
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

Webcams are difficult to find and expensive right now. If you’re already tired of the puny, integrated webcam on your Windows 10 computer, try using the camera on your Android phone instead. Here’s how it works.

网络摄像头现在很难找到而且价格昂贵。 如果您已经厌倦了Windows 10计算机上微不足道的集成网络摄像头,请尝试在Android手机上使用该摄像头。 运作方式如下。

If you have a newer Android smartphone, the back camera has a much better sensor than most Windows laptops and some of the cheaper webcams on the market. Trust us—this is one of the fastest ways to improve your video-conferencing game.

如果您拥有更新的Android智能手机,则后置摄像头的传感器要比大多数Windows笔记本电脑和市场上一些便宜的网络摄像头更好。 相信我们-这是改善视频会议游戏的最快方法之一。

You can try using your video-conferencing platform’s Android app, but if you’re joining a work call, you might want to use your Windows computer instead. This way, you can access all the programs you need to get work done from home.

您可以尝试使用视频会议平台的Android应用程序 ,但是如果您要加入工作会议,则可能要使用Windows计算机。 这样,您可以访问在家完成工作所需的所有程序。

You can use your Android smartphone (both the front and back cameras) as a wireless webcam with the DroidCam app on your phone and the DroidCam Client app for Windows 10. It works with most popular video-calling apps on Windows (except the Windows Store version of Skype).

您可以使用Android智能手机(正面和背面摄像头),作为与无线网络摄像头DroidCam您的手机上的应用程序和DroidCam客户端的Windows 10。它与大多数流行的视频通话应用程序在Windows(应用程序除了Windows应用商店版本的Skype)。

You can also connect via USB, but this requires some advanced tinkering. The free version of the app only supports standard definition. If you want high-resolution video (720p HD), you’ll have to buy the $5 DroidCamX app instead.

您也可以通过USB连接,但这需要进行一些高级修补 。 该应用程序的免费版本仅支持标准清晰度。 如果要高分辨率视频(720p HD),则必须购买5美元的DroidCamX应用。

Start by downloading and installing the DroidCam Wireless Webcam Android app on your smartphone. Next, download and install the DroidCam Client for Windows 10 from the Dev47Apps website. Make sure both your Android phone and Windows 10 computer are on the same Wi-Fi network.

首先在智能手机上下载并安装DroidCam无线网络摄像头 Android应用程序。 接下来,从Dev47Apps网站下载并安装Windows 10的DroidCam客户端 。 确保您的Android手机和Windows 10计算机都在同一Wi-Fi网络上。

Open the DroidCam Android app and grant it permission to access the camera and microphone. Once you’ve gone through the tutorial, you’ll see the main app screen that contains the Wi-Fi connection details.

打开DroidCam Android应用并授予其访问相机和麦克风的权限。 阅读完本教程后,您将看到包含Wi-Fi连接详细信息的主应用程序屏幕。

On your Windows computer, open the DroidCam Client. Click the Wi-Fi button to start the connection process. Type the “Device IP” from the DroidCam’s Android app.

在Windows计算机上,打开DroidCam客户端。 单击Wi-Fi按钮以开始连接过程。 在DroidCam的Android应用程序中键入“设备IP”。

It will then appear in the “Wifi IP” section.

然后它将出现在“ Wifi IP”部分中。

If you want, you can select the “Audio” option to use your phone’s microphone. When you’re done, click “Start.”

如果需要,您可以选择“音频”选项以使用手机的麦克风。 完成后,单击“开始”。

Your Android smartphone’s camera is now be activated as a webcam. You can see the preview right in the DroidCam app.

现在已将您的Android智能手机的摄像头激活为网络摄像头。 您可以在DroidCam应用程序中直接看到预览。

DroidCam will now be the default webcam for all video-conferencing apps. If it’s not, go to your video-conferencing application’s audio and video settings to switch the default to DroidCam.

DroidCam现在将成为所有视频会议应用程序的默认网络摄像头。 如果不是,请转到视频会议应用程序的音频和视频设置,将默认设置切换为DroidCam。

For example, in the Skype app, you’ll find this option in Settings > Audio and Video Settings. Here, click the drop-down arrow next to “Camera,” and then select “DroidCam” as the source.

例如,在Skype应用中,您可以在“设置”>“音频和视频设置”中找到此选项。 在这里,单击“摄像机”旁边的下拉箭头,然后选择“ DroidCam”作为源。

If you want to switch to the front-facing camera, tap the Menu button in DroidCam’s Android app and go to Settings > Camera > Front.


Now, all you have to do is set your phone at the right height and angle. You can simply lean it against your laptop screen, but we would recommend investing in a tripod or smartphone stand.

现在,您要做的就是将手机设置为正确的高度和角度。 您可以将其靠在笔记本电脑的屏幕上,但是我们建议您投资三脚架或智能手机支架。

Don’t have an Android phone? You can also use your iPhone or digital camera as a webcam.

没有Android手机? 您也可以将iPhone或数码相机用作网络摄像头。



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