ipad iphone开发

By default, Apple’s iPhones and iPads make a sound when you turn their displays off (aka when you “lock” them). You can disable this sound entirely and never hear it again, or just silence your phone if you’d rather not hear it in certain situations.

默认情况下,Apple的iPhone和iPad在关闭显示器时(也就是“锁定”它们时)会发出声音。 您可以完全禁用此声音,然后再也听不到,或者,如果您不想在某些情况下听到它,只需将手机静音。

如何永久禁用锁定声音 (How to Permanently Disable the Lock Sound)

You can disable this sound from the Settings app. To do so, open the Settings app, scroll down, and tap the “Sounds & Haptics” option. On iPads and older iPhones, tap the “Sounds” option instead.

您可以在“设置”应用中禁用此声音。 为此,请打开“设置”应用,向下滚动,然后点击“声音和触觉”选项。 在iPad和旧版iPhone上,请点击“声音”选项。

Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and locate the “Lock Sound” option. Tap the switch to the right of it to toggle lock sounds off. When the switch is in its leftmost position—that is, when it appears white and not green—the lock sound is off.

向下滚动到屏幕底部,然后找到“锁定声音”选项。 点按其右侧的开关以关闭锁定声音。 当开关位于最左侧时(即,它显示为白色而不是绿色时),锁定声音关闭。

如何暂时使锁定声音静音 (How to Temporarily Silence the Lock Sound)

If you like the lock sound but just want to silence it in certain situations, you can just flip the physical Ring/Silent switch at the top left corner of your iPhone. The iPhone will be placed in silent mode, and the word “Silent” will appear on the screen for a moment.

如果您喜欢锁定声音,但只想在某些情况下使其静音,则只需拨动iPhone左上角的物理Ring / Silent开关即可。 iPhone将被置于静音模式,并且屏幕上会出现“ Silent”字样。

This also silences other sounds, including the phone’s ringer (it will vibrate instead), keyboard clicks, and sounds played by apps. Flip the switch once again to take the phone out of silent mode.

这也可以使其他声音静音,包括电话的铃声(它将振动 ),键盘点击声和应用程序播放的声音。 再次拨动开关可使电话退出静音模式。

Newer iPads don’t have a physical switch you can flip to enable silent mode. Instead, on an iPad, you must swipe up from the bottom of the screen and tap the bell-shaped icon. The words “Silent Mode: On” will appear and the icon will turn red. Tap it again to disable silent mode.

较新的iPad没有物理开关,您可以翻转以启用静音模式。 相反,在iPad上,必须从屏幕底部向上滑动并点按钟形图标。 将会出现“静音模式:开”字样,并且图标将变为红色。 再次点击以禁用静音模式。

Even after you disable the lock sound, your iPhone will still lock when the screen turns off. You’ll need a passcode, Touch ID, or Face ID to unlock and use it.

即使您禁用了锁定声音,当屏幕关闭时,iPhone仍将锁定。 您需要输入密码,Touch ID或Face ID才能解锁和使用它。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/340045/how-to-disable-the-lock-sound-on-an-iphone-or-ipad/

ipad iphone开发

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