
/*** Note:for octet-stream upload* 这个是流式上传PHP文件* Please be amended accordingly based on the actual situation*/
$post_input = 'php://input';
$save_path = dirname(__FILE__);
$postdata = file_get_contents($post_input);if (isset($postdata) && strlen($postdata) > 0)
{$filename = $save_path . '/' . uniqid() . '.jpg';$handle = fopen($filename, 'w+');fwrite($handle, $postdata);fclose($handle);if (is_file($filename)){echo 'Image data save successed,file:' . $filename;exit ();}else{die ('Image upload error!');}
{die ('Image data not detected!');
/*** Note:for multipart/form-data upload* 这个是标准表单上传PHP文件* Please be amended accordingly based on the actual situation*/
if (!$_FILES['Filedata'])
{die ('Image data not detected!');
}if ($_FILES['Filedata']['error'] > 0)
{switch ($_FILES ['Filedata'] ['error']){case 1 :$error_log = 'The file is bigger than this PHP installation allows';break;case 2 :$error_log = 'The file is bigger than this form allows';break;case 3 :$error_log = 'Only part of the file was uploaded';break;case 4 :$error_log = 'No file was uploaded';break;default :break;}die ('upload error:' . $error_log);
{$img_data = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'];$size = getimagesize($img_data);$file_type = $size['mime'];if (!in_array($file_type, array('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'))){$error_log = 'only allow jpg,png,gif';die ('upload error:' . $error_log);}switch ($file_type){case 'image/jpg' :case 'image/jpeg' :case 'image/pjpeg' :$extension = 'jpg';break;case 'image/png' :$extension = 'png';break;case 'image/gif' :$extension = 'gif';break;}
}if (!is_file($img_data))
{die ('Image upload error!');
}// 图片保存路径,默认保存在该代码所在目录(可根据实际需求修改保存路径)
$save_path = dirname(__FILE__);
$uinqid = uniqid();
$filename = $save_path . '/' . $uinqid . '.' . $extension;
$result = move_uploaded_file($img_data, $filename);if (!$result || !is_file($filename))
{die ('Image upload error!');
}echo 'Image data save successed,file:' . $filename;
exit ();




表单名称为"upload_file" 。



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