
Brochures are a handy marketing tool used by nearly every company in existence. Creating them takes only a few minutes, and you can do it directly in Word using a template or from scratch. Here’s how.

手册是几乎所有现有公司使用的便捷的营销工具。 创建它们仅需几分钟,您可以使用模板直接在Word中或从头开始。 这是如何做。

使用模板创建手册 (Create a Brochure Using Templates)

The easiest way to create a brochure is by using one of the many available templates that Word has to offer.


To get started with a template, open a new document, type “Brochure” in the template search box, then press the “Enter” key. Word’s large library of brochure templates will appear. Select one that you like.

要开始使用模板,请打开一个新文档,在模板搜索框中键入“小册子”,然后按“ Enter”键。 Word的大型小册子模板库将出现。 选择一个您喜欢的。

Once selected, a banner that contains information about the template will appear. Read through the information and then select the “Create” button.

选择后,将出现包含有关模板信息的横幅。 通读信息,然后选择“创建”按钮。

Now all you need to do is insert the relevant text and images in the template placeholders and then start distributing the brochure.


If you couldn’t find a template that was just right for you, you can just make one from scratch.


从头开始创建手册 (Create a Brochure from Scratch)

With your new blank document open, head over to the “Layout” tab. Here, select the “Orientation” option found in the “Page Setup” section. From the drop-down menu that appears, select “Landscape,” which is the necessary orientation for tri-folds.

打开新的空白文档后,转到“布局”选项卡。 在这里,选择“页面设置”部分中的“方向”选项。 从出现的下拉菜单中,选择“风景”,这是三折的必要方向。

Next, let’s give ourselves a little more room to work with by reducing the page margins. To do this, head back over to the “Page Setup” group of the “Layout” tab and select the “Margins” button.

接下来,让我们通过减少页边距为自己提供更多的工作空间。 为此,请回到“布局”选项卡的“页面设置”组,然后选择“页边距”按钮。

For brochures, it’s generally a good idea to keep the page margins at 0.5” or less. Selecting the “Narrow” option from the drop-down menu is the quick solution. If you want to decrease the margins even more, you can select “Custom Margins” and input your ideal size.

对于小册子,通常最好将页边距保持在0.5英寸或更小。 从下拉菜单中选择“窄”选项是快速解决方案。 如果要进一步减少页边距,可以选择“自定义页边距”并输入理想的尺寸。

Now it’s time to add columns to our brochure to break the page up in different sections. Back in the “Page Setup” group of the “Layout” tab, select the “Columns” button.

现在是时候在我们的小册子中添加列,以将页面分为不同的部分。 返回“布局”选项卡的“页面设置”组中,选择“列”按钮。

A drop-down menu will appear. Here, select the column structure from the list that you’d like to use or explore more options by choosing the “More Columns” option.

将会出现一个下拉菜单。 在这里,从您要使用的列表中选择列结构,或者通过选择“更多列”选项来探索更多选项。

With the layout ready, all that’s left to do is insert your images (by selecting an option from the “Illustrations” group and choosing the graphic) and add text. Once finished, your brochures will be ready for distribution.

准备好布局后,剩下要做的就是插入图像 (通过从“插图”组中选择一个选项并选择图形)并添加文本。 完成后,您的小册子就可以分发了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/444908/how-to-create-a-brochure-in-microsoft-word/


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