.
%  Here a network is trained to recognize iris flowers the ROC is
%  calculated and plotted.
%    [x,t] = <a href="matlab:doc iris_dataset">iris_dataset</a>;
%    net = <a href="matlab:doc patternnet">patternnet</a>(10);
%    net = <a href="matlab:doc train">train</a>(net,x,t);
%    y = net(x);
%    [tpr,fpr,th] = <a href="matlab:doc roc">roc</a>(t,y)
%    <a href="matlab:doc plotroc">plotroc</a>(t,y)
%  See also PLOTROC, CONFUSION% Copyright 2007-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.nnassert.minargs(nargin,2);
targets ='format',targets,'Targets');
outputs ='format',outputs,'Outputs');
% TOTO - nnassert_samesize({targets,outputs},{'Targets','Outputs'});
if size(targets,1) > 1warning(message('nnet:roc:Arguments'));
targets = [targets{1,:}];
outputs = [outputs{1,:}];
numClasses = size(targets,1);known = find(~isnan(sum(targets,1)));
targets = targets(:,known);
outputs = outputs(:,known);if (numClasses == 1)targets = [targets; 1-targets];outputs = [outputs; 1-outputs-eps*(outputs==0.5)];[tpr,fpr,thresholds] = roc(targets,outputs);tpr = tpr{1};fpr = fpr{1};thresholds = thresholds{1};return;
endfpr = cell(1,numClasses);
tpr = cell(1,numClasses);
thresholds = cell(1,numClasses);for i=1:numClasses[tpr{i},fpr{i},thresholds{i}] = roc_one(targets(i,:),outputs(i,:));
function [tpr,fpr,thresholds] = roc_one(targets,outputs)numSamples = length(targets);
numPositiveTargets = sum(targets);
numNegativeTargets = numSamples-numPositiveTargets;thresholds = unique([0 outputs 1]);
numThresholds = length(thresholds);sortedPosTargetOutputs = sort(outputs(targets == 1));
numPosTargetOutputs = length(sortedPosTargetOutputs);
sortedNegTargetOutputs = sort(outputs(targets == 0));
numNegTargetOutputs = length(sortedNegTargetOutputs);fpcount = zeros(1,numThresholds);
tpcount = zeros(1,numThresholds);posInd = 1;
negInd = 1;
for i=1:numThresholdsthreshold = thresholds(i);while (posInd <= numPosTargetOutputs) && (sortedPosTargetOutputs(posInd) <= threshold)posInd = posInd + 1;endtpcount(i) = numPosTargetOutputs + 1 - posInd;while (negInd <= numNegTargetOutputs) && (sortedNegTargetOutputs(negInd) <= threshold)negInd = negInd + 1;endfpcount(i) = numNegTargetOutputs + 1 - negInd;
endtpr = fliplr(tpcount) ./ max(1,numPositiveTargets);
fpr = fliplr(fpcount) ./ max(1,numNegativeTargets);
thresholds = fliplr(thresholds);


from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve,auc
fpr,tpr,thresh = roc_curve(labels,scores)中使用的lua代码:

local tnt = require 'torchnet.env'
local argcheck = require 'argcheck'local FPR95Meter = torch.class('tnt.FPR95Meter', 'tnt.Meter', tnt)FPR95Meter.__init = argcheck{doc = [[Compute false positive rate at 95%For more information see]],{name="self", type="tnt.FPR95Meter"},call = function(self)self:reset()end}FPR95Meter.reset = argcheck{{name="self", type="tnt.FPR95Meter"},call = function(self)self.targets = {}self.outputs = {}self.tpr, self.fpr = nilend
}FPR95Meter.add = argcheck{{name="self", type="tnt.FPR95Meter"},{name="output", type="torch.*Tensor"},{name="target", type="torch.*Tensor"}, call = function(self, output, target)if output:numel() ~= 1 then output = output:squeeze() endif target:numel() ~= 1 then target = target:squeeze() endtable.insert(self.targets, target:float())table.insert(self.outputs, output:float())end
} local roc = function(targets, outputs)local L,I = torch.sort(outputs, 1, true)local labels = targets:index(1,I)local TPR = torch.cumsum(labels:gt(0):float()) / labels:gt(0):float():sum()local FPR = torch.cumsum(labels:lt(0):float()) / labels:lt(0):float():sum()return TPR, FPR
endFPR95Meter.value = argcheck{{name="self", type="tnt.FPR95Meter"},{name="t", type="number", opt=true},call = function(self, t)local targets = outputs =, self.fpr = roc(targets, outputs)local _,k = (self.tpr -0.95):abs():min(1)local FPR95 = self.fpr[k[1]]return FPR95end


from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve,auc
from scipy import interpolate#pos_label=1 将0,1中的1视为正样本
fpr,tpr,thresh = roc_curve(labels, scores, pos_label=1)
fpr95 = float(interpolate.interp1d(tpr, fpr)(0.95))
print('FPR95:', fpr95)
return fpr95
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import argparse
from functools import partial
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.serialization import load_lua
from torchnet.dataset import ListDataset, ConcatDataset
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.functional as F
from sklearn import metrics
from scipy import interpolate
from torch.backends import cudnn
cudnn.benchmark = Trueparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DeepCompare PyTorch evaluation code')parser.add_argument('--model', default='2ch', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--lua_model', default='', type=str, required=True)
parser.add_argument('--nthread', default=4, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--gpu_id', default='0', type=str)parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=256, type=int)
parser.add_argument('--test_set', default='liberty', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--test_matches', default='m50_100000_100000_0.txt', type=str)def get_iterator(dataset, batch_size, nthread):def get_list_dataset(pair_type):ds = ListDataset(elem_list=dataset[pair_type],load=lambda idx: {'input': np.stack((dataset['patches'][v].astype(np.float32)- dataset['mean'][v]) / 256.0 for v in idx),'target': 1 if pair_type == 'matches' else -1})ds = ds.transform({'input': torch.from_numpy, 'target': lambda x: torch.LongTensor([x])})return ds.batch(policy='include-last', batchsize=batch_size // 2)concat = ConcatDataset([get_list_dataset('matches'),get_list_dataset('nonmatches')])return concat.parallel(batch_size=2, shuffle=False, num_workers=nthread)def conv2d(input, params, base, stride=1, padding=0):return F.conv2d(input, params[base + '.weight'], params[base + '.bias'],stride, padding)def linear(input, params, base):return F.linear(input, params[base + '.weight'], params[base + '.bias'])#####################   2ch   #####################def deepcompare_2ch(input, params):o = conv2d(input, params, 'conv0', stride=3)o = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(o), 2, 2)o = conv2d(o, params, 'conv1')o = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(o), 2, 2)o = conv2d(o, params, 'conv2')o = F.relu(o).view(o.size(0), -1)return linear(o, params, 'fc')#####################   2ch2stream   #####################def deepcompare_2ch2stream(input, params):def stream(input, name):o = conv2d(input, params, name + '.conv0')o = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(o), 2, 2)o = conv2d(o, params, name + '.conv1')o = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(o), 2, 2)o = conv2d(o, params, name + '.conv2')o = F.relu(o)o = conv2d(o, params, name + '.conv3')o = F.relu(o)return o.view(o.size(0), -1)o_fovea = stream(F.avg_pool2d(input, 2, 2), 'fovea')o_retina = stream(F.pad(input, (-16,) * 4), 'retina')o = linear([o_fovea, o_retina], dim=1), params, 'fc0')return linear(F.relu(o), params, 'fc1')#####################   siam   #####################def siam(patch, params):o = conv2d(patch, params, 'conv0', stride=3)o = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(o), 2, 2)o = conv2d(o, params, 'conv1')o = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(o), 2, 2)o = conv2d(o, params, 'conv2')o = F.relu(o)return o.view(o.size(0), -1)def deepcompare_siam(input, params):o = linear(, params=params), input.split(1, dim=1)),dim=1), params, 'fc0')return linear(F.relu(o), params, 'fc1')def deepcompare_siam_l2(input, params):def single(patch):return F.normalize(siam(patch, params))return - F.pairwise_distance(*map(single, input.split(1, dim=1)))#####################   siam2stream   #####################def siam_stream(patch, params, base):o = conv2d(patch, params, base + '.conv0', stride=2)o = F.max_pool2d(F.relu(o), 2, 2)o = conv2d(o, params, base + '.conv1')o = F.relu(o)o = conv2d(o, params, base + '.conv2')o = F.relu(o)o = conv2d(o, params, base + '.conv3')return o.view(o.size(0), -1)def streams(patch, params):o_retina = siam_stream(F.pad(patch, (-16,) * 4), params, 'retina')o_fovea = siam_stream(F.avg_pool2d(patch, 2, 2), params, 'fovea')return[o_retina, o_fovea], dim=1)def deepcompare_siam2stream(input, params):embeddings = map(partial(streams, params=params), input.split(1, dim=1))o = linear(, dim=1), params, 'fc0')o = F.relu(o)o = linear(o, params, 'fc1')return odef deepcompare_siam2stream_l2(input, params):def single(patch):return F.normalize(streams(patch, params))return - F.pairwise_distance(*map(single, input.split(1, dim=1)))models = {'2ch': deepcompare_2ch,'2ch2stream': deepcompare_2ch2stream,'siam': deepcompare_siam,'siam_l2': deepcompare_siam_l2,'siam2stream': deepcompare_siam2stream,'siam2stream_l2': deepcompare_siam2stream_l2,
}def main(args):opt = parser.parse_args(args)print('parsed options:', vars(opt))os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = opt.gpu_idif torch.cuda.is_available():# to prevent opencv from initializing CUDA in workerstorch.randn(8).cuda()os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ''def load_provider():print('Loading test data')p = np.load(opt.test_set)[()]for i, t in enumerate(['matches', 'nonmatches']):p[t] = p['match_data'][opt.test_matches][i]return ptest_iter = get_iterator(load_provider(), opt.batch_size, opt.nthread)def cast(t):return t.cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available() else tf = models[opt.model]net = load_lua(opt.lua_model)if opt.model == '2ch':params = {}for j, i in enumerate([0, 3, 6]):params['conv%d.weight' % j] = net.get(i).weightparams['conv%d.bias' % j] = net.get(i).biasparams['fc.weight'] = net.get(9).weightparams['fc.bias'] = net.get(9).biaselif opt.model == '2ch2stream':params = {}for j, branch in enumerate(['fovea', 'retina']):for k, layer in enumerate(map(net.get(0).get(j).get(1).get, [1, 4, 7, 9])):params['%s.conv%d.weight' % (branch, k)] = layer.weightparams['%s.conv%d.bias' % (branch, k)] = layer.biasfor k, layer in enumerate(map(net.get, [1, 3])):params['fc%d.weight' % k] = layer.weightparams['fc%d.bias' % k] = layer.biaselif opt.model == 'siam' or opt.model == 'siam_l2':params = {}for k, layer in enumerate(map(net.get(0).get(0).get, [1, 4, 7])):params['conv%d.weight' % k] = layer.weightparams['conv%d.bias' % k] = layer.biasfor k, layer in enumerate(map(net.get, [1, 3])):params['fc%d.weight' % k] = layer.weightparams['fc%d.bias' % k] = layer.biaselif opt.model == 'siam2stream' or opt.model == 'siam2stream_l2':params = {}for stream, name in zip(net.get(0).get(0).modules, ['retina', 'fovea']):for k, layer in enumerate(map(stream.get, [2, 5, 7, 9])):params['%s.conv%d.weight' % (name, k)] = layer.weightparams['%s.conv%d.bias' % (name, k)] = layer.biasfor k, layer in enumerate(map(net.get, [1, 3])):params['fc%d.weight' % k] = layer.weightparams['fc%d.bias' % k] = layer.biasparams = {k: Variable(cast(v)) for k, v in params.items()}def create_variables(sample):inputs = Variable(cast(sample['input'].float().view(-1, 2, 64, 64)))targets = Variable(cast(sample['target'].float().view(-1)))return inputs, targetstest_outputs, test_targets = [], []for sample in tqdm(test_iter, dynamic_ncols=True):inputs, targets = create_variables(sample)y = f(inputs, params)test_targets.append(sample['target'].view(-1))test_outputs.append(, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(,, pos_label=1)fpr95 = float(interpolate.interp1d(tpr, fpr)(0.95))print('FPR95:', fpr95)return fpr95if __name__ == '__main__':main(sys.argv[1:])


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