
The possessive case 所有格

The possessive case is used to show a relationship of

belonging between one thing and another。


To form the possessive, an apostrophe and an ‘s’ is added to

the noun。 For example, if a ball belongs to the dog it is the dog‘s


为了构成所有格,名词后面要加撇号和s。比如一个球属于一只狗,那就是dog‘s ball。

However the rule becomes more complicated once it is applied

to a noun ending in the letter ‘s’。


The same principle applies but some people might choose to

remove the second ‘s’。


For example, to refer to the part played by the actress, it

could be ‘the actress’s part‘ or ’the actress‘ part’。

比如,当指某位女演员表演的部分时,可以说是the actress‘s part或者the actress’


Some people are guided in whether or not to include the ‘s’

by how the word is pronounced。


Lucy said the most important thing to do is to remain

consistent in your style and to choose one form throughout a piece

of text。


The rule is clearer with a plural noun as only an apostrophe

should be added。


For example, the house belonging to your grandparents would

be your ‘grandparents’ house‘, rather than ’your grandparents‘s


比如,这间房子属于你的祖父母,应该写成your grandparents‘ house而不是your

grandparents’s house

If comparing two nouns with possessive pronouns, you don‘t

always need to repeat the second noun but would still use the



For example, you don‘t need to say ’my house is smaller than

my parents‘ house’, and can instead just say ‘my house is smaller

than my parents’。‘

比如,你不用说my house is smaller than my parents‘ house,而只要说my

house is smaller than my parents’(我的房子比父母的房子小)。

With nouns that have multiple owners, the last owner would

take possesion, so Lucy and Aly‘s cat not Lucy’s and Aly‘s


如果某件物品有多个所有者,要在最后一个所有者那里添加所有格形式,所以露西和爱丽的猫要写成Lucy and Aly‘s

cat 而不是Lucy’s and Aly‘s cat。

But if the noun is owned separately it would be Lucy‘s and

Aly’s cats。

但如果物品是分开所有的,就要写成Lucy‘s and Aly’s cats(露西和爱丽的猫咪们)。

Verb contractions 动词缩略形式

Verb contractions, which are sometimes called ‘short forms’,

commonly combine a pronoun or noun and a verb, or a verb and not,

in a shorter form。


The first use produces words such as ‘she’ll‘, which

combines the noun ’she‘ with ’will‘, used to express the future



The second use is seen in words like ‘can’t‘ - can and not -

or ’wouldn‘t’ - would not。

第二种用法比如can‘t (can和not的缩写)和wouldn’t(would和not的缩写)。

While they are common in everyday speech, they are frowned

upon in formal writing。


These are particularly true of contractions that combine

pronouns with ‘would’ or ‘had’。


One might say ‘Mum’d‘ instead of ’Mum would‘ in informal

conversation, for example, but would not write it。

比如在非正式的对话中,有人可能会说Mum‘d而不是Mum would,但书写时不会这么写。

Common mistakes 常见错误

The addition of apostrophes can lead to people becoming

mixed-up between homophones - words that have the same

pronunciation but different meanings。


One of the most common mistakes is the difference between

who‘s and whose。


‘Who’s‘ is a contracted form of ’who is‘ while ’whose‘ is

the possessive form of the pronoun ’who‘。

Who‘s是who is的缩略形式,而whose是代词who的所有格形式。

‘You’re‘ and ’your‘ create similar problems for native and

second language English speakers。




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