系统Ubuntu 12.04 32位版,gcc 4.6,Geant 4.9.5p1,CLHEP


Installing Geant4 Release 4.9.4.p02 on Linux



sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake




mkdir ~/build

cd ~/build

cmake /home/tyllr/CLHEP/


make test

sudo make install



添加低能电磁作用数据包,data files for low

energyelectromagnetic processes

解压到Geant4目录新建的 data 文件夹下。

tyllr@tyllr-MXC061:~/geant4_9_5_p01$ mkdir ~/geant4build

tyllr@tyllr-MXC061:~/geant4_9_5_p01$ cd ~/geant4build/

tyllr@tyllr-MXC061:~/geant4build$ cmake ../geant4_9_5_p01

-- The C compiler identification is GNU

-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU

-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc

-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works

-- Detecting C compiler ABI info

-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done

-- setting default compiler flags for CXX

-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++

-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works

-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info

-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done

-- Could NOT find EXPAT (missing: EXPAT_LIBRARY


-- The following Geant4 features are enabled:

-- Configuring done

-- Generating done

-- Build files have been written to: /home/tyllr/geant4build

找不到 EXPAT,尝试:

sudo apt-get install libexpat-dev

cmake ../geant4_9_5_p01


-- setting default compiler flags for CXX

-- Found EXPAT: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libexpat.so

-- The following Geant4 features are enabled:

GEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_EXPAT: Using system install of EXPAT

-- Configuring done

-- Generating done

-- Build files have been written to: /home/tyllr/geant4build

tyllr@tyllr-MXC061:~/geant4build$ make


我是core 2


完成后 sudo make



mkdir ~/g4examplebuild

cd ~/g4examplebuild

cmake ../geant4_9_5_p01/examples/novice



tyllr@tyllr-MXC061:~/g4examplebuild$ cd N01

tyllr@tyllr-MXC061:~/g4examplebuild/N01$ ./exampleN01


Geant4 version Name:

geant4-09-05-patch-01 (20-March-2012)

Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration

Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303

WWW : http://cern.ch/geant4


========= Table of registered couples


Index :

0 used in the geometry :

Yes recalculation needed : No

Material : ArgonGas


cuts : gamma 1

mm e- 1

mm e+ 1 mm proton 1 mm

Energy thresholds : gamma -1

MeV e- -1

MeV e+ -1 MeV proton -1 MeV

Region(s) which use this couple :

DefaultRegionForTheWorldIndex :

1 used in the geometry :

Yes recalculation needed : No

Material : Aluminum


cuts : gamma 1

mm e- 1

mm e+ 1 mm proton 1 mm

Energy thresholds : gamma -1

MeV e- -1

MeV e+ -1 MeV proton -1 MeV

Region(s) which use this couple :

DefaultRegionForTheWorldIndex :

2 used in the geometry :

Yes recalculation needed : No

Material : Lead


cuts : gamma 1

mm e- 1

mm e+ 1 mm proton 1 mm

Energy thresholds : gamma -1

MeV e- -1

MeV e+ -1 MeV proton -1 MeV

Region(s) which use this couple :


Start Run processing.


G4EventManager::ProcessOneEvent() =====================================



1 primaries are passed from G4EventTransformer.

!!!!!!! Now start processing an event !!!!!!!


* G4Track Information: Particle

= geantino, Track ID =

1, Parent ID = 0


Step# X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm)

KinE(MeV) dE(MeV) StepLeng

TrackLeng NextVolume ProcName

0 -2e+03 0

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