
Templates let you configure all the relevant settings you want pre-applied to documents—page layout, styles, formatting, tabs, boilerplate text, and so on. You can then easily create a new document based on that template.

模板使您可以配置要预先应用到文档的所有相关设置,包括页面布局,样式,格式,选项卡,样板文本等等。 然后,您可以轻松地基于该模板创建一个新文档。

When you save a document as a template, you can then use that template to create new documents. Those new documents contain all the text (and images, and other content) that the template contains. They also have all the same page layout settings, sections, and styles as the template. Templates can save you a lot of time when you’re creating multiple documents that need to have a consistent layout, format, and some boilerplate text.

将文档另存为模板时,可以使用该模板创建新文档。 这些新文档包含模板包含的所有文本(以及图像和其他内容)。 它们还具有与模板相同的页面布局设置,部分和样式。 创建多个需要具有一致的布局,格式和一些样板文字的文档时,模板可以为您节省大量时间。

如何将文档另存为模板 (How to Save a Document as a Template)

The first thing you’re going to want to do is craft your document the way you want new documents to appear. Strip the text (and images, and so on) down to just the boilerplate material you want to appear in new documents. Go ahead and set up your page layout (margins, sections, columns, etc.), as well as any formatting and styles you want to use.

您要做的第一件事就是以希望新文档出现的方式来制作文档。 将文本(和图像等)剥离为仅要显示在新文档中的样板材料。 继续并设置页面布局(页边距,栏目,列等),以及您要使用的任何格式和样式。

When you’ve got the document looking how you want, it’s time to save it as a template. Open the “File” menu, and then click the “Save As” command.

当您找到想要的文档后,就该将其另存为模板了。 打开“文件”菜单,然后单击“另存为”命令。

Select where you want to save your document.


After typing a name for your template, open the dropdown menu underneath the name field, and then choose the “Word Template (*.dotx)” option.

在为模板输入名称后,打开名称字段下方的下拉菜单,然后选择“ Word模板(* .dotx)”选项。

Click the “Save” button.


That’s it. You have now saved your custom Word template.

而已。 现在,您已经保存了自定义Word模板。

如何基于模板创建新文档 (How to Create a New Document Based on a Template)

Once you have saved your custom template, you can then create new documents based on it. The easiest way to do this is to just fire up Word.

保存自定义模板后,即可基于它创建新文档。 最简单的方法是启动Word。

Its opening splash screen shows a bunch of featured templates that are either built-in or downloadable. At the top of the window, click the “PERSONAL” link to show your custom templates. Then, all you have to do is click the template you want, and Word creates a new document based on it.

它的初始启动屏幕显示了一堆内置或可下载的特色模板。 在窗口顶部,单击“个人”链接以显示您的自定义模板。 然后,您所要做的就是单击所需的模板,然后Word将基于该模板创建一个新文档。

By default, Word likes to save templates to Documents\Custom Office Templates, where they’ll show up alongside templates you create in any other Office app.


When you save a template, you can choose a different location if you want. The trouble is that if you save it in a different location, Word may not be able to pick it up and display it on the splash screen as an option. If that’s not a big deal to you, then save them anywhere you like. You can still create a new document based on the template by just double-clicking the file.

保存模板时,可以根据需要选择其他位置。 问题在于,如果将其保存在其他位置,Word可能无法将其拾取并显示在启动屏幕上作为选项。 如果那对您来说没什么大不了的话,那就把它们保存在您喜欢的任何地方。 您仍然可以通过双击模板来基于模板创建新文档。

You can also open the template in Word so that you can edit it by right-clicking the file, and then choosing the “Open” command from the context menu.


If you want an even more organized approach, you can change the default location where Excel saves templates. This lets you save templates where you want (though they still need to all be in the same location) and be able to access them on Word’s splash screen.

如果您想要一种更有条理的方法,则可以更改Excel保存模板的默认位置。 这样,您就可以将模板保存在所需的位置(尽管它们仍然都需要位于同一位置),并能够在Word的初始屏幕上访问它们。

On the “File” menu, click the “Options” command. In the “Word Options” window, slick the “Save” category on the left. On the right, type the path where you want to save templates in the “Default personal templates location” box. Click “OK” when you’re done.

在“文件”菜单上,单击“选项”命令。 在“ Word选项”窗口中,滑动左侧的“保存”类别。 在右侧的“默认个人模板位置”框中,输入要保存模板的路径。 完成后,单击“确定”。

In the end, Word templates are functionally much like regular Word documents. The big difference lies in how Word handles those files, making it easy for you to create new documents based on them.

最后,Word模板在功能上与常规Word文档非常相似。 最大的不同在于Word处理这些文件的方式,使您可以轻松地基于它们创建新文档。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/355592/how-to-create-a-template-in-microsoft-word/


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