
Some years ago, we had only ListView and its Adapter. It had performance issues and these issues were resolved with ViewHolder Pattern (Here also I want to send my greatest appreciation to the one who found and shared this).

几年前,我们只有ListView及其适配器。 它存在性能问题,这些问题已通过ViewHolder Pattern解决(在此,我还要向发现并分享此内容的人表示最大的感谢)。

If we go back and recall it in detail, it is basically wrapping some view related software entities into ViewHolder class, saving it in View’s tag and using it in. Hopefully, Google released better ListView, which is RecyclerView, for us.


As we are in the mud of Android Hell (lifecycle problems, architecture problems, UI development problems etc etc.), most of us like did not notice the adapter hell in ListView. We did not complain about it enough as we did in this ViewHolder pattern, so Google has not saved us from this hell yet.

由于我们陷入了Android Hell的泥潭(生命周期问题,体系结构问题,UI开发问题等),我们大多数人都没有注意到ListView中的适配器地狱。 我们没有像在ViewHolder模式中那样对它进行抱怨,因此Google尚未使我们摆脱困境。

什么是适配器地狱? (What is Adapter Hell?)

Writing/Duplicating the same RecyclerView.Adapter implementation for each Fragment/Activity which uses RecyclerView to visualize the data. Code Duplication is bad but duplicating bug or limitation is worser thing that we can do for us


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