chrome浏览器 快捷键

Want to make your browsing more efficient in Chrome?  Here’s how you can use keyword shortcuts to quickly find info on any site you want.

是否想在Chrome中提高浏览效率? 您可以通过以下方法使用关键字快捷方式在所需的任何网站上快速找到信息。

As you might expect for a browser built by Google, Chrome makes it very easy to search sites and create unique search keywords.  If you’ve used Chrome for a while, you many have noticed that Chrome offers to let you search the site by pressing Tab.  You often don’t even have to enter the full address; just start typing the name, and you’ll notice the search message pop up on the right.

您可能会期望使用Google构建的浏览器,而Chrome浏览器使搜索网站和创建唯一的搜索关键字变得非常容易。 如果您使用Chrome已有一段时间,那么许多人会注意到Chrome提供了通过按Tab来搜索站点的功能

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