
Parental controls on any digital system or service are important, both for protecting innocent children from inappropriate content and for protecting your systems from mischievous kids. Windows 10 provides child accounts and family groups to limit content, screen time, and more.

任何数字系统或服务的家长控制都很重要,既可以保护无辜的孩子免受不当内容的侵害,又可以保护系统免受恶作剧的孩子侵害。 Windows 10提供了子帐户和家庭组来限制内容,屏幕时间等。

Windows 10提供哪些家长控制? (What Parental Controls Does Windows 10 Offer?)

Just as you log into your account to access any Windows device, you can create a child account that’s easy to monitor and regulate. All parental controls are set for the child account by the parent account, including:

就像您登录帐户以访问任何Windows设备一样,您可以创建易于监视和监管的子帐户。 父帐户为子帐户设置了所有家长控制,包括:

  • Generating activity reports on app or game use, browser history, web searches, and screen time生成有关应用程序或游戏使用,浏览器历史记录,网络搜索和屏幕时间的活动报告
  • Limiting screen time for Windows 10 or Xbox One through weekly schedules通过每周计划限制Windows 10或Xbox One的屏幕时间
  • Restricting app and game use for each device限制每个设备的应用和游戏使用
  • Blocking inappropriate websites and apps阻止不适当的网站和应用
  • Managing the child’s wallet and purchasing permissions in the Microsoft Store在Microsoft Store中管理孩子的钱包和购买权限
  • Tracking the child’s location on an Android device running Microsoft Launcher (or a Windows 10 phone)在运行Microsoft Launcher(或Windows 10手机)的Android设备上跟踪孩子的位置

如何在Windows 10中创建子帐户 (How to Create a Child Account in Windows 10)

To access your Windows 10 accounts, open the Start menu and select the cog icon.

要访问Windows 10帐户,请打开“开始”菜单,然后选择齿轮图标。

Click on “Accounts” to access the Accounts Settings menu.


Alternatively, you can access the Accounts Settings menu by opening the Start menu, typing “account,” and selecting the “Manage Your Account” option.



Select the “Family & Other Users” tab on the left and then click on the plus sign (+) next to “Add A Family Member.”


Select “Add A Member.” If your child has an email address, enter it here and click “Next.” If not, you can click “Create An Email Address For A Child” to set up a free email account for them through Microsoft Outlook.

选择“添加成员”。 如果您的孩子有电子邮件地址,请在此处输入,然后单击“下一步”。 如果没有,您可以单击“为孩子创建电子邮件地址”以通过Microsoft Outlook为他们设置免费的电子邮件帐户。

Assuming this child is under 13, their child account will be ready to go. If you’re creating an account for someone older than 13, you could fudge their date of birth during account creation.

假设这个孩子在13岁以下,他们的孩子帐户就可以使用了。 如果您要为13岁以上的人创建帐户,则可以在创建帐户时捏造他们的生日。

如何管理Windows 10的家长控制 (How to Manage Parental Controls for Windows 10)

While you can create your child’s account directly in Windows 10, you will be directed to the Microsoft Family website to manage and monitor the accounts you’ve created for your family. You can still create users from this website. To access this website from the “Family & Other Users” window, click “Manage Family Settings Online.”

尽管您可以直接在Windows 10中创建孩子的帐户,但您将被带到Microsoft家庭网站来管理和监视为家庭创建的帐户。 您仍然可以从该网站创建用户。 要从“家庭和其他用户”窗口访问此网站,请单击“在线管理家庭设置”。

From the Microsoft Family website, you can view each of the accounts that you’ve added. All parental control settings are turned off by default, so you’ll need to enable each feature individually. This also helps to give you a better understanding of each feature.

在Microsoft Family网站上,您可以查看已添加的每个帐户。 默认情况下,所有家长控制设置都是关闭的,因此您需要分别启用每个功能。 这也有助于您更好地了解每个功能。

Select “Activity” under any account and enable the “Activity Reporting” toggle. This lets you track the activity of this account either through regular email reports or by returning to this menu at any time.

在任何帐户下选择“活动”,然后启用“活动报告”切换。 这样,您可以通过常规电子邮件报告或随时返回此菜单来跟踪该帐户的活动。

Once Activity Reporting is enabled, scroll down to enable additional restrictions on apps and games, web browsing, and screen time by clicking “Turn On Restrictions” next to each respective feature. You can also click the tabs at the top of the page to access, enable, and manage any of those features. The Family Safety website explains how they all work.

启用“活动报告”后,通过单击每个功能旁边的“打开限制”,向下滚动以启用对应用和游戏,网页浏览以及屏幕时间的其他限制。 您还可以单击页面顶部的标签来访问,启用和管理任何这些功能。 家庭安全网站解释了它们如何工作。

These monitoring solutions extend across all of your family’s Windows 10’s computers as well as the Xbox One.

这些监视解决方案扩展到您家庭中所有Windows 10的计算机以及Xbox One。



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