
Apple’s iMessage is one of the most popular messaging platforms around, and it’s a great way for Apple to lock people into its ecosystem. As great as iMessage is, there may still be times you need to disable or complete deactivate it.

苹果公司的iMessage是周围最受欢迎的消息传递平台之一,这是苹果公司将人们锁定在其生态系统中的一种绝佳方法。 尽管iMessage很棒,但有时仍然需要禁用或完全停用它。

Some of those times may be down to good old-fashioned troubleshooting (or perhaps you really did make the jump to Android) Whatever your reasons, you will not only need to turn iMessage off on your iPhone or iPad but potentially tell Apple to remove your number from iMessage on the server-side, too.


Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

听起来很吓人,不是吗? 不用担心,我们会在这里为您提供帮助。

如何在iPhone或iPad上禁用iMessage (How to Disable iMessage on Your iPhone or iPad)

Disabling iMessage on your iPhone or iPad is often the first step to take if you’re having issues with sending or receiving messages. A simple toggle off and then back on can often wake iMessage up, and while we might not like to admit it, the age-old suggestion of turning something off and then back on again does work more often than not.

如果您在发送或接收消息时遇到问题,那么在iPhone或iPad上禁用iMessage通常是第一步。 一个简单的关闭然后重新打开的操作通常可以唤醒iMessage,尽管我们可能不愿意承认它,但古老的建议是先关闭某些内容然后再重新打开,它的确经常会起作用。

To disable iMessage, head into the Settings app and tap “Messages.”


Complete the process of turning iMessage off by flicking the switch. If you do need to turn it back on, here’s where you would do that too.

轻按开关,即可完成关闭iMessage的过程。 如果确实需要重新打开它,也可以在这里进行。

如何停用iMessage (How to Deactivate iMessage)

If you are switching away from the iPhone and want to be done with iMessage completely, deactivating your phone number and removing it from the iMessage service centrally is the way to go. To achieve that, visit and enter your telephone number after selecting your country. Press “Send Code” to initiate the process.

如果您要离开iPhone,并希望完全使用iMessage进行操作,则可以取消激活电话号码并将其从iMessage服务集中删除。 为此,请访问并在选择您的国家/地区后输入您的电话号码。 按“发送代码”以启动该过程。

Apple will send you a confirmation code via SMS and once that arrives, plug it into the “Confirmation Code” box before pressing “Submit.”


Once all of these steps are completed, your phone number will no longer be associated with iMessage. SMS will be unaffected and will continue to work as usual.

完成所有这些步骤后,您的电话号码将不再与iMessage关联。 SMS将不受影响,并将继续照常工作。




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