那么,我的童年梦想?你可能不同意这个列表,但那曾是我的梦想。 [笑]体验零重力,参加全美橄榄球联盟,给世界图书百科全书出一篇文章 -我猜你可以看出我很早就是书呆子了。[笑]当柯克船长,在这里有谁有这个童年梦想吗?不会在卡耐基 -梅隆大学,没有。我想我能成为一个在游乐园赢得大毛绒玩具动物的人,我也想成为一个迪士尼幻想工程师。这个单子并不按任何特定顺序排练,但我觉得他们越来越困难,可能除了第一项以外。
OK, so being in zero gravity. Now it's important to have specific dreams. I did not dream of being an astronaut, because when I was a little kid, I wore glasses and they told me oh, astronauts can't have glasses. And I was like, mmm, I didn't really want the whole astronaut gig, I just wanted the floating. So, and as a child [laughter], prototype 0.0. [slide shown of Randy as a child lying in floating-formation on a table top]

好,体验零重力。有具体的梦想很重要。我没有梦想成为一个航天员,因为我从小就戴眼镜。他们告诉我,哦,宇航员不能戴眼镜。我想,嗯,我并不真的当宇航员,我只是想自由飘浮。因此,作为一个孩子 [笑] ,原型 0.0。[幻灯片显示小兰迪躺在台面上作漂浮状 ]
But that didn't work so well, and it turns out that NASA has something called the Vomit Comet that they used to train the astronauts. And this thing does parabolic arcs, and at the top of each arc you get about 25 seconds where you're ballistic and you get about, a rough equivalent of weightlessness for about 25 seconds. And there is a program where college students can submit proposals and if they win the competition, they get to fly. And I thought that was really cool, and we had a team and we put a team together and they won and they got to fly. And I was all excited because I was going to go with them.

但那并不怎么管用。我们知道美国航天局有一种用来训练宇航员的飞机叫做“呕吐彗星”。它以抛弧线飞行,在每个弧顶后有大约 25秒的时间是如弹道俯冲,大致相当于失重 25秒。航天局有一个项目让大学生可以比赛提出研究建议,如果他们赢了,他们就能上去飞。我觉得那很酷,我们有一个团队,我们把它组织好我。他们赢了竞赛,获准去飞。我好兴奋,因为我要跟他们一起去。
And then I hit the first brick wall, because they made it very clear that under no circumstances were faculty members allowed to fly with the teams. I know, I was heartbroken. I was like, I worked so hard! And so I read the literature very carefully and it turns out that NASA, it's part of their outreach and publicity program, and it turns out that the students were allowed to bring a local media journalist from their home town. [laughter] And, Randy Pausch, web journalist. It's really easy to get a press pass! [laughter]

然后,我碰上了第一道砖墙,因为航天局明文规定教员不能跟学生团队一起飞。我可是伤心透顶。我想,我投入了那么多心血!所以,我仔细读了文件,原来航天局有一个推广宣传项目,允许学生从他们家乡带一名当地媒体的记者。 [笑] ,兰迪 .波许,网站记者。得到新闻通行证可真容易! [笑]

So I called up the guys at NASA and I said, I need to know where to fax some documents. And they said, what documents are you going to fax us? And I said my resignation as the faculty advisor and my application as the journalist. And he said, that's a little transparent, don't you think? And I said, yeah, but our project is virtual reality, and we're going to bring down a whole bunch of VR headsets and all the students from all the teams are going to experience it and all those other real journalists are going to get to film it.


Jim Foley's going oh you bastard, yes. And the guy said, here's the fax number. So, and indeed, we kept our end of the bargain, and that's one of the themes that you'll hear later on in the talk, is have something to bring to the table, right, because that will make you more welcome. And if you're curious about what zero gravity looks like, hopefully the sound will be working here. [slide shows videotape from Randy's zero gravity experience] There I am. [laughter] You do pay the piper at the

bottom. So, childhood dream number one, check.

吉姆.佛勒在说,你这个混球。接电话的人说,这是传真号码。而事实上我们也实践了我们的诺言,这是你们等会儿会在讲座中听到的主题之一,就是手上要有货,这样你就会更受欢迎。如果你好奇零重力是什么样子,希望声响没有问题。 [录影带,兰迪的零重力体验] 这是我。 [笑] 你最后还是要在底部承担后果。所以,童年的一号梦想,画钩。

OK, let's talk  about ......


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    兰迪·弗雷德里克·波许(Randy Frederick Pausch)是美国卡内基梅隆大学的计算机科学.人机交互及设计教授.2006年9月,他被诊断患有胰腺癌.尽管进行了手术和化疗,他还是于2007年 ...

  7. [分享] 兰迪·波许教授的最后一课[PDF/PPT/AVI]

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  9. 读兰迪波许《追寻你童年时的梦想》

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