
From bulleted journals for personal planning, to graph paper for designing complex mathematical charts, dot grid paper has many uses. If you don’t have any on hand, though, you can create a dot grid paper template in Microsoft Word.

从用于个人计划的子弹式日记本,到用于设计复杂数学图表的方格纸,点网格纸都有许多用途。 但是,如果手头没有任何东西,则可以在Microsoft Word中创建点网格纸模板。

Word makes it easy to create templates for all kinds of documents. After you create your dot grid paper template, you can reuse, print, or share it.

Word使创建各种文档的模板变得容易。 创建点网格纸模板后,可以重复使用,打印或共享它。

在Microsoft Word中设置点网格文档背景 (Setting a Dot Grid Document Background in Microsoft Word)

To get started, just open a new Microsoft Word document. Click Design > Page Color in the ribbon, and then select “Fill Effects” in the drop-down menu.

首先,只需打开一个新的Microsoft Word文档。 单击功能区中的“设计”>“页面颜色”,然后在下拉菜单中选择“填充效果”。

Click “Pattern” to see the various patterns you can apply as a background for your document.


To create the dot grid effect, select either “Dotted Grid” or “Large Grid” in the second row. As the names suggest, these will cover your document background with either dots or lines in a grid.

要创建点网格效果,请在第二行中选择“点网格”或“大网格”。 顾名思义,它们将用网格中的点或线覆盖文档背景。

You can also choose a color for your dot grid template. To do so, just click “Foreground,” and then select a color from the drop-down menu.

您还可以为点网格模板选择一种颜色。 为此,只需单击“前景”,然后从下拉菜单中选择一种颜色。

When you’re happy with your settings, click “OK” to save. This will apply the changes to your document, and the dot grid fill pattern will appear on every subsequent page.

对设置满意后,单击“确定”进行保存。 这会将更改应用到您的文档,并且点网格填充图案将出现在每个后续页面上。

You can add new pages or make further changes to your template, such as adding a header or footer with your name or company branding.

您可以添加新页面或对模板进行进一步更改,例如使用名称或公司品牌添加页眉或页脚 。

保存您的点网格纸模板 (Saving Your Dot Grid Paper Template)

You can save your template as a Word doc or template, or as a PDF.

您可以将模板另存为Word文档或模板,或另存为PDF 。

To do this, click File > Save As > Browse in the ribbon.


You can select how you want to save the file from the “Save As Type” drop-down menu. To save it as a typical Word file, select “Word Document (*.docx).”

您可以从“另存为类型”下拉菜单中选择保存文件的方式。 要将其保存为典型的Word文件,请选择“ Word文档(* .docx)”。

To create a PDF of your template, select “PDF (*.pdf)” instead. If you’d rather save the file as a standard Word template you can reuse, select “Word Template (*.dotx).”

要创建模板的PDF,请选择“ PDF(* .pdf)”。 如果您希望将文件另存为标准Word模板,可以重复使用,请选择“ Word模板(* .dotx)”。

After you make your selection, click “Save.”


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/686624/how-to-make-a-dot-grid-paper-template-in-microsoft-word/


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