526. Beautiful Arrangement
Suppose you have N integers from 1 to N. We define a beautiful arrangement as an array that is constructed by these N numbers successfully if one of the following is true for the ith position (1 ≤ i ≤ N) in this array:

The number at the ith position is divisible by i.
i is divisible by the number at the ith position.
Now given N, how many beautiful arrangements can you construct?

Example 1:
Input: 2
Output: 2

The first beautiful arrangement is [1, 2]:

Number at the 1st position (i=1) is 1, and 1 is divisible by i (i=1).

Number at the 2nd position (i=2) is 2, and 2 is divisible by i (i=2).

The second beautiful arrangement is [2, 1]:

Number at the 1st position (i=1) is 2, and 2 is divisible by i (i=1).

Number at the 2nd position (i=2) is 1, and i (i=2) is divisible by 1.
N is a positive integer and will not exceed 15.

分析:深度优先搜索,从N开始一直到0,用visit标记当前元素是否访问过,当当前下标为1的时候表示当前深度优先的一条路径满足条件,result+1,否则遍历visit数组看有没有没被访问过的元素,如果满足(i % index == 0 || index % i == 0)就标记为已经访问过,然后继续向下遍历dfs(index-1)~最后返回result的结果~

class Solution {
public:int countArrangement(int N) {visit.resize(N+1);dfs(N);return result;}
private:int result = 0;vector<bool> visit;void dfs(int index) {if (index == 1) {result++;return;}for (int i = 1; i < visit.size(); i++) {if (visit[i] == false && (i % index == 0 || index % i == 0)) {visit[i] = true;dfs(index-1);visit[i] = false;}}}

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