禁用 spotlight

Apple’s Mac OS X and iOS send your Spotlight searches over the Internet to Apple. You then see results from Bing and suggested websites, locations, and media content. You can disable this and keep your searches entirely local, whether you’re using Spotlight on a Mac or iOS device.

Apple的Mac OS X和iOS通过Internet将您的Spotlight搜索发送给Apple。 然后,您会看到来自Bing的搜索结果以及建议的网站,位置和媒体内容。 无论您是在Mac还是iOS设备上使用Spotlight,都可以禁用此选项并将搜索完全保留在本地。

If you have Location Services enabled on your Mac or iOS device, your current location will also be sent to Apple when you search via Spotlight. This allows Apple to provide location-specific results. If this bothers you, you could continue using Spotlight’s web search results without sharing your location.

如果您在Mac或iOS设备上启用了定位服务,则当您通过Spotlight搜索时,当前位置也会发送到Apple。 这样,Apple可以提供特定于位置的结果。 如果您对此感到不安,则可以继续使用Spotlight的网络搜索结果,而无需共享您的位置。

在Mac OS X上禁用建议和Bing搜索 (Disable Suggestions and Bing Searches on Mac OS X)

To change Spotlight settings on Mac OS X, click the Apple menu and select System Preferences. Click the Spotlight icon in the System Preferences window.

要在Mac OS X上更改Spotlight设置,请单击Apple菜单,然后选择系统偏好设置。 单击“系统偏好设置”窗口中的Spotlight图标。

Uncheck “Allow Spotlight Suggestions in Spotlight and Look up” at the bottom of the window, and uncheck the “Bing Web Searches” option in the list. After you disable these features, Spotlight will only search local files and other data on your Mac itself. It won’t send your searches over the web to Apple or show you web-based results.

取消选中窗口底部的“允许在Spotlight中查找和查找Spotlight建议”,然后取消选中列表中的“ Bing Web搜索”选项。 禁用这些功能后,Spotlight将仅在Mac本身上搜索本地文件和其他数据。 它不会将您的搜索通过网络发送到Apple或显示基于Web的结果。

These options affect the Spotlight search feature that appears when you press Command + Space or click the search icon near the right side of the menu bar on the top of your screen.

这些选项会影响按Command + Space或单击屏幕顶部菜单栏右侧附近的搜索图标时出现的Spotlight搜索功能 。

在iPhone和iPad上禁用建议和Bing搜索 (Disable Suggestions and Bing Searches on iPhone and iPad)

On iOS, open the Settings app, select the General category, and tap Spotlight Search. Uncheck both the “Spotlight Suggestions” and “Bing Web Results” options

在iOS上,打开“设置”应用,选择“常规”类别,然后点击“ Spotlight搜索”。 取消选中“ Spotlight建议”和“ Bing Web结果”选项

These options affect the Spotlight search feature that appears when you swipe down on your iPhone or iPad’s home screen. (On iOS 9, Apple changed the Spotlight feature to appear when you swipe right on the home screen instead of when you swipe down.)

这些选项会影响在iPhone或iPad主屏幕上向下滑动时出现的Spotlight搜索功能。 (在iOS 9上,Apple将Spotlight功能更改为在主屏幕上向右滑动而不是向下滑动时显示。)

在Mac OS X上仅禁用位置发送 (Disable Only Location-Sending on Mac OS X)

If you’d like to keep using Spotlight search suggestions, Bing web results, or both without the location-specific data, you can choose to disable Location Services for Spotlight.

如果您想继续使用Spotlight搜索建议,Bing Web结果或同时不使用特定于位置的数据,可以选择禁用Spotlight的位置服务。

To do this on a Mac, open the System Settings app and click the Security & Privacy icon. Click the lock icon here and enter your password. Click over to the Privacy tab, select Location Services, scroll down, click the Details button next to System Services, and uncheck the “Spotlight Suggestions” option. Spotlight won’t be allowed to access your location and send it to Apple anymore.

要在Mac上执行此操作,请打开“系统设置”应用,然后单击“安全和隐私”图标。 单击此处的锁图标,然后输入密码。 单击“隐私”选项卡,选择“定位服务”,向下滚动,单击“系统服务”旁边的“详细信息”按钮,然后取消选中“ Spotlight建议”选项。 不再允许Spotlight访问您的位置并将其发送给Apple。

在iPhone和iPad上仅禁用位置发送 (Disable Only Location-Sending on iPhone and iPad)

You can also prevent your iPhone or iPad from sharing your location with Spotlight and thus Apple’s servers. Do this and you’ll still be able to use web search results — but without the location-specific perks.

您还可以防止iPhone或iPad与Spotlight共享位置,从而与Apple的服务器共享位置。 这样做,您仍然可以使用网络搜索结果-但没有特定于位置的特权。

To access this setting, open the Settings app, select Privacy, and tap Location Services. Scroll down and tap System Services at the bottom of the list of apps with permission to access your location. Disable the “Spotlight Suggestions” option here.

要访问此设置,请打开“设置”应用程序,选择“隐私”,然后点击“定位服务”。 向下滚动并点按具有访问您的位置权限的应用程序列表底部的“系统服务”。 在此处禁用“ Spotlight建议”选项。

Modern operating systems love sending your system searches over the web and returning search results, and Apple’s are no exception. Windows 10 does this with Cortana, Windows 8.1 does it with Bing, Android does it with Google — even Ubuntu does it.

现代操作系统喜欢通过网络发送系统搜索并返回搜索结果,Apple也不例外。 Windows 10使用Cortana进行此操作 , Windows 8.1使用Bing进行此操作 ,Android使用Google进行此操作- 甚至Ubuntu都进行了此操作 。

To be clear, Apple does have a privacy policy, and it states that these searches aren’t stored and logged. But whether you don’t want to trust Apple or you just don’t find these web searches useful or not, the choice of whether to use them is up to you.

需要明确的是,Apple确实有隐私政策,并且声明未存储和记录这些搜索。 但是,无论您是不想信任苹果公司还是只是觉得这些网络搜索没有用处,是否使用它们都由您决定。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/224344/how-to-disable-spotlights-web-searches-on-mac-iphone-and-ipad/

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