Hi all ,
anybody out there who are familiar with makefiles ?
sorry for asking , if i for example write in the makefile for a package the following lines :
(eval(eval (call BuildPackage,bridge))
the binaries will be automatically stripped before they are packed in to the *.ipk package ,
so my question is how can i disable the stripping of the binaries before they go into the *.ipk package ?
i know , it´s a little bit crazy question , the reason for this question is , i am working on a package source of a library , everything is compiled right , and before the libraries go in to the *.ipk package , they are automatically stripped , i don’t want that , because after stripping my libraries are destroyed , strip removes too much code , anybody know how to disable stripping ?

thank you for reading this
Have a nice day
make package/foo/{clean,compile} V=99 STRIP=/bin/true


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