I have a "whenever I get around to doing it" Newsletter of Wonderful Things. Why a newsletter? I dunno. It seems more personal somehow. Fight me.

我有一个“只要有机会就去做”的奇妙时事通讯。 为什么是新闻通讯? 我不知道。 似乎更加个人化。 和我战斗。

You can view all the previous newsletters here. You can sign up here to the Newsletter of Wonderful Things or just wait and get them some weeks later on the blog, which hopefully you have subscribed to. If you're signed up via email, you'll get all the goodness FIRST. I also encourage you to subscribe to my blog. You can also have all my blog posts delivered via email if you like.

您可以在此处查看所有以前的新闻通讯。 您可以在此处注册“奇妙的事通讯”,也可以等几个星期后在博客上获得它们,希望您已订阅了该博客。 如果您通过电子邮件注册,则将获得第一笔优惠。 我也鼓励您订阅我的博客。 如果愿意,您也可以通过电子邮件发送我的所有博客文章。

  • Sure, why not dress up your dog like a spider and scare people?


  • How can your startup get Traction? Great new book from Gabe Weinberg

    您的创业公司如何获得牵引力? 盖布·温伯格的伟大新书

  • Five BRAND NEW 3 min "Getting Started with the Azure Cloud" videos

    五个全新的3分钟“ Azure云入门”视频

  • Check out my latest podcast, this week with the CTO of JPL (Nasa)


  • For all your co-workers who mess up your phone calls and webinars: howtounmute.com

    对于所有搞砸您的电话和网络研讨会的同事: howtounmute.com

  • YouTube visualization of 15 sorting algorithms in 6 minutes.


  • Great talk on CSS Parallax Performance from Paul Irish! Really interesting.

    Paul Irish谈CSS视差性能! 十分有趣。

  • I'm making Bento boxes for the boys' lunches. They're loving it! I use these "Bentgo" boxes from Amazon.

    我正在为男孩的午餐准备便当盒。 他们喜欢它! 我使用亚马逊的这些“ Bentgo”包装盒。

  • There's a Linux Distro for TI Calculators now! It'll run Quake!

    现在有TI计算器的Linux发行版! 它会运行Quake!

  • Tic Tac Toe - in Pure CSS

    Tic Tac Toe-纯CSS

  • Introducing Gulp, Grunt, Bower, and npm support for Visual Studio

    引入对Visual Studio的Gulp,Grunt,Bower和npm支持

  • The Star Wars Trailer...re-done in Guardians of the Galaxy Style


  • Ten Things to Do To Secure a Famous Person's Computer


  • This sign is supposed to show you which things are forbidden. But it actually creates the coolest dog ever.

    该标志应向您显示禁止哪些物品。 但是它实际上创造了有史以来最酷的狗。

  • Dancing Baby Groot Cupcakes


  • Ventriloquist Nina Conti


  • Forever alone? Here's the bed for you.

    永远的孤独? 这是给你的床。

  • My review of the Surface Pro 3

    我对Surface Pro 3的评论

  • Wu Tang Financial's motto


  • Hearing a lot about the Bionic Pancreas for Diabetics? Here's my take.

    听说过很多有关糖尿病患者的仿生胰腺? 这是我的看法。

  • Frank Caliendo (impressionist) as Morgan Freeman. Check out the series.

    弗兰克·卡连多(Frank Caliendo)(印象派)饰演Morgan Freeman 。 查看系列。

  • 25 ways to ask your kids "how was school" without asking


  • Amazing exit email from a Capitol Hill Staffer

    来自Capitol Hill Staffer的惊人退出电子邮件

  • Afro-Chinese marriages boom in Guangzhou


  • How much does one Lego Piece cost?


  • DIY Game Boy with a Raspberry Pi


  • Weird Al's incredible longevity


  • Open Source is taking over Glucose Monitoring in the Diabetes Space


  • MathJax is an open source JavaScript display engine for equations


  • How the Indiana Jones Films were just a dream by Han Solo

    汉娜·索洛(Han Solo)如何将印第安纳·琼斯电影作为梦

Scott Hanselman


(BTW, since you *love* email you can subscribe to my blog via email here: http://feeds.hanselman.com/ScottHanselman DO IT!)

(顺便说一句,由于您*喜欢*电子邮件,因此可以在此处通过电子邮件订阅我的博客: http : //feeds.hanselman.com/ScottHanselman做到这一点!)

P.P.S. You know you can forward this to your friends, right?


Sponsor: Big thanks to Octopus Deploy for sponsoring the feed this week. They are FANTASTIC. Truly, check it out, the NuGet team uses them. Using NuGet and powerful conventions, Octopus Deploy makes it easy to automate releases of ASP.NET applications and Windows Services. Say goodbye to remote desktop and start automating today!

赞助商:非常感谢Octopus Deploy本周赞助了feed。 他们太神奇了。 确实,请检查一下,NuGet团队会使用它们。 使用NuGet和强大的约定, Octopus Deploy可以轻松实现ASP.NET应用程序和Windows Services版本的自动化。 告别远程桌面,立即开始自动化!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/hanselmans-newsletter-of-wonderful-things-september-5th-2014


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