Apologize when you screw up and focus on other people, not on yourself. And I thought how do I possibly make a concrete example of that? Do we have a concrete example of focusing on somebody else over there? Could we bring it out? See, yesterday was my wife's birthday. If there was ever a time I might be entitled to have the focus on me, it might be the last lecture. But no, I feel very badly that my wife didn't really get a proper birthday, and I thought it would be very nice if 500 people— [a birthday cake is wheeled onto the stage] [applause] Happy—

当你做砸了,道歉。注意力在别人身上,而不是自己。我在想怎么能做出一个具体的例子?我们那里有没有一个把重点放在别人那里的具体例子?能不能把它拿出来?昨天是夫人的生日。如果我配有一个焦点集中在我的时间的话,那可能就是这最后一次演讲。但不行,我太太没有真正过一个合适的生日,我觉得很糟糕。所以我想最好,有500人能- [一个生日蛋糕被推上讲台] [掌声]

Everyone (众人):

…birthday to you [Randy: her name is Jai], happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Jai, happy birthday to you! [applause]

…生日快乐[兰迪:她的名字叫洁] ,祝你生日快乐。亲爱的洁生日快乐,祝你生日快乐! [掌声]

[Jai walks on stage, teary-eyed. She walks with Randy to the cake. Randy: You gotta blow it out. The audience goes quiet. Jai blows out the candle on the cake. Randy: All right. Massive applause.]

[洁走上讲台,眼中含泪。她与兰迪走向蛋糕。兰迪:你把蜡烛吹灭。观众安静下来。洁吹灭蛋糕上的蜡烛。兰迪:好。热烈鼓掌。 ]

Randy Pausch:

And now you all have an extra reason to come to the reception. [laughter] Remember brick walls let us show our dedication. They are there to separate us from the people who don't really want to achieve their childhood dreams. Don't bail. The best of the gold's at the bottom of barrels of crap. [Shows slide of Steve Seabolt next to a picture of The Sims] [laughter] What Steve didn't tell you was the big sabbatical at EA, I had been there for 48 hours and they loved the ETC, we were the best, we were the favorites, and then somebody pulled me aside and said, oh, by the way, we're about to give eight million dollars to USC to build a program just like yours. We're hoping you can help them get it off the ground. [laughter] And then Steve came along and said, they said what? Oh god. And to quote a famous man, I will fix this. And he did. Steve has been an incredible partner. And we have a great relationship, personal and professional. And he has certainly been point man on getting a gaming asset to help teach millions of kids and that's just incredible. But, you know, it certainly would have been reasonable for me to leave 48 hours after that sabbatical, but it wouldn't have been the right thing to do, and when you do the right thing, good stuff has a way of happening.

现在大家又多了一个来参加(稍后)招待会的理由了。 [笑声] 记住砖墙让我们显示我们的热诚。它们在那里把我们从那些并不真正想要实现自己的童年梦想的人分开。不要逃避。最好的黄金是在粪桶的底部。 [显示幻灯片史蒂夫西伯特和模拟人生游戏的照片] [笑]史蒂夫没有告诉你们的是在艺电公司的公休假,我已经在那有48小时,他们喜欢娱乐技术中心,我们是最好的,我们最被看好,然后有人把我拉到一边说,哦,顺便说一下,我们即将给南加洲大学 800万美元,建一个跟你们一样的项目。我们希望你可以帮他们开个头。 [笑] ,然后来到史蒂夫来了问,他们说什么?哦上帝。再次引述一位著名人士的话,“我来解决”。他解决了。史蒂夫是个宁人令人难以置信的伙伴。无论于私于公,我们都有非常好的关系。他的确是让游戏资产用于帮助教育数百万孩子的急先锋。但是,你知道,我要是在那公休假后

48小时离开, 那也无不妥, 但那不是件正确的事情,当你做正确的事情,好事情就会飘然而至。

Get a feedback loop and listen to it. Your feedback loop can be this dorky spreadsheet thing I did, or it can just be one great man who tells you what you need to hear. The hard part is the listening to it. Anybody can get chewed out. It's the rare person who says, oh my god, you were right. As opposed to, no wait, the real reason is… We've all heard that. When people give you feedback, cherish it and use it.

得到并听取反馈。你的反馈回路可以是我做的这学究气的表格,或者是一个伟人告诉你你所应该听到的。听取意见才是难点。每个人都会被训斥。鲜有人说,我的上帝啊,你说得对。常见的是,不,等一下,真正的原因是 … …我们都听过这种辩解。当人们给你的反馈时,珍惜并使用它。

Show gratitude. When I got tenure I took all of my research team down to Disneyworld for a week. And one of the other professors at Virginia said, how can you do that? I said these people just busted their ass and got me the best job in the world for life. How could I not do that?


Don't complain. Just work harder. [shows slide of Jackie Robinson] That’s a picture of Jackie Robinson. It was in his contract not to complain, even when the fans spit on him.

不要抱怨。而要加倍努力。 [放济臣的幻灯(美国棒球大联盟的第一位黑人球员 ,译者注 )] 这是济臣的照片。在他的合同中规定即使是球迷向他吐唾沫也不能抱怨,。


Be good at something, it makes you valuable.


Work hard. I got tenure a year early as Steve mentioned. Junior faculty members used to say to me, wow, you got tenure early. What’s your secret? I said, it’s pretty simple. Call my any Friday night in my office at ten o’clock and I’ll tell you.

努力工作。史蒂夫提及我提前一年拿到终身教职。一位下级教员对我说 ”哇,你提前拿到终身教职。你有什么诀窍?我说,非常简单。任何周五晚上十点钟给我办公室打电话,我会告诉你。

Find the best in everybody. One of the things that Jon Snoddy as I said told me is that you might have to wait a long time, sometimes years, but people will show you their good side. Just keep waiting no matter how long it takes. No one is all evil. Everybody has a good side, just keep waiting, it will come out.


And be prepared. Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity.


So today's talk was about .......


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  2. [转]兰迪.波许的最后讲座:真正实现你童年的梦想(中英文对照)12

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  3. [转]兰迪.波许的最后讲座:真正实现你童年的梦想(中英文对照)8

    So I said to him, well, let's back off on this. Do we think this is a good idea at all? He said, I h ...

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    兰迪·弗雷德里克·波许(Randy Frederick Pausch)是美国卡内基梅隆大学的计算机科学.人机交互及设计教授.2006年9月,他被诊断患有胰腺癌.尽管进行了手术和化疗,他还是于2007年 ...

  7. [分享] 兰迪·波许教授的最后一课[PDF/PPT/AVI]

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  9. 读兰迪波许《追寻你童年时的梦想》

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