极客战记 森林入侵

It was quite a wild ride for this week in Geek History: Steve Jobs gave a demonstration of the first Macintosh computer, beloved geek show MythBusters took to the air, and iconic movie Dr. Strangelove appeared in theatres and our collective consciousness.

这周在极客历史上是一个疯狂的旅程:史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)演示了第一台Macintosh计算机,心爱的极客节目MythBusters播出,标志性电影Strangelove博士出现在剧院和我们的集体意识中。

史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)演示了第一台Macintosh (Steve Jobs Gives a Demonstration of the First Macintosh)

In the video above a young and bow-tied Steve Jobs gives a live demonstration of the first Macintosh computer. We insist you watch the video and listen to the crowd. The cheering! They’re totally blown away by what we now look at as downright primitive. Why were they so blown away? Because the Macintosh heralded the availability of a functional and consumer friendly GUI on a personal computer. Whatever Apple fans or detractors could say then or now, it’s undeniable that the first Mac represented a way for non-technical users to interact with a computer without the burden of having command line-fu.

在上面的视频中,一个年轻而束手无策的史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)现场演示了第一台Macintosh计算机 。 我们坚持要求您观看视频并倾听人群。 欢呼! 它们被我们现在所认为的彻头彻尾的原始知识完全震撼了。 他们为什么这么被吹走? 因为Macintosh宣告了个人计算机上功能强大且对消费者友好的GUI的可用性。 无论苹果的拥护者或批评者当时或现在怎么说,不可否认的是,第一台Mac代表了非技术用户与计算机进行交互的一种方式,而没有命令行负担。

神话破坏者登上电波 (Mythbusters Takes to the Airwaves)

This week in 2003 MythBusters premiered on the Discovery Channel. The premise of MythBusters is simple: people have all sorts of  beliefs about the physical world around them that often sound ridiculous, outlandish, or dubious as best. MythBusters set out, and continues, to take on a handful of myths every episode and put them through various tests. The show is dramatic, the explosions over the top, and the fun Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman, and their assorted cohorts have is infectious. It’s impossible to watch the show and not want to turn your garage into a mad scientist’s laboratory.

2003年的这个星期,MythBusters在发现频道上首次亮相。 MythBuster的前提很简单:人们对周围的物理世界有各种各样的信念,这些信念通常听起来很荒谬,古怪或可疑。 MythBusters着手并继续在每个插曲中讲述一些神话,并对其进行各种测试。 演出是戏剧性的,爆炸声高高在上,亚当·萨维奇(Adam Savage),杰米·海尼曼(Jamie Hyneman)以及他们各种各样的同伴都充满了感染力。 不可能观看节目并且不想将车库变成疯狂的科学家实验室。

奇爱博士入侵大众文化 (Dr. Strangelove Invades Popular Culture)

This week in 1964 saw the release of iconic film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. The dark comedy paints a satiric picture of Cold War-era America and pokes fun at everything from the nationwide networks of hamster-tunnel-like fallout shelters proposed by prominent businessmen of the time to the absurdity of Doomsday Machines. Robert Ebert, the fame movie critic, argued that it was the best political satire of the 20th century, the film has been recognized by the American Film Institute four different times, and it has been deemed culturally significant and preserved by the US Congress in the National Film Registry. Most telling about the impact and popularity of the movie is how often it is alluded to or directly quoted in popular culture ranging from children’s cartoons to movies and music. Even if you’ve never seen the movie you’ve, through the widespread influence of the film, seen its hand in hundreds of other films.

1964年的这一周,发行了标志性电影《奇异博士》或《我如何学会不再担心和爱炸弹》 。 黑暗喜剧描绘了冷战时期美国的讽刺画,并从当时的杰出商人提议的全国性仓鼠隧道式防空洞网络到世界末日机器荒诞的网络中取笑。 著名电影评论家罗伯特·埃伯特(Robert Ebert)认为,这是20世纪最好的政治讽刺,这部电影已被美国电影学院(American Film Institute)四个不同时期认可,并被认为具有重要的文化意义,并被美国国会保存下来。国家电影登记处。 关于电影的影响力和受欢迎程度最能说明问题的是,在从儿童卡通到电影和音乐等流行文化中,人们多久提到或直接引用它一次。 即使您从未看过电影,您也可以通过电影的广泛影响在其他数百部电影中看到它。

Have an interesting bit of geek trivia to share? Shoot us an email to

有一些有趣的怪胎琐事可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至tips@howtogeek.com with “history” in the subject line and we’ll be sure to add it to our list of trivia. tips@howtogeek.com ,主题行中包含“历史记录”,我们将确保将其添加到琐事列表中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/41819/this-week-in-geek-history-steve-jobs-demos-the-first-mac-mythbusters-hits-the-airwaves-and-dr.-strangelove-invades-popular-culture/

极客战记 森林入侵

极客战记 森林入侵_本周极客历史:史蒂夫·乔布斯演示了第一台Mac,神话破坏者登上了电波,奇异博士入侵了大众文化相关推荐

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