
Google Chrome lets you personalize your experience with themes to make things a little more fun, and with the recent release of Google’s internally-designed looks, it’s trying to remind us that themes still exist. Here’s how to install and remove them.

Google Chrome浏览器可让您个性化主题体验,使事情变得更加有趣,并且随着Google内部设计外观的最新发布,它试图提醒我们主题仍然存在。 这是安装和删除它们的方法。

如何安装主题 (How to Install Themes)

Google released a bunch of new themes recently—14 to be exact—that change the way you look at your browser. While these aren’t the only themes you can download, it reminded us how useful Chrome’s often-forgotten themes feature is.

Google 最近发布了一系列新主题(准确地说是14个),这些主题改变了您浏览器的外观。 虽然这些不是您唯一可以下载的主题,但它提醒我们Chrome经常被忘记的主题功能多么有用。

Start by firing up Chrome and going to the Chrome Web Store for themes. You can browse for themes using the search bar, category selector (although, the only two options are Google and artists), or by rating.

首先启动Chrome浏览器,然后转到Chrome网上应用店查找主题 。 您可以使用搜索栏,类别选择器(尽管仅有的两个选项是Google和Artist)或评级来浏览主题。

After you find a theme that fits your mood, click on it to go to the theme’s page.


Click “Add to Chrome” to add it to Chrome.


Note that when you add a theme to Chrome, it gets synced to your Google account—if you set up syncing Chrome with your Google account—so if you sign in to Chrome on another device, the theme syncs on to that device as well. You can prevent that by heading to Settings > Sync and disabling the “Themes” toggle there.

请注意,当您将主题添加到Chrome时,该主题会同步到您的Google帐户(如果您设置了将Chrome与您的Google帐户同步),因此,如果您在另一台设备上登录Chrome,该主题也将同步到该设备。 您可以通过转到“设置”>“同步”并在此处禁用“主题”切换来防止这种情况。

Once the theme is installed, the “Add to Chrome” icon turns in to a grayed out “Added to Chrome” icon.


The theme seamlessly applies itself to your browser without you having to restart it.


如何删除主题 (How to Remove a Theme)

When you want to install a new theme, go through the same process as outlined above. But if you just want to return to the classic one, you’ll need to restore Chrome to the default theme.

当您要安装新主题时,请执行与上述相同的过程。 但是,如果您只想恢复经典版本,则需要将Chrome恢复为默认主题。

Fire up Chrome, click the menu icon, and click on “Settings,” or type chrome://settings/ into your address bar to go directly there.


Scroll down until you see the Appearance section, then under Themes click “Reset to Default.”


Because Chrome only keeps track of the most recent theme you’ve installed, you don’t need to remove any other themes. As soon as you click the button, everything goes back to how it used to be in the beginning: gray and white.

由于Chrome仅跟踪您安装的最新主题,因此您无需删除任何其他主题。 单击该按钮后,一切都会恢复到最初的样子:灰色和白色。




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