wolfram 在线

Do you like using Wolfram Alpha Search and crave on-demand access to it in Google Chrome? See how easy it is to enjoy that Wolfram Alpha goodness with the Chrome Alpha extension.

您是否喜欢使用Wolfram Alpha Search并渴望在Google Chrome浏览器中按需访问它? 了解使用Chrome Alpha扩展程序享受Wolfram Alpha优势的便捷程度。

Chrome Alpha in Action

Chrome Alpha实战

To get started click on the “Toolbar Button”. This is what the drop-down window will look like…enter the term that you wish to conduct a search for and hit “Enter” on your keyboard or click on “Go!”. Notice how the “Toolbar Button” looks “at rest”…

要开始使用,请单击“工具栏按钮”。 这就是下拉窗口的样子……输入您要搜索的术语,然后按键盘上的“ Enter”或单击“ Go!”。 请注意,“工具栏按钮”看起来如何“静止”……

Once a search is in progress the “Toolbar Button” will change in appearance. There will be a red rectangle across the lower portion with white dots moving through it. It will return to normal when the search is finished.

搜索进行后,“工具栏按钮”的外观将发生变化。 下部将有一个红色矩形,白色点在其中移动。 搜索完成后它将恢复正常。

For our example we conducted searches on three terms (a website, a location, & a business). Our first search was for information on “YouTube”.

对于我们的示例,我们使用三个术语(网站,位置和商家)进行搜索。 我们的第一个搜索内容是有关“ YouTube”的信息。

Note: If a term generates no results the drop-down window will be blank.


The second search term was “Singapore”…


And the final search term was “Microsoft”. The drop-down window will retain the results for the last search conducted until a new term is entered (even if you restart your browser). Very useful and convenient if you need to refer back to that particular information for a bit during your day.

最终的搜索词是“ Microsoft”。 下拉窗口将保留上一次搜索的结果,直到输入新术语为止(即使重新启动浏览器也是如此)。 如果您需要在一天中稍微参考一下该特定信息,则非常有用且方便。



If you like using Wolfram Alpha Search and have been waiting for an easy way to access it in Chrome, then this extension will be a perfect addition to your browser.

如果您喜欢使用Wolfram Alpha Search,并且一直在等待通过Chrome访问它的简便方法,那么此扩展程序将是您浏览器的完美补充。



Download the Chrome Alpha extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载Chrome Alpha扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9760/access-wolfram-alpha-search-in-google-chrome/

wolfram 在线

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