An Ethereum contract, living on the blockchain, that will make you a King or Queen, might grant you riches, and will immortalize your name.


  • Who is the Monarch?
  • Hall of Monarchs
  • What's this about?
  • I Want to Rule!
  • Neighbouring Kingdoms
  • FAQ
  • Disclaimer

Who is the Monarch?

Important: This webpage is no longer being updated - the contract will continue to work on the blockchain but new Kings will NOT be listed here - please do not send funds to the contract. Thank you to all the past Monarchs and for your interest in King of the Ether.

Why not check out our new project: - the unstoppable exchange for trading Ethereum tokens!

Hall of Monarchs

As of 2017-05-25 20:40:29 UTC, these were the hallowed rulers of the King of the Ether Throne, immortalized in the block-chain:

Number Name Claim Price Paid Profit Made
26 Sir Wobblle
1.17 ETHER  
25 Fegato II - the esoteric
884 FINNEY (0.884 ETHER) 262.6 FINNEY (0.2626 ETHER) 
24 Fegato
665 FINNEY (0.665 ETHER) 201.32 FINNEY (0.20132 ETHER) 
23 Anonymous
500 FINNEY (0.5 ETHER) 151.7 FINNEY (0.1517 ETHER) 
22 The Dino King Quintijn I
500 FINNEY (0.5 ETHER)  
665 FINNEY (0.665 ETHER)  
20 King Thedu
500 FINNEY (0.5 ETHER) 151.7 FINNEY (0.1517 ETHER) 
19 Payou
2.73 ETHER  
18 Emmanuel Goldstein
2.06 ETHER 615.4 FINNEY (0.6154 ETHER) 
17 King of Ether Floris I
1.55 ETHER 468.8 FINNEY (0.4688 ETHER) 
16 King Mowliv
1.17 ETHER 349 FINNEY (0.349 ETHER) 
15 Anonymous
884 FINNEY (0.884 ETHER) 262.6 FINNEY (0.2626 ETHER) 
14 Hi.
665 FINNEY (0.665 ETHER) 201.32 FINNEY (0.20132 ETHER) 
13 xyz
500 FINNEY (0.5 ETHER) 151.7 FINNEY (0.1517 ETHER) 
12 3x3q
11.3 ETHER  
11 Bitcoin Maximalist
8.52 ETHER 2.554 ETHER 
10 Arithrix
6.41 ETHER 1.9396 ETHER 
9 Domhnall Dumpf
4.82 ETHER 1.4618 ETHER 
8 Work ESQ
3.63 ETHER 1.0936 ETHER 
7 Zoulman le sage
2.73 ETHER 827.4 FINNEY (0.8274 ETHER) 
6 work
2.06 ETHER 615.4 FINNEY (0.6154 ETHER) 
5 m13d
1.55 ETHER 468.8 FINNEY (0.4688 ETHER) 
4 Gueridon
1.17 ETHER 349 FINNEY (0.349 ETHER) 
3 BokkyPooBah Is Back
884 FINNEY (0.884 ETHER) 262.6 FINNEY (0.2626 ETHER) 
2 Tristan Elby esq.
665 FINNEY (0.665 ETHER) 201.32 FINNEY (0.20132 ETHER) 
1 King Magikarp
500 FINNEY (0.5 ETHER) 151.7 FINNEY (0.1517 ETHER) 

What's this about?

The King of the Ether Throne awaits you. It can be yours for a price - here are the contract rules:

  • Suppose - for example - the current throne claim price is 10 ETHER. (To find out what it really is, see below.)
  • You like the sound of being the Monarch, so you send 10 ETHER to the contract.
  • This makes you the illustrious new King of the Ether. Your name will be added to the Hall of Monarchs in the blockchain.
  • The contract will then send your 10 ETHER (less a small commission) to the previous Monarch you have usurped, as compensation.
  • The claim price for the throne will then go up by 33%, to 13.3 ETHER. (It eventually stops increasing at 100000 ETHER for safety).
  • If an usurper comes along who is willing to pay 13.3 ETHER, she will depose you and become Queen, and you will receive her payment of 13.3 ETHER (less a small commission) as compensation - a tidy profit for you.
  • However, an ancient curse applies to the throne: every Monarch dies once their reign reaches 14 days. No compensation is paid if this happens, and the claim price for the next monarch is reset back to the original starting price of 500 FINNEY (0.5 ETHER).
    But surely a successor will appear within 14 days, and even if they don't, you'll be immortalised in the blockchain at least ...

How Can I Rule?

Important: This webpage is no longer being updated - the contract will continue to work on the blockchain but new Kings will NOT be listed here - please do not send funds to the contract. Thank you to all the past Kings and Queens and for your interest in King of the Ether.

Neighbouring Kingdoms

Price of the King of the Ether too high? Want a Kingdom with fewer uppity peasants?

For just 1 ETHER (plus a little gas money) you can fork your own alternative Kingdom where you make the rules, you get a 50% share of the commission, and you get your own web page just like this one.

Interested? Or just want to see (and rule!) other Kingdoms people have created? See More of the World!.


Where does the source code for the contract live? - KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol

What's the address of the contract?

The contract for King of the Ether is located at 0x2464d1d97f8d0180cfad67bdb19bc30cca69dda0.

Its Contract JSON Interface is:

You can watch it on a chain explorer if you like.

How much is the commission charge?

2%. This is shared equally between the top-wizard (the original creator of the first contract) and the sub-wizard (the creator of the individual kingdom).

Haven't I seen something like this before?

Yes, probably - there are/were a number of Bitcoin chain games along similar lines (though they normally seemed to involve owning a magnificent gem or a special coin).

The difference with Ethereum is that you don't have to trust the author not to run away with the money - instead, you can inspect the contract and rely on the blockchain to ensure it is executed as written.

This contract was somewhat inspired by (to which this contract is in no way affiliated or connected).

You might also be thinking of one of our Neighbouring Kingdoms.

Is this the first version of this contract? Or have there been other throne contracts?

This is the third version of the contract. Learn more about the past ages (including celebrity rulers!).

When a monarch is struck down by the curse, where does the money go?

Ah - I see what you mean, but it doesn't quite work like that - there isn't really any money to go anywhere when that happens! For example, if a monarch pays 15 ether to claim the throne from someone, then that 15 ether is not held by the contract - it is sent to the monarch before her as compensation (minus a little commission). So it's not like the 15 ether they paid is "lost" if the curse hits them - it had already gone to the ruler they usurped 14 days days earlier. The one exception is when someone claims an empty throne that's back at the starting price of 500 FINNEY (0.5 ETHER) - in that case it goes to the "wizards" behind the throne as commission.

I think something went wrong. Can I have my money back?

Ah. Well, you see, one downside of trustless autonomous contracts executing on the blockchain is that there is no possibility of human intervention - (almost) no-one can reach into the back of the machine and tweak things, even if they wanted to. Besides, there is no money to give back - it's all been given to the previous monarch, remember? So refunds are - regrettably - both impossible and unethical.

Is this safe? Or will we up with all the ether trapped in a DarkKingdom?

As the Disclaimer below points out, sending funds to experimental contracts using experimental wallets in experimental crypto-currency networks is probably not particularly safe.

However, we have put considerable effort into mitigating the risks - see our Contract Safety Checklist.

I have a question that isn't listed here!

Try the discussion thread on


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