on one's behalf
in one's behalf
= for someone
二、breed  (breed-bred-bred)
① (N-COUNT) (宠物或牲畜的)种,品种
② (N-COUNT) 类型;种类
③ (VERB) 饲养;培育breed animals or plants
④ (VERB) (动物)繁殖,繁育● Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond...  通常青蛙会在任何条件适宜的池塘中繁殖。
⑤(VERB) 产生;引起;酿成● If they are unemployed it's bound to breed resentment...  如果他们失去工作,一定会产生怨恨。
⑥ (PHRASE) (在某地)出生并长大
someone who was born and bred in a place was born there and grew up there.● I was born and bred in the highlands...  我在高地地区出生和长大。三、wear (wrar-wore-worn)
disguise-- something that is worn to hide who one really is被穿戴着,披上,用来隐藏一个人真实样子的东西(用到定语从句,宾语从句)
用来掩饰真实身份的东西 四、character vs characteristic
① (N-COUNT) (人的)性格,个性;(地方的)特点
The character of a person or place consists of all the qualities they have that make them distinct from other people or places.● Perhaps there is a negative side to his character that you haven't seen yet...  或许,他性格中不好的一面你还没有看见。
② (N-COUNT) 字母;数字;文字;字符
③ (N-COUNT) (电影、书、戏剧里的)人物,角色
④ (N-COUNT) 人物;人● What a sad character that Nigel is.  奈杰尔真是个可悲的人哪。character  解释为人的性格时,个性时, 是不可数名词
a man of character 有个性的人
① (N-COUNT) 特色;特点;特征
The characteristics of a person or thing are the qualities or features that belong to them and make them recognizable.● Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing.  基因决定每个生物的特征。● ...their physical characteristics.  他们的身体特征characteristic 表示具体、可数的“特点”
construct the socialism with Chinese characteristics
建设有中国社会特色的社会主义五、beard [bɪəd]
(N-COUNT) 胡须;胡子六、territory   [ˈterətri]
① (N-VAR) 领土;领地七、estate
① (N-COUNT) 庄园;地产;(在乡村的)大片私有土地
② (N-COUNT) 住宅区;工业区
③ (N-COUNT) 个人财产;(尤指)遗产八、routine
① (N-VAR) 惯例;常规;例行公事
② (ADJ) 例行的;常规的;惯常的九、transit
① (N-UNCOUNT) 运输;运送;载运
Transit is the carrying of goods or people by vehicle from one place to another.transition [trænˈzɪʃn]
① (N-VAR) 转变;过渡;变革;变迁
Transition is the process in which something changes from one state to another.transition  [træn'zɪʃənl]
① (ADJ) (时期)过渡的
A transitional period is one in which things are changing from one state to another.
② (ADJ) 过渡性的;过渡时期的
Transitional is used to describe something that happens or exists during a transitional period.十、over 剩余adv
someting left over  剩余的东西十一、transform [trænsˈfɔːm]
① (VERB) 转换;改变;改造
To transform something into something else means to change or convert it into that thing.● Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy...  新陈代谢率是身体把食物转换为能量的速度。
② (VERB) 改善;使改观;使改头换面 That dress transfroms her from a little girl into a young lady.transformation [ˌtrænsfəˈmeɪʃn]
n. 变化,改观,转变,改革 十二、wary  [ˈweəri]
① (ADJ-GRADED) 小心的;提防的
If you are wary of something or someone, you are cautious because you do not know much about them and you believe they may be dangerous or cause problems.● People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers...  过去人们不会教育孩子提防陌生人。warily
① (ADJ-GRADED) 小心的;提防的  十三、hike  [haɪk]
① (N-COUNT) 远足;(尤指)徒步旅行
② (VERB) 远足;徒步旅行③ (N-COUNT) (价格、比率、税率或数量的)突然上涨,大幅上升
④ (VERB) 使(价格、比率、税率或数量)突然上升,大幅提高hiker
① (N-COUNT) 远足者;徒步旅行者

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