
Getting directions in Google Maps lets you easily see how far away the destination is. However, if you want to know the distance between point A and point B on a hiking or running trail, here’s how to do that in Google Maps.

通过Google地图中的路线,您可以轻松查看目的地的距离。 但是,如果您想知道远足或跑步小径上A点与B点之间的距离,请按照以下方法在Google Maps中进行操作。

This technique works on the web interface on a computer, as well as on iPhone and Android. However, it doesn’t work in the web interface in a mobile browser. With that said, let’s begin. In my case, I’m going to be measuring the distance of a big trail loop that goes around the local YMCA.

该技术可在计算机,iPhone和Android的Web界面上使用。 但是,它在移动浏览器的Web界面中不起作用。 话虽如此,让我们开始吧。 就我而言,我将要测量围绕本地YMCA的大径环的距离。

在电脑上 (On a Computer)

To begin, fire up any web browser on your computer, go to, and zoom in on the desired location. Right-clicking the starting point of the distance you want to measure, and then click the “Measure Distance” option. I have the Satellite layer enabled here, but you can do this in any layer you want.

首先,启动计算机上的所有网络浏览器,转到 ,然后放大所需的位置。 右键单击要测量的距离的起点,然后单击“测量距离”选项。 我在此处启用了“卫星”层,但是您可以在所需的任何层中执行此操作。

Now, follow the trail and click it wherever it curves to place measuring markers that follow the trail’s path exactly.


You can zoom in and out as much as you’d like during the process in order to be as accurate or rough as you want.


Throughout the marking process, the total distance so far is shown at the bottom of the “Measure Distance” popup. It also shows the total square footage of the area, which can be useful if you’re making a complete circuit or just want to measure how large a particular area is.

在整个标记过程中,到目前为止的总距离显示在“测量距离”弹出窗口的底部。 它还显示了该区域的总平方英尺,如果您要制作完整的电路或仅想测量特定区域的大小,这将很有用。

If you add a point in error, just click the point again to remove it. You can also add points anywhere along the line and drag them around to change the path.

如果添加错误点,只需再次单击该点将其删除。 您还可以在直线上的任意位置添加点并将其拖动到周围以更改路径。

If you’re drawing a circuit of some kind (instead of a simple point A to point B measurement), complete the circuit by clicking on your starting point again. This will not remove your starting point.

如果要绘制某种电路(而不是简单的A点到B点测量),请再次单击起点来完成电路。 这不会删除您的起点。

在iPhone和Android上 (On iPhone & Android)

Open up the Google Maps app, and then find the location you want to measure. Tap and hold the starting point where you want the distance measurement to begin. A dropped pin appears at that point.

打开Goog​​le Maps应用,然后找到要测量的位置。 点击并按住要开始进行距离测量的起点。 此时会出现掉线的图钉。

Next, tap the white “Dropped Pin” box at the bottom of the screen.

接下来,点击屏幕底部的白色“ Dropped Pin”框。

Tap the “Measure Distance” option.


A second point appears at this point. It may automatically land at your current location rather than where you might truly want it. So just zoom out and drag the screen around to place the second point where you actually want it. This sounds kind of confusing, but you’ll quickly get the hang of it once you try it out yourself.

第二点出现在这一点上。 它可能会自动降落在您当前的位置,而不是您真正想要的位置。 因此,只需缩小并拖动屏幕到第二点即可。 这听起来有点令人困惑,但是一旦您自己尝试一下,就会很快掌握其窍门。

When you have the second point where you want it, tap “Add Point” in the bottom-right corner of the screen.


Continue dragging the screen around to move the next point to where you want it and then tap “Add Point” again. Repeat this process until you’re done marking your path.

继续左右拖动屏幕,将下一个点移至所需位置,然后再次点击“添加点”。 重复此过程,直到完成标记路径。

If at any time you want to delete the last point you made, you can tap the Undo button at the top.


You can also tap on the ellipses button, and then hit “Clear” to start over completely.


As you go along, you’ll get a real-time update on the total distance you’ve marked. Unfortunately, the app doesn’t show you the total area like desktop web interface does.

随着您的前进,您将获得标记的总距离的实时更新。 不幸的是,该应用程序无法像桌面Web界面那样显示整个区域。

It’s not perfect, and the web interface on a computer is definitely easier to use for marking distance than the mobile app, but it should give you a pretty good estimate of the path’s distance.




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