


安装的方法主要有两种,telnet或者ssh连接后台安装和 页面安装。





root@Jack:/tmp/opkg-lists# opkg--help

opkg:unrecognized option `--help'

opkgmust have one sub-command argument

usage:opkg [options...] sub-command [arguments...]

wheresub-command is one of:


update 升级 Update list ofavailable packages

upgrade 升级某一个软件 Upgrade packages

install 安装某一个软件 Install package(s)

configure 配置某一个软件 Configure unpacked package(s)

remove 删除软件 Remove package(s)

flag Flag package(s)

=hold|noprune|user|ok|installed|unpacked (one perinvocation)


list 列出openwrt所有支持的软件包 List availablepackages

list-installed 列出本机已经安装的软件包 List installed packages

list-upgradable 列出可以升级的软件包 ist installed and upgradable packages

list-changed-conffiles List user modified configuration files

files List files belonging to

search List package providing

find List packages whose name ordescription matches

info[pkg|regexp] 显示软件包的信息 Display all info for

status [pkg|regexp] 显示软件包的状态 Display all status for

download 下载一个软件包到当前目录 Download to current directory


compare versionsusing <= < > >= = << >>

print-architecture List installable package architectures

depends [-A] [pkgname|pat]+

whatdepends [-A] [pkgname|pat]+

whatdependsrec [-A] [pkgname|pat]+

whatrecommends[-A] [pkgname|pat]+

whatsuggests[-A] [pkgname|pat]+

whatprovides [-A] [pkgname|pat]+

whatconflicts [-A] [pkgname|pat]+

whatreplaces [-A] [pkgname|pat]+


-A Query all packages not just thoseinstalled

-V[] Set verbosity level to .

--verbosity[=] Verbosity levels:

0errors only

1normal messages (default)

2informative messages

3 debug

4 debuglevel 2

-f Use as the opkgconfiguration file


--cache Use a package cache

-d Use as the the rootdirectory for

--dest package installation, removal, upgrading.

should be a defined dest name from

theconfiguration file, (but can also be a

directory namein a pinch).



--add-arch: Registerarchitecture with given priority

--add-dest: Registerdestination with given path


--force-depends Install/remove despite faileddependencies

--force-maintainer Overwrite preexisting config files

--force-reinstall Reinstall package(s)

--force-overwrite Overwrite files from other package(s)

--force-downgrade Allow opkg to downgrade packages

--force-space Disable free space checks

--force-postinstall Run postinstall scripts even in offlinemode

--force-remove Remove package even if prerm script fails

--noaction No action -- test only

--download-only No action -- downloadonly

--nodeps Do not follow dependencies

--nocase Perform case insensitivepattern matching


Remove packageand all dependencies

--autoremove Remove packages that were installed

automaticallyto satisfy dependencies

-t Specify tmp-dir.

--tmp-dir Specify tmp-dir.

regexp could be something like 'pkgname*''*file*' or similar

e.g. opkg info 'libstd*' or opkg search'*libop*' or opkg remove 'libncur*'


如果你想要安装一个软件,但是不知道什么具体的名字,可以用命令获取到软件包的名字(opkg list |grep 软件名),然后安装,比如我想要安装tftp

root@Jack:/tmp/opkg-lists# opkg list|grep tftp

atftp- 0.7-1 - TFTP client

atftpd- 0.7-1 - TFTP server

erlang-inets- 5.8 - Erlang/OTP is a general-purpose programming language and runtimeenvironment. Erlang has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance. . This Erlang/OTPpackage provides a container for Internet clients and servers. Currently a FTP client, a HTTPclient and server, and a tftp client andserver have been incorporated in Inets.

iputils-tftpd- 20101006-1 - Program tftpd from iputils Trivial File Transfer Protocolserver.

kmod-ipt-nathelper- 3.7.10-1 - Default Netfilter (IPv4) Conntrack and NAT helpers Includes: - ftp- irc - tftp

tftp-hpa- 0.48-3 - An enhanced version of the BSD TFTP client

tftpd-hpa- 0.48-3 - An enhanced version of the BSD TFTP server


#opkgdownload tftpd-hpa


#opkginstall tftpd-hpa


#opkg installtftpd-hpa


#opkglist-installed |grep tftpd-hpa




在filter里面输入“tftpd”,点击“find package”,在下面的框中就显示出当前openwrt支持的软件包,找到需要的,点击install即可。见下图

作者:jk110333 发表于2013-4-2 23:31:51 原文链接

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