谷歌 订阅日历

If you’re anything like me, you basically schedule your life around your favorite sports teams (Go Bulls!). While I generally try to remember what nights my team is playing, sometimes that’s just not possible—especially in a league like the NBA where there are 82 regular season games. Fortunately, there’s a super simple way to add your favorite teams’ schedules to Google Calendar, so you never miss a game.

如果您像我一样,基本上可以安排自己最喜欢的运动队的生活(Go Bulls!)。 虽然我通常会记得自己的球队在什么晚上玩,但有时根本不可能-尤其是在像NBA这样的联赛中,有82场常规赛。 幸运的是,有一种超级简单的方法可以将您喜欢的球队的日程安排添加到Google日历中,因此您不会错过任何一场比赛。

It’s worth noting that you have to do this from Google Calendar on the web—at the current time there isn’t a way to do it from mobile. Silly Google.

值得注意的是,您必须通过网络上的Google日历执行此操作-目前尚无法通过移动设备执行此操作。 傻谷歌。

Okay, so that said, the first thing you’ll need to do is jump over to the Google Calendar webapp, making sure that you’re signed into the Google account that you want to add the team schedule to.

好的,也就是说,您需要做的第一件事就是跳到Google Calendar webapp ,确保您已登录要添加团队计划的Google帐户。

From there, click on the small arrow just to the right of the “Other calendars” section, which can be found in the left column.


In that dropdown, select “Browse Interesting Calendars.”


This will open a menu with all sorts of new stuff, including a slew of different religious and cultural holidays. The tab we’re looking for, however, is just to the right of the “Holidays” tab: “Sports.” Click that.

这将打开一个菜单,其中包含各种新内容,包括各种不同的宗教和文化假期。 但是,我们要查找的标签位于“假日”标签的右侧:“运动”。 点击那个。

Here, you can choose from all the most popular sports: baseball, basketball, cricket, (American) football , hockey, rugby, and soccer. I’m going to use basketball for this tutorial, but the steps will be the same for every sport.

在这里,您可以从所有最受欢迎的运动中进行选择:棒球,篮球,板球,(美式)橄榄球,曲棍球,橄榄球和足球。 在本教程中,我将使用篮球,但是每种运动的步骤都是相同的。

Once you’ve clicked on the sport, you’ll be presented with league options. For example, the basketball option lists everything from the NBA and WNBA to FIBA, the NBA D-League, NCAA, and more. I’m going with NBA here, but again, you can pick your own poison.

单击该运动后,将为您提供联赛选项。 例如,篮球选项列出了从NBA和WNBA到FIBA,NBA D联赛,NCAA等等的所有内容。 我要去NBA,但同样,你可以选择自己的毒药。

On the next screen, you can choose your team or teams by clicking the “Subscribe” button next to the team name. For future reference, this is also where you can unsubscribe from those teams, should you choose to stop watching them.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以通过单击团队名称旁边的“订阅”按钮来选择一个或多个团队。 供以后参考,如果您选择停止观看,也可以在这里退订这些团队。

Once you’ve selected all your teams, you can just jump back into your calendar by clicking the “Back to calendar” link at the top of the page.


You can also toggle each team calendar without actually unsubscribing to them—just click the colored box the the left of the team name in the “Other calendars” sections. This is also where you can customize the color associated with the team, just in case Google gets it wrong. Gotta show that team pride!

您也可以在不取消订阅的情况下切换每个团队日历,只需在“其他日历”部分中单击团队名称左侧的彩色框即可。 您也可以在此处自定义与团队相关的颜色,以防万一Google弄错了颜色。 要表现出球队的骄傲!

The team calendars will sync across all your mobile devices at this point and, just like on the desktop, you can control which ones are visible in your favorite calendar app (without having to unsubscribe).


Now it’s even easier to your let your sports obsessions control your life! Yay for convenience!

现在,让您对运动的痴迷控制着您的生活变得更加轻松! 是的,为了方便!


谷歌 订阅日历

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