APTonCD is an easy way to back up your installed packages to a disc or ISO image. You can quickly restore the packages on another Ubuntu system without downloading anything.

APTonCD是将安装的软件包备份到光盘或ISO映像的简便方法。 您可以在不下载任何东西的情况下,在另一个Ubuntu系统上快速恢复软件包。

After using APTonCD, you can install the backed up packages with a single action, add the packages as a software source, or restore them to your APT cache.


安装 (Installation)

APTonCD is available in Ubuntu’s default software repositories. Search for “APTonCD” in the Ubuntu Software Center and you’ll find it. It’s also available in Debian’s software repositories.

APTonCD在Ubuntu的默认软件存储库中可用。 在Ubuntu软件中心中搜索“ APTonCD”,您将找到它。 也可以在Debian的软件存储库中找到。

You can also run the following command from a terminal:


sudo apt-get install aptoncd

须藤apt-get install aptoncd

After it’s installed, you can launch it from the Dash.


备份程序包 (Backing Up Packages)

The “Create” button allows you to create a disc with your downloaded, cached DEB packages on it. This copies the packages from your APT cache (located in the /var/cache/apt/archives/ directory) to the disc. If you’ve used a clean-up utility such as Computer Janitor, the cached packages may no longer be present on your system.

“创建”按钮使您可以创建包含下载的,已缓存的DEB软件包的光盘。 这会将软件包从APT缓存(位于/ var / cache / apt / archives /目录中)复制到光盘上。 如果您使用了诸如Computer Janitor之类的清理实用程序,则缓存的软件包可能不再存在于您的系统上。

APTonCD presents you with a list of your cached packages and automatically selects them all. You can deselect packages if you don’t want them on the disc. If you have additional DEB packages you want to add, click the Add button to add them to the list. You can also drag and drop DEB packages from a file manager onto the window.

APTonCD为您提供缓存软件包的列表,并自动选择它们。 如果您不希望光盘上显示软件包,则可以取消选择软件包。 如果还有其他要添加的DEB包,请单击“添加”按钮将它们添加到列表中。 您也可以将DEB包从文件管理器拖放到窗口上。

Once you’ve selected your packages, click the Burn button. Using the window that appears, you can select a CD or DVD image, specify a name and location for the ISO image file, and optionally create a meta-package. A meta-package is a single package that depends on all other packages on the disc – this allows you to easily install all the packages on the disc by telling APT to install a single package.

选择软件包后,单击刻录按钮。 使用出现的窗口,您可以选择CD或DVD映像,为ISO映像文件指定名称和位置,还可以选择创建元包。 元软件包是依赖于光盘上所有其他软件包的单个软件包–通过告诉APT安装单个软件包,您可以轻松地将所有软件包安装在光盘上。

Click the Apply button and APTonCD will create an ISO image at the location you specified.


Once the image is created, you can have APTonCD launch a disc-burning application, such as Brasero, to burn it to a disc immediately. You can also burn the ISO image later. If you don’t have a disc drive – no problem, you can save the ISO image as a file and transport it between computers on a USB drive.

创建映像后,您可以让APTonCD启动光盘刻录应用程序(例如Brasero)以立即将其刻录到光盘上。 您也可以稍后刻录ISO映像。 如果没有光盘驱动器-没问题,您可以将ISO映像另存为文件,并在USB驱动器上的计算机之间进行传输。

安装所有软件包 (Installing All Packages)

If you burnt the image to disc, you can insert it into your disc drive, open it in a file manager window, and double-click the package named “aptoncd-metapackage” to install it. This will install all packages on the disc. The package will not be present if you didn’t have APTonCD create a meta-package.

如果将映像刻录到光盘,则可以将其插入光盘驱动器,在文件管理器窗口中将其打开,然后双击名为“ aptoncd-metapackage”的软件包进行安装。 这将在光盘上安装所有软件包。 如果您没有APTonCD创建元软件包,则该软件包将不存在。

If you only have an ISO image, you can mount it as a disc and install packages from it.


将光盘添加为存储库 (Adding a Disc as a Repository)

The File –> Add CD/DVD option in APTonCD adds the disc to APT as a software source. The disc will be used as a repository in APT, so you can install packages from it using Synaptic, apt-get, or other package management tools, even if you’re offline.

APTonCD中的“文件”->“添加CD / DVD”选项会将光盘作为软件源添加到APT。 该光盘将用作APT中的存储库,因此即使您处于离线状态,也可以使用Synaptic,apt-get或其他软件包管理工具从中安装软件包。

将软件包还原到缓存 (Restoring Packages to Cache)

The Load button on the restore screen won’t do anything until you install the hal package on your system. Do so with the following command:

在系统上安装hal软件包之前,还原屏幕上的“加载”按钮将不起作用。 使用以下命令执行此操作:

sudo apt-get install hal

须藤apt-get install hal

Restart APTonCD after running this command and you’ll be able to restore packages by clicking the Restore button. You can restore packages to any system, as long as the systems use the same architecture – for example, you can’t install 64-bit packages on a 32-bit installation of Ubuntu.

运行此命令后,重新启动APTonCD,您将可以通过单击“还原”按钮来还原软件包。 您可以将软件包还原到任何系统,只要这些系统使用相同的体系结构即可。例如,您不能在32位Ubuntu上安装64位软件包。

Use the Load button on the Restore screen to specify a disc drive or ISO image file.


After you have, you can click the Restore button to restore the downloaded packages to your APT cache. APT will use them to install the packages instead of downloading them.

完成后,可以单击“还原”按钮将下载的软件包还原到APT缓存中。 APT将使用它们来安装软件包,而不是下载它们。

APTonCD is particularly useful for systems without Internet connections, but it’s also a quick way to restore your favorite packages after reinstalling Ubuntu from scratch – without having to remember them.


Have you used APTonCD in the past? Share your experiences in the comments.

您过去曾经使用过APTonCD吗? 在评论中分享您的经验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/110034/how-to-back-up-restore-your-installed-ubuntu-packages-with-aptoncd/


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