
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Sometimes, it’s difficult to get someone’s attention in a large iMessage group chat on your iPhone or iPad. However, if you mention that person specifically in a message, your friend will receive a notification about it.

有时,很难在iPhone或iPad上的大型iMessage群聊中引起别人的注意。 但是,如果您在邮件中特别提到该人,您的朋友将收到有关此人的通知。

iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and higher have iMessage features specific to group chats. You can mention a contact in an iMessage group chat, and that person will be notified, even if he or she has disabled alerts for the group chat.

iOS 14,iPadOS 14和更高版本具有特定于群聊的iMessage功能。 您可以在iMessage群聊中提及联系人,即使该人已禁用群聊警报,也会通知该人。

Mentioning someone to get their attention isn’t new. You’re probably used to mentioning people on Twitter, WhatsApp, or Slack.

提及某人引起他们的注意并不是什么新鲜事。 您可能曾经在Twitter,WhatsApp或Slack上提到人。

However, the way mentions work in iMessage is a bit different. Instead of typing the at symbol (@) before someone’s name or handle, you just . . . type their name.

但是,在iMessage中提及工作的方式有些不同。 您只需在的名称或名称之前输入at符号(@),而不用输入。 。 。 输入他们的名字。

如何在邮件中提及某人 (How to Mention Someone in Messages)

To get started, open the “Messages” app and navigate to a group conversation. Here, type the name of the person you want to mention as it appears in your contacts.

首先,请打开“消息”应用程序并导航至群组对话。 在这里,输入您要提及的联系人的姓名。

Type the first or last name completely, and you’ll see it turn gray; tap it.

完全输入名字或姓氏,您会看到它变成灰色; 点击它。

You’ll see that person’s full name and profile photo in a popup; tap it to select that contact.

您会在弹出窗口中看到该人的全名和个人资料照片; 点按以选择该联系人。

Now, you’ll see a little animation in which the person’s name turns blue. This means he or she has been tagged. Tap the Send icon to send your message.

现在,您将看到一个小动画,该人的名字变成蓝色。 这表示他或她已被标记。 点击发送图标发送您的消息。

The recipient will then receive a notification that you mentioned them (even if they’ve muted the group chat). Whenever your contact taps the notification, he or she will be taken directly to your message.

然后,收件人将收到您提到他们的通知(即使他们已取消了群聊)。 每当您的联系人点击通知时,他或她将直接被带到您的消息中。

如何静音除提及以外的所有通知 (How to Mute All Notifications Except Mentions)

If a group conversation has too many messages, you can mute all of them except those in which someone mentions you.


To do this, open the group conversation you want to mute in the “Messages” app. Tap the arrow at the top of the conversation.

为此,请在“消息”应用中打开您要静音的群组对话。 点击对话顶部的箭头。

Next, tap the Info icon.


In the conversation settings, toggle-Off the “Hide Alerts” option.


Looking for a particular message in a group chat? You can search for it in the Messages app on your iPhone or iPad!

在群聊中寻找特定消息? 您可以在iPhone或iPad上的“消息”应用中搜索它!




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