


 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from PCV.geometry import homography, warp
from PIL import Image
from pylab import *
from scipy import ndimage# example of affine warp of im1 onto im2im1 = array(Image.open('F:/VSCode/pcv-book-code-master/ch03/36.jpg').convert('L'))
im2 = array(Image.open('F:/VSCode/pcv-book-code-master/ch03/35.jpeg').convert('L'))
# set to points
tp = array([[240,520,520,240],[600,620,1200,1230],[1,1,1,1]])
#tp = array([[675,826,826,677],[55,52,281,277],[1,1,1,1]])
im3 = warp.image_in_image(im1,im2,tp)
imshow(im3)# set from points to corners of im1
m,n = im1.shape[:2]
fp = array([[0,m,m,0],[0,0,n,n],[1,1,1,1]])
# first triangle
tp2 = tp[:,:3]
fp2 = fp[:,:3]
# compute H
H = homography.Haffine_from_points(tp2,fp2)
im1_t = ndimage.affine_transform(im1,H[:2,:2],
# alpha for triangle
alpha = warp.alpha_for_triangle(tp2,im2.shape[0],im2.shape[1])
im3 = (1-alpha)*im2 + alpha*im1_t
# second triangle
tp2 = tp[:,[0,2,3]]
fp2 = fp[:,[0,2,3]]
# compute H
H = homography.Haffine_from_points(tp2,fp2)
im1_t = ndimage.affine_transform(im1,H[:2,:2],
# alpha for triangle
alpha = warp.alpha_for_triangle(tp2,im2.shape[0],im2.shape[1])
im4 = (1-alpha)*im3 + alpha*im1_t


对于其中的这一行代码tp = array([[240,520,520,240],[600,620,1200,1230],[1,1,1,1]])
修改数据为tp = array([[120,260,260,120],[16,16,305,305],[1,1,1,1]]) 时候:

修改数据为tp = array([[120,520,520,120],[600,620,1200,1230],[1,1,1,1]]) 时候:


from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from scipy import ndimage
from pylab import *
from numpy import *from PCV.geometry import homographydef image_in_image(im1,im2,tp):""" Put im1 in im2 with an affine transformationsuch that corners are as close to tp as possible.tp are homogeneous and counter-clockwise from top left. """ # points to warp fromm,n = im1.shape[:2]fp = array([[0,m,m,0],[0,0,n,n],[1,1,1,1]])# compute affine transform and applyH = homography.Haffine_from_points(tp,fp)im1_t = ndimage.affine_transform(im1,H[:2,:2],(H[0,2],H[1,2]),im2.shape[:2])alpha = (im1_t > 0)return (1-alpha)*im2 + alpha*im1_tdef combine_images(im1,im2,alpha):""" Blend two images with weights as in alpha. """return (1-alpha)*im1 + alpha*im2    def alpha_for_triangle(points,m,n):""" Creates alpha map of size (m,n) for a triangle with corners defined by points(given in normalized homogeneous coordinates). """alpha = zeros((m,n))for i in range(min(points[0]),max(points[0])):for j in range(min(points[1]),max(points[1])):x = linalg.solve(points,[i,j,1])if min(x) > 0: #all coefficients positivealpha[i,j] = 1return alphadef triangulate_points(x,y):""" Delaunay triangulation of 2D points. """tri = Delaunay(np.c_[x,y]).simplicesreturn tridef plot_mesh(x,y,tri):""" Plot triangles. """ for t in tri:t_ext = [t[0], t[1], t[2], t[0]] # add first point to endplot(x[t_ext],y[t_ext],'r')def pw_affine(fromim,toim,fp,tp,tri):""" Warp triangular patches from an image.fromim = image to warp toim = destination imagefp = from points in hom. coordinatestp = to points in hom.  coordinatestri = triangulation. """im = toim.copy()# check if image is grayscale or coloris_color = len(fromim.shape) == 3# create image to warp to (needed if iterate colors)im_t = zeros(im.shape, 'uint8') for t in tri:# compute affine transformationH = homography.Haffine_from_points(tp[:,t],fp[:,t])if is_color:for col in range(fromim.shape[2]):im_t[:,:,col] = ndimage.affine_transform(fromim[:,:,col],H[:2,:2],(H[0,2],H[1,2]),im.shape[:2])else:im_t = ndimage.affine_transform(fromim,H[:2,:2],(H[0,2],H[1,2]),im.shape[:2])# alpha for trianglealpha = alpha_for_triangle(tp[:,t],im.shape[0],im.shape[1])# add triangle to imageim[alpha>0] = im_t[alpha>0]return imdef panorama(H,fromim,toim,padding=2400,delta=2400):""" Create horizontal panorama by blending two images using a homography H (preferably estimated using RANSAC).The result is an image with the same height as toim. 'padding' specifies number of fill pixels and 'delta' additional translation. """ # check if images are grayscale or coloris_color = len(fromim.shape) == 3# homography transformation for geometric_transform()def transf(p):p2 = dot(H,[p[0],p[1],1])return (p2[0]/p2[2],p2[1]/p2[2])if H[1,2]<0: # fromim is to the rightprint ('warp - right')# transform fromimif is_color:# pad the destination image with zeros to the righttoim_t = hstack((toim,zeros((toim.shape[0],padding,3))))fromim_t = zeros((toim.shape[0],toim.shape[1]+padding,toim.shape[2]))for col in range(3):fromim_t[:,:,col] = ndimage.geometric_transform(fromim[:,:,col],transf,(toim.shape[0],toim.shape[1]+padding))else:# pad the destination image with zeros to the righttoim_t = hstack((toim,zeros((toim.shape[0],padding))))fromim_t = ndimage.geometric_transform(fromim,transf,(toim.shape[0],toim.shape[1]+padding)) else:print ('warp - left')# add translation to compensate for padding to the leftH_delta = array([[1,0,0],[0,1,-delta],[0,0,1]])H = dot(H,H_delta)# transform fromimif is_color:# pad the destination image with zeros to the lefttoim_t = hstack((zeros((toim.shape[0],padding,3)),toim))fromim_t = zeros((toim.shape[0],toim.shape[1]+padding,toim.shape[2]))for col in range(3):fromim_t[:,:,col] = ndimage.geometric_transform(fromim[:,:,col],transf,(toim.shape[0],toim.shape[1]+padding))else:# pad the destination image with zeros to the lefttoim_t = hstack((zeros((toim.shape[0],padding)),toim))fromim_t = ndimage.geometric_transform(fromim,transf,(toim.shape[0],toim.shape[1]+padding))# blend and return (put fromim above toim)if is_color:# all non black pixelsalpha = ((fromim_t[:,:,0] * fromim_t[:,:,1] * fromim_t[:,:,2] ) > 0)for col in range(3):toim_t[:,:,col] = fromim_t[:,:,col]*alpha + toim_t[:,:,col]*(1-alpha)else:alpha = (fromim_t > 0)toim_t = fromim_t*alpha + toim_t*(1-alpha)return toim_t


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