
There are times where you’ll need to create a small booklet of literature for a company or organization, and thankfully Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013 makes the process easy. Here’s the quick guide on how to do it.

有时候,您需要为公司或组织创建一本小型的文献手册,而且值得庆幸的是,Microsoft Word 2010或2013使此过程变得容易。 这是有关操作方法的快速指南。

Note: These screenshots are from Word 2010 but it’s the exact same process in 2013.

注意:这些屏幕截图来自Word 2010,但与2013年的过程完全相同。

创建小册子 (Create Booklets)

Open Word and select the Page Layout tab, then click on the icon in the corner of Page Setup to launch the Page Setup dialog. It’s probably best to do this before creating your document, then you’ll get a better idea of how the layout will look. However, you can make your document first then create the Booklet layout, and edit it from there.

打开Word并选择“页面布局”选项卡,然后单击“页面设置”一角的图标以启动“页面设置”对话框。 最好在创建文档之前执行此操作,然后您将更好地了解布局的外观。 但是,您可以先制作文档,然后创建小册子布局,然后从那里进行编辑。

In the Page Setup screen under Pages, change multiple pages to Book fold from the dropdown.


You might also want to change the Gutter setting under Margins from 0 to 1. Otherwise, there is a chance words will get jumbled in the binding or crease of your booklet. Also, after selecting Book Fold Word automatically changes to Landscape Orientation.

您可能还希望将“边距”下的“装订线”设置从0更改为1。否则,有可能单词在装订或折页时变得混乱。 此外,选择“折书”后,Word会自动更改为“横向”。

Click OK after you’ve made your adjustments, and you’ll be able to get an idea of what your booklet will look like.


Of course you will have the power of Word’s editing features so you can make you booklet as simple or complex as you want. Here we are just making a simple test booklet, added a header, and page numbers for the footer.

当然,您将拥有Word的编辑功能,因此您可以根据需要使小册子变得简单或复杂。 在这里,我们只是制作一个简单的测试手册,添加页眉和页脚的页码 。

After you have the Booklet setup in word, you can navigate to each page, and make any edits or changes you need.


打印小册子 (Print Booklets)

Depending on the type of printer you have, hopefully you can print both sides of the document. Or, if it supports manual duplex printing, you can select that option as well. Where in our case it looks like it might be time for a printer upgrade?

根据所用打印机的类型,希望可以同时打印文档的两面。 或者,如果它支持手动双面打印,则也可以选择该选项。 在我们的情况下,似乎应该升级打印机了?

You can also create booklets in Office 2003 & 2007, but of course the options and layouts are different.

您也可以在Office 2003和2007中创建小册子,但是当然选项和布局是不同的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/32759/how-to-create-booklets-in-word/


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