
Have you been waiting to get Firefox’s Auto-Paging extension goodness in Google Chrome? Well your wait is over. Now you can enjoy skipping those Next Buttons with the AutoPager Chrome extension.

您是否一直在等待在Google Chrome中获得Firefox的Auto-Paging扩展功能? 好了,您的等待结束了。 现在,您可以跳过带有AutoPager Chrome扩展程序的“下一步”按钮。



Usually if you are browsing you often run into those lovely little “Numbers” or “Next Buttons” at the bottom of webpages. And if you are like most people that is just irritating! You want to browse not waste all of your time “clicking numbers or next buttons”… Time to fix that problem.

通常,如果您正在浏览,则经常会在网页底部碰到那些可爱的小“数字”或“下一步按钮”。 而且,如果您像大多数人一样,那太令人生气了! 您希望浏览时不要浪费所有时间在“单击数字或下一个按钮”上……解决该问题的时间。



Once you start installing the extension you will have to click on “Install” in the confirmation message window to finish adding it to Chrome.


Once the installation has finished you will have a new tab open with the homepage for the extension. Notice the link for the forums at the top of the page and the download links for Stable/Dev releases in Stable and Lite versions.

安装完成后,您将打开一个新选项卡,其中包含扩展程序的主页。 请注意页面顶部论坛的链接以及Stable和Lite版本的Stable / Dev版本的下载链接。

If you need to access the options you will have to use the “Chrome Extensions Page”.

如果您需要访问这些选项,则必须使用“ Chrome扩展程序页面”。

At the moment there are few options available…mainly enabling or disabling the extension and updating/importing.


AutoPager Chrome in Action

AutoPager Chrome的实际应用

Here is our same search from earlier…certainly no need to click on numbers or text to access the next page now.


Still looking good at the break between pages 14 and 15…


Even here at the HTG site the browsing is oh so smooth.




If you are tired of not having auto-paging capabilities in Google Chrome then you will really want to add this extension to your browser. This is definitely a recommended install.

如果您厌倦了Google Chrome浏览器中没有自动分页功能,那么您将真的想将此扩展程序添加到浏览器中。 绝对是推荐的安装。



Download the AutoPager Chrome extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载AutoPager Chrome扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)



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