
  • Word Preparation
    • lamb chop: 羊排
    • be fine with:可以,没问题
    • keep in mind:记住
    • vegetarian:素食者
    • tart :果馅饼
  • Grammar

Word Preparation

lamb chop: 羊排

s small piece of lamb meat with the bone still in it.

I want to order the lamb chop, but it’s a bit expensive.

My dad is making lamb chops and steak tonight.

be fine with:可以,没问题

We can eat anywhere. Anything is fine with me.

We can go to the theme park tomorrow if that is fine with you.

keep in mind:记住

usually said as a reminder to get someone to note something

Keep in mind that most stores don’t open until 9 a.m.

We can cook Pad Thai for the dinner party, but keep in mind that Gary is not into chicken.


a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals

This is not the restaurant for you if you are a vegetarian.

The restaurant for vegetarians around the corner attracts many tourists each year.

tart :果馅饼

a pie that has no top and is filled with fruit or something sweet.

There are many recipes for making tarts online.

Today we are going to make a strawberry tart.


复合不定代词是由some, any, no, every加上one, body, thing等所组成的不定代词。anything即是其中之一,可以表示“一些事”和“任何事”。


  • Is there anything you need for your salad making?
  • I like eat anything with meat.
  • Is there anything I can help you with?
  • If there is anything wrong, you can call the hot line.

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