
In this article, we’ll take a look at using the time() function in C/C++.

在本文中,我们将研究在C / C ++中使用time()函数。

The time() function is a useful utility function that we can use to measure the elapsed time of our program.


Let’s look at how we can use this function, using some simple examples!


C / C ++中time()函数的基本语法 (Basic Syntax of the time() function in C/C++)

This function belongs to the header file <time.h>, so we must include this before calling time().

该函数属于头文件<time.h> ,因此在调用time()之前必须包含此文件。

#include <time.h>
time_t time(time_t *tloc);

This takes in a pointer to a time_t datatype and returns the time elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970.

这将获取一个指向time_t数据类型的指针,并返回从1970年1月1日UTC 00:00:00开始经过的时间。

The time value returned is in seconds, so you must make suitable conversions from it.


If tloc is not a null pointer, the returned value is also stored in the object pointed to by second.

如果tloc 不是空指针,则返回的值也存储在second指向的对象中。

Otherwise, if tloc is NULL, the return value is not stored anywhere.

否则,如果tlocNULL ,则返回值不会存储在任何地方。

Let’s look at some simple examples now.


在C / C ++中使用time()–一些示例 (Using time() in C/C++ – Some Examples)

Let’s first look at the case when tloc is a NULL pointer.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>int main() {time_t num_seconds = time(NULL); // Passing NULL to time()printf("Since 1st January 1970 UTC, No. of seconds = %d, No. of days = %d", (int)num_seconds, (int)num_seconds/86400);return 0;



Since 1st January 1970 UTC, No. of seconds = 1592317455, No. of days = 18429

As of the time of writing (June 16 2020), this is indeed true!


Now, let’s go to the second case, when tloc is not NULL.


In this case, since the return value will be stored to the pointer location, there is no need to assign it separately!


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>int main() {time_t tloc;time(&tloc); // Storing the return value to tlocprintf("Since 1st January 1970 UTC, No. of seconds = %d, No. of days = %d", (int)tloc, (int)tloc/86400);return 0;

This will give a similar output as before.


结论 (Conclusion)

In this article, we learned about using the time() function in C / C++, to get the time elapsed since the first epoch.

在本文中,我们学习了如何在C / C ++中使用time()函数来获取自第一个时期以来所经过的时间。

For more content on C and C++, do go through our tutorial section on C programming!

有关C和C ++的更多内容,请阅读我们有关C编程的教程部分 !

参考资料 (References)

  • Linux Manual Page on time() in CLinux手册页 on time()in C

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/41447/time-function-in-c-plus-plus


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