


  1. 遗漏变量
  2. 联立性



  • 度量误差


  • 在存在内生性解释变量的情况下,OLS估计量有偏且不一致。
  • 只要任何一个解释变量与随机扰动项相关,全部解释变量的系数都会有偏、不一致。



  1. 使用内生变量的滞后一期
  2. 工具变量法
    工具变量(instrumental variable)是指某一个变量与模型中解释变量高度相关,但却不与误差项相关,估计过程中被作为工具使用,以替代模型中与误差项相关的解释变量的变量。



  • 第一阶段:将内生性变量作为被解释变量,工具变量和方程中的外生变量作为解释变量,来进行最小二乘估计;
  • 第二阶段:用第一阶段估计得到的内生变量的预测值替换内生变量,再进行最小二乘估计。
    举例:yyy = β1\beta_1β1​ + β2x2{\beta_2}{x_2}β2​x2​ +β3x3{\beta_3}{x_3}β3​x3​ +β4x4{\beta_4}{x_4}β4​x4​ + uuu,其中,x2x_2x2​是严格外生的,而x3x_3x3​x4x_4x4​是内生的,则至少需要两个工具变量,设z1z_1z1​和z2z_2z2​为工具变量。

x3x_3x3​ = π1{\pi_1}π1​ + π2x2{\pi_2}{x_2}π2​x2​ +π3z1{\pi_3}{z_1}π3​z1​ +π4z2{\pi_4}{z_2}π4​z2​ + u1u_1u1​
x4x_4x4​ = γ1{\gamma_1}γ1​ + γ2x2{\gamma_2}{x_2}γ2​x2​ +γ3z1{\gamma_3}{z_1}γ3​z1​ +γ4z2{\gamma_4}{z_2}γ4​z2​ + u2u_2u2​
yyy = β1\beta_1β1​ + β2x2{\beta_2}{x_2}β2​x2​ +β3x3⋅{\beta_3}{x_3^·}β3​x3⋅​ +β4x4⋅{\beta_4}{x_4^·}β4​x4⋅​


regress x3 x1 z1 z2
predict v
regress x4 x2 z1 z2
predict w
regress y x2 v w



  • 第一阶段:消除了潜在内生解释变量的内生性,通过外生变量的预测回归,得到这些变量的外生性部分。
  • 第二阶段:利用第一阶段得到外生的预测回归的拟合值进行回归,进而消除偏误。



  1. 内生性检验
  2. 相关性检验
  3. 外生性检验


  • 第一步 模型设定与数据
use crime.dta  //打开数据集des  //查看数据##结果obs:           630                          vars:            59                          5 Jun 2007 14:32
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
county          int     %9.0g                 county identifier
year            byte    %9.0g                 81 to 87
crmrte          float   %9.0g                 crimes committed per person
prbarr          float   %9.0g                 'probability' of arrest
prbconv         float   %9.0g                 'probability' of conviction
prbpris         float   %9.0g                 'probability' of prison sentenc
avgsen          float   %9.0g                 avg. sentence, days
polpc           float   %9.0g                 police per capita
density         float   %9.0g                 people per sq. mile
taxpc           float   %9.0g                 tax revenue per capita
west            byte    %9.0g                 =1 if in western N.C.
central         byte    %9.0g                 =1 if in central N.C.
urban           byte    %9.0g                 =1 if in SMSA
pctmin80        float   %9.0g                 perc. minority, 1980
wcon            float   %9.0g                 weekly wage, construction
wtuc            float   %9.0g                 wkly wge, trns, util, commun
wtrd            float   %9.0g                 wkly wge, whlesle, retail trade
wfir            float   %9.0g                 wkly wge, fin, ins, real est
wser            float   %9.0g                 wkly wge, service industry
wmfg            float   %9.0g                 wkly wge, manufacturing
wfed            float   %9.0g                 wkly wge, fed employees
wsta            float   %9.0g                 wkly wge, state employees
wloc            float   %9.0g                 wkly wge, local gov emps
mix             float   %9.0g                 offense mix: face-to-face/other
pctymle         float   %9.0g                 percent young male
d82             byte    %9.0g                 =1 if year == 82
d83             byte    %9.0g                 =1 if year == 83
d84             byte    %9.0g                 =1 if year == 84
d85             byte    %9.0g                 =1 if year == 85
d86             byte    %9.0g                 =1 if year == 86
d87             byte    %9.0g                 =1 if year == 87
lcrmrte         float   %9.0g                 log(crmrte)
lprbarr         float   %9.0g                 log(prbarr)
lprbconv        float   %9.0g                 log(prbconv)
lprbpris        float   %9.0g                 log(prbpris)
lavgsen         float   %9.0g                 log(avgsen)
lpolpc          float   %9.0g                 log(polpc)
...xtset county year  //设置面板数据格式##结果panel variable:  county (strongly balanced)time variable:  year, 81 to 87delta:  1 unitxtdes  //查看数据##结果
county:  1, 3, ..., 197                                    n =         90year:  81, 82, ..., 87                                   T =          7Delta(year) = 1 unitSpan(year)  = 7 periods(county*year uniquely identifies each observation)Distribution of T_i:   min      5%     25%       50%       75%     95%     max7       7       7         7         7       7       7Freq.  Percent    Cum. |  Pattern---------------------------+---------90    100.00  100.00 |  1111111---------------------------+---------90    100.00         |  XXXXXXX
  • 第二步 描述性统计与作图
sum  lcrmrte lprbarr lprbconv lprbpris lavgsen lpolpc ldensity  lwcon lwtuc lwtrd lwfir lwser lwmfg lwfed lwsta lwloc  lpctymle lpctmin west central urban## 结果Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------lcrmrte |        630   -3.609225    .5728077   -6.31355  -1.808895lprbarr |        630   -1.274264     .415897  -2.833214   1.011601lprbconv |        630   -.6929193    .6095949  -2.682732   3.610918lprbpris |        630   -.8786315    .2305144  -1.904239  -.3877662lavgsen |        630    2.153344    .2737295   1.439835   3.251537
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------lpolpc |        630   -6.490637    .5266539  -7.687507  -3.336024ldensity |        630   -.0159271    .7747352   -1.62091   2.177889lwcon |        630    5.462869    .2481783   4.183905   7.751303lwtuc |        630    5.915883    .3702186   3.362377   8.020257lwtrd |        630    5.232423    .2143915    2.82576   7.715457
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------lwfir |        630    5.579433    .2772037   1.257233   6.233362lwser |        630    5.364625    .3600984   .6118253   7.685734lwmfg |        630    5.615181    .2727473   4.623305   6.472115lwfed |        630    5.988757    .1587609   5.542831   6.393507lwsta |        630    5.677787    .1761313   5.153407   6.306275
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------lwloc |        630    5.540139    .1596908   5.097363   5.961237lpctymle |        630   -2.443015    .1967842   -2.77808   -1.29332lpctmin |        630    2.913361    .9546147   .2497076   4.164309west |        630    .2333333    .4232887          0          1central |        630    .3777778    .4852169          0          1
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------urban |        630    .0888889    .2848094          0          1twoway (scatter lcrmrte lprbarr) (lfit lcrmrte lprbarr)  //关键变量与被解释变量的散点图并画出回归直线

xtline  lcrmrte  //关键变量的时间序列图

  • 第三步 模型选择
xtivreg lcrmrte lprbconv lprbpris lavgsen ldensity lwcon lwtuc lwtrd lwfir lwser lwmfg lwfed lwsta lwloc lpctymle lpctmin west central urban d82 d83 d84 d85 d86 d87 (lprbarr lpolpc= ltaxpc lmix), fe //双向固定效应的两阶段最小二乘估计 ##结果Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------lcrmrte |        630   -3.609225    .5728077   -6.31355  -1.808895lprbarr |        630   -1.274264     .415897  -2.833214   1.011601lprbconv |        630   -.6929193    .6095949  -2.682732   3.610918lprbpris |        630   -.8786315    .2305144  -1.904239  -.3877662lavgsen |        630    2.153344    .2737295   1.439835   3.251537
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------lpolpc |        630   -6.490637    .5266539  -7.687507  -3.336024ldensity |        630   -.0159271    .7747352   -1.62091   2.177889lwcon |        630    5.462869    .2481783   4.183905   7.751303lwtuc |        630    5.915883    .3702186   3.362377   8.020257lwtrd |        630    5.232423    .2143915    2.82576   7.715457
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------lwfir |        630    5.579433    .2772037   1.257233   6.233362lwser |        630    5.364625    .3600984   .6118253   7.685734lwmfg |        630    5.615181    .2727473   4.623305   6.472115lwfed |        630    5.988757    .1587609   5.542831   6.393507lwsta |        630    5.677787    .1761313   5.153407   6.306275
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------lwloc |        630    5.540139    .1596908   5.097363   5.961237lpctymle |        630   -2.443015    .1967842   -2.77808   -1.29332lpctmin |        630    2.913361    .9546147   .2497076   4.164309west |        630    .2333333    .4232887          0          1central |        630    .3777778    .4852169          0          1
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------urban |        630    .0888889    .2848094          0          1. twoway (scatter lcrmrte lprbarr) (lfit lcrmrte lprbarr). xtline  lcrmrte. xtivreg lcrmrte lprbconv lprbpris lavgsen ldensity lwcon lwtuc lwtrd lwfir lwser lwmfg lwfed lwsta lwloc lpctymle l
> pctmin west central urban d82 d83 d84 d85 d86 d87 (lprbarr lpolpc= ltaxpc lmix), feFixed-effects (within) IV regression            Number of obs     =        630
Group variable: county                          Number of groups  =         90R-sq:                                           Obs per group:within  = 0.3587                                         min =          7between = 0.4442                                         avg =        7.0overall = 0.4431                                         max =          7Wald chi2(22)     =  368612.24
corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.1867                        Prob > chi2       =     0.0000------------------------------------------------------------------------------lcrmrte |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------lprbarr |     -0.576      0.802    -0.72   0.473       -2.148       0.997lpolpc |      0.658      0.847     0.78   0.438       -1.002       2.317lprbconv |     -0.423      0.502    -0.84   0.399       -1.407       0.561lprbpris |     -0.250      0.279    -0.90   0.371       -0.798       0.297lavgsen |      0.009      0.049     0.19   0.853       -0.087       0.105ldensity |      0.139      1.021     0.14   0.891       -1.862       2.141lwcon |     -0.029      0.054    -0.54   0.591       -0.134       0.076lwtuc |      0.039      0.031     1.27   0.205       -0.021       0.100lwtrd |     -0.018      0.045    -0.39   0.695       -0.107       0.071lwfir |     -0.009      0.037    -0.26   0.798       -0.081       0.062lwser |      0.019      0.039     0.48   0.632       -0.057       0.095lwmfg |     -0.243      0.420    -0.58   0.562       -1.065       0.579lwfed |     -0.451      0.527    -0.86   0.392       -1.484       0.582lwsta |     -0.019      0.281    -0.07   0.947       -0.569       0.532lwloc |      0.263      0.312     0.84   0.399       -0.349       0.876lpctymle |      0.351      1.011     0.35   0.728       -1.631       2.333lpctmin |      0.000  (omitted)west |      0.000  (omitted)central |      0.000  (omitted)urban |      0.000  (omitted)d82 |      0.038      0.062     0.61   0.540       -0.083       0.159d83 |     -0.044      0.042    -1.05   0.295       -0.127       0.039d84 |     -0.045      0.055    -0.82   0.410       -0.153       0.062d85 |     -0.021      0.074    -0.28   0.777       -0.166       0.124d86 |      0.006      0.128     0.05   0.961       -0.245       0.257d87 |      0.044      0.216     0.20   0.840       -0.380       0.467_cons |      2.943      2.694     1.09   0.275       -2.337       8.223
-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u |  .41829289sigma_e |  .14923885rho |  .88708121   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
F  test that all u_i=0:     F(89,518) =    13.93          Prob > F    = 0.0000
Instrumented:   lprbarr lpolpc
Instruments:    lprbconv lprbpris lavgsen ldensity lwcon lwtuc lwtrd lwfirlwser lwmfg lwfed lwsta lwloc lpctymle lpctmin west centralurban d82 d83 d84 d85 d86 d87 ltaxpc lmix
------------------------------------------------------------------------------est store FE2SLSxtivreg lcrmrte lprbconv lprbpris lavgsen ldensity lwcon lwtuc lwtrd lwfir lwser lwmfg lwfed lwsta lwloc lpctymle lpctmin west central urban d82 d83 d84 d85 d86 d87 (lprbarr lpolpc= ltaxpc lmix), ec2sls //随机效应的两阶段最小二乘估计##结果
EC2SLS random-effects IV regression             Number of obs     =        630
Group variable: county                          Number of groups  =         90R-sq:                                           Obs per group:within  = 0.4521                                         min =          7between = 0.8158                                         avg =        7.0overall = 0.7840                                         max =          7Wald chi2(26)     =     575.73
corr(u_i, X)       = 0 (assumed)                Prob > chi2       =     0.0000------------------------------------------------------------------------------lcrmrte |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------lprbarr |     -0.413      0.097    -4.24   0.000       -0.604      -0.222lpolpc |      0.435      0.090     4.85   0.000        0.259       0.611lprbconv |     -0.323      0.054    -6.03   0.000       -0.428      -0.218lprbpris |     -0.186      0.042    -4.44   0.000       -0.269      -0.104lavgsen |     -0.010      0.027    -0.38   0.706       -0.063       0.043ldensity |      0.429      0.055     7.82   0.000        0.322       0.537lwcon |     -0.007      0.040    -0.19   0.850       -0.085       0.070lwtuc |      0.045      0.020     2.30   0.022        0.007       0.084lwtrd |     -0.008      0.041    -0.20   0.844       -0.089       0.073lwfir |     -0.004      0.029    -0.13   0.900       -0.060       0.053lwser |      0.006      0.020     0.28   0.780       -0.034       0.045lwmfg |     -0.204      0.080    -2.54   0.011       -0.362      -0.046lwfed |     -0.164      0.159    -1.03   0.305       -0.476       0.149lwsta |     -0.054      0.106    -0.51   0.609       -0.261       0.153lwloc |      0.163      0.120     1.36   0.173       -0.071       0.398lpctymle |     -0.108      0.140    -0.77   0.439       -0.382       0.166lpctmin |      0.189      0.041     4.56   0.000        0.108       0.270west |     -0.227      0.100    -2.28   0.023       -0.422      -0.032central |     -0.194      0.060    -3.24   0.001       -0.311      -0.077urban |     -0.225      0.116    -1.95   0.052       -0.452       0.001d82 |      0.011      0.026     0.42   0.677       -0.040       0.061d83 |     -0.084      0.031    -2.73   0.006       -0.144      -0.024d84 |     -0.103      0.037    -2.79   0.005       -0.176      -0.031d85 |     -0.096      0.049    -1.94   0.053       -0.193       0.001d86 |     -0.069      0.060    -1.16   0.248       -0.186       0.048d87 |     -0.031      0.071    -0.45   0.656       -0.170       0.107_cons |     -0.954      1.284    -0.74   0.458       -3.470       1.563
-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------sigma_u |   .2145596sigma_e |  .14923885rho |  .67394424   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
Instrumented:   lprbarr lpolpc
Instruments:    lprbconv lprbpris lavgsen ldensity lwcon lwtuc lwtrd lwfirlwser lwmfg lwfed lwsta lwloc lpctymle lpctmin west centralurban d82 d83 d84 d85 d86 d87 ltaxpc lmix
------------------------------------------------------------------------------est store EC2SLShausman FE2SLS EC2SLS //hausman检验##结果---- Coefficients ----|      (b)          (B)            (b-B)     sqrt(diag(V_b-V_B))|     FE2SLS       EC2SLS       Difference          S.E.
-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------lprbarr |   -.5755052    -.4129264       -.1625788        .7962526lpolpc |     .657526     .4347488        .2227773        .8421081lprbconv |    -.423144    -.3228871       -.1002569        .4990749lprbpris |   -.2502547    -.1863195       -.0639352        .2762967lavgsen |    .0090987    -.0101765        .0192752        .0408606ldensity |     .139412     .4290282       -.2896162        1.019765lwcon |   -.0287308     -.007475       -.0212558        .0360199lwtuc |    .0391292     .0454451       -.0063158        .0236726lwtrd |   -.0177536    -.0081411       -.0096124        .0184617lwfir |   -.0093443    -.0036395       -.0057048        .0223483lwser |    .0185855     .0056098        .0129756        .0331904lwmfg |   -.2431675    -.2041395        -.039028         .411768lwfed |   -.4513386    -.1635112       -.2878273        .5024337lwsta |   -.0187447    -.0540496        .0353049        .2601761lwloc |    .2632589     .1630526        .1002062        .2885798lpctymle |    .3511095    -.1081064        .4592159        1.001351d82 |     .037856     .0107451        .0271109        .0560526d83 |   -.0443806    -.0837946         .039414        .0292202d84 |   -.0451873    -.1034999        .0583125         .040481d85 |    -.020942     -.095702          .07476        .0548511d86 |    .0063223    -.0688986        .0752209        .1133461d87 |    .0435043    -.0314075        .0749118        .2039854
------------------------------------------------------------------------------b = consistent under Ho and Ha; obtained from xtivregB = inconsistent under Ha, efficient under Ho; obtained from xtivregTest:  Ho:  difference in coefficients not systematicchi2(22) = (b-B)'[(V_b-V_B)^(-1)](b-B)=       19.50Prob>chi2 =      0.6140
  • 第四步 报告计量结果
esttab  FE FE2SLS  EC2SLS ,b(%9.3f) se mtitle( FE FE2SLS  EC2SLS) obslast star (* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) compress nogap  aesttab  FE FE2SLS  EC2SLS  using tabl.rtf ,b(%9.3f) se mtitle( FE FE2SLS  EC2SLS) obslast star (* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) compress nogap  a


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