



import time
from threading import Condition, RLockdef test_v1():t = Condition()a = 1def test_th(n):print('thread start ', n)with t:print('thread start wait ', n)if t.wait(5):print('thread ', n)else:print("************************* ", n)print("sleep ", n)time.sleep(n)print("sleep over ", n)if n == 2:t.notify()threads = [threading.Thread(target=test_th, args=(i, )) for i in range(1, 10)][t.start() for t in threads]with t:print("start notify ")t.notify(2)if __name__ == '__main__':test_v1()


thread start  1
thread start  2
thread start wait  2
thread start  3
thread start wait  3
thread start  4
thread start wait  4
thread start wait  1
thread start  5
thread start wait  5
thread start  6
thread start wait  6
thread start  7
thread start wait  7
thread start  8
thread start wait  8
thread start  9
start notify
thread start wait  9
thread  2
thread  3
thread  4
*************************  1
sleep  1
sleep over  1
*************************  5
sleep  5
sleep over  5
*************************  6
sleep  6
sleep over  6
*************************  7
sleep  7
sleep over  7
*************************  8
sleep  8
sleep over  8
*************************  9
sleep  9
sleep over  9

首先浅析一下该示例代码的主要执行流程;本文示例代码是一个典型的多线程的执行场景,首先先初始化一个Condition类实例,然后在各个线程中先加锁去获取该条件变量实例,然后在多线程start之后,所有线程都执行到了 'thread start’该行内容处,然后通过加锁的条件变量,然后通过t.wait(5)等待阻塞,如果等待5秒之后还未竞争到锁则继续执行else之后的内容,在启动所有子线程之后,就执行到’start notify’处,此时调用了t.notify(2)就是唤醒两个等待该条件变量的子线程,此时就输出了线程2,3,4中的任意两个,然后当执行到thread2的时候就会再继续t.notify(1)一个线程该线程就是激活的剩余的一个线程,所有正常被激活的线程就有三个,此时其他线程执行过程都没有了条件变量的唤醒操作,故剩余的线程都会等待t.wait(5)超时之后,执行剩余的sleep的打印代码,该示例代码的代码的执行流程大致如上所述,由于在Linux上基本上使用了pthread的线程库,所有底层的调用都是依赖于pthread的条件变量的实现。



class Condition:"""Class that implements a condition variable.A condition variable allows one or more threads to wait until they arenotified by another thread.If the lock argument is given and not None, it must be a Lock or RLockobject, and it is used as the underlying lock. Otherwise, a new RLock objectis created and used as the underlying lock."""def __init__(self, lock=None):if lock is None:lock = RLock()                                                      # 如果传入的lock为空则默认初始化一个RLock实例self._lock = lock# Export the lock's acquire() and release() methodsself.acquire = lock.acquire                                             # 获取lock的获取锁的方法self.release = lock.release                                             # 获取lock的释放锁的方法# If the lock defines _release_save() and/or _acquire_restore(),# these override the default implementations (which just call# release() and acquire() on the lock).  Ditto for _is_owned().try:self._release_save = lock._release_saveexcept AttributeError:passtry:self._acquire_restore = lock._acquire_restoreexcept AttributeError:passtry:self._is_owned = lock._is_ownedexcept AttributeError:passself._waiters = _deque()                                                # 生成一个队列def __enter__(self):return self._lock.__enter__()                                           # 调用lock的上下文def __exit__(self, *args):return self._lock.__exit__(*args)def __repr__(self):return "<Condition(%s, %d)>" % (self._lock, len(self._waiters))def _release_save(self):self._lock.release()           # No state to save                       # 释放锁def _acquire_restore(self, x):self._lock.acquire()           # Ignore saved state                     # 获取锁def _is_owned(self):# Return True if lock is owned by current_thread.# This method is called only if _lock doesn't have _is_owned().if self._lock.acquire(0):                                               # 判断是否加锁self._lock.release()                                                # return Falseelse:return True                                                         # 加锁成功返回Truedef wait(self, timeout=None):"""Wait until notified or until a timeout occurs.If the calling thread has not acquired the lock when this method iscalled, a RuntimeError is raised.This method releases the underlying lock, and then blocks until it isawakened by a notify() or notify_all() call for the same conditionvariable in another thread, or until the optional timeout occurs. Onceawakened or timed out, it re-acquires the lock and returns.When the timeout argument is present and not None, it should be afloating point number specifying a timeout for the operation in seconds(or fractions thereof).When the underlying lock is an RLock, it is not released using itsrelease() method, since this may not actually unlock the lock when itwas acquired multiple times recursively. Instead, an internal interfaceof the RLock class is used, which really unlocks it even when it hasbeen recursively acquired several times. Another internal interface isthen used to restore the recursion level when the lock is reacquired."""if not self._is_owned():                                                 # 检查条件变量的是否加锁                          raise RuntimeError("cannot wait on un-acquired lock")waiter = _allocate_lock()                                                # 通过c编写的函数获取锁住同一个cond和锁的lock               waiter.acquire()self._waiters.append(waiter)                                             # 添加到等待获取线程列表中saved_state = self._release_save()gotit = Falsetry:    # restore state no matter what (e.g., KeyboardInterrupt)if timeout is None:                                                  # 如果超时未传值waiter.acquire()                                                 # 一直阻塞直到获取到锁gotit = True                                                     # 获取返回为Trueelse:if timeout > 0:                                                  # 如果超时为正值gotit = waiter.acquire(True, timeout)                        # 等待该条件变量直到timeout超时else:gotit = waiter.acquire(False)                                # 如果传入小于0则一直阻塞直到被唤醒return gotitfinally:self._acquire_restore(saved_state)if not gotit:try:self._waiters.remove(waiter)                                 # 如果阻塞返回之后则从列表中移除except ValueError:passdef wait_for(self, predicate, timeout=None):"""Wait until a condition evaluates to True.predicate should be a callable which result will be interpreted as aboolean value.  A timeout may be provided giving the maximum time towait."""endtime = Nonewaittime = timeoutresult = predicate()while not result:if waittime is not None:if endtime is None:endtime = _time() + waittimeelse:waittime = endtime - _time()if waittime <= 0:breakself.wait(waittime)result = predicate()return resultdef notify(self, n=1):"""Wake up one or more threads waiting on this condition, if any.If the calling thread has not acquired the lock when this method iscalled, a RuntimeError is raised.This method wakes up at most n of the threads waiting for the conditionvariable; it is a no-op if no threads are waiting."""if not self._is_owned():                                                    # 判断是否加锁raise RuntimeError("cannot notify on un-acquired lock")all_waiters = self._waiters                                                 # 获取所有等待列表waiters_to_notify = _deque(_islice(all_waiters, n))                         # 获取指定n个等待的锁if not waiters_to_notify:                                                   # 如果获取为空则返回returnfor waiter in waiters_to_notify:                                            # 依次遍历waiter.release()                                                        # 释放锁try:all_waiters.remove(waiter)                                          # 并从等待列表中移除except ValueError:passdef notify_all(self):"""Wake up all threads waiting on this condition.If the calling thread has not acquired the lock when this methodis called, a RuntimeError is raised."""self.notify(len(self._waiters))                                             # 唤醒所有等待的锁notifyAll = notify_all


try:_CRLock = _thread.RLock
except AttributeError:_CRLock = None...def RLock(*args, **kwargs):"""Factory function that returns a new reentrant lock.A reentrant lock must be released by the thread that acquired it. Once athread has acquired a reentrant lock, the same thread may acquire it againwithout blocking; the thread must release it once for each time it hasacquired it."""if _CRLock is None:return _PyRLock(*args, **kwargs)return _CRLock(*args, **kwargs)

所以在使用with Condition时,就调用了RLock的__enter__和__exit__方法,来加锁和释放锁,RLock在c语言中的定义与属性如下;

static PyMethodDef rlock_methods[] = {{"acquire",      (PyCFunction)rlock_acquire,METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, rlock_acquire_doc},{"release",      (PyCFunction)rlock_release,METH_NOARGS, rlock_release_doc},{"_is_owned",     (PyCFunction)rlock_is_owned,METH_NOARGS, rlock_is_owned_doc},{"_acquire_restore", (PyCFunction)rlock_acquire_restore,METH_VARARGS, rlock_acquire_restore_doc},{"_release_save", (PyCFunction)rlock_release_save,METH_NOARGS, rlock_release_save_doc},{"__enter__",    (PyCFunction)rlock_acquire,METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, rlock_acquire_doc},                     # 加锁进入  该方法与直接调用acquire相同{"__exit__",    (PyCFunction)rlock_release,                      # 释放锁离开  该方法与直接调用release相同METH_VARARGS, rlock_release_doc},{NULL,           NULL}              /* sentinel */
};static PyTypeObject RLocktype = {PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)"_thread.RLock",                    /*tp_name*/sizeof(rlockobject),                /*tp_size*/0,                                  /*tp_itemsize*//* methods */(destructor)rlock_dealloc,          /*tp_dealloc*/0,                                  /*tp_print*/0,                                  /*tp_getattr*/0,                                  /*tp_setattr*/0,                                  /*tp_reserved*/(reprfunc)rlock_repr,               /*tp_repr*/0,                                  /*tp_as_number*/0,                                  /*tp_as_sequence*/0,                                  /*tp_as_mapping*/0,                                  /*tp_hash*/0,                                  /*tp_call*/0,                                  /*tp_str*/0,                                  /*tp_getattro*/0,                                  /*tp_setattro*/0,                                  /*tp_as_buffer*/Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */0,                                  /*tp_doc*/0,                                  /*tp_traverse*/0,                                  /*tp_clear*/0,                                  /*tp_richcompare*/offsetof(rlockobject, in_weakreflist), /*tp_weaklistoffset*/0,                                  /*tp_iter*/0,                                  /*tp_iternext*/rlock_methods,                      /*tp_methods*/0,                                  /* tp_members */0,                                  /* tp_getset */0,                                  /* tp_base */0,                                  /* tp_dict */0,                                  /* tp_descr_get */0,                                  /* tp_descr_set */0,                                  /* tp_dictoffset */0,                                  /* tp_init */PyType_GenericAlloc,                /* tp_alloc */rlock_new                           /* tp_new */


static PyObject *
rlock_acquire(rlockobject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
{_PyTime_t timeout;long tid;PyLockStatus r = PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED;if (lock_acquire_parse_args(args, kwds, &timeout) < 0)                # 解析传入参数, 是否正确,此时没有传入其他参数,此时timeout也为空return NULL;tid = PyThread_get_thread_ident();                                  # 获取线程的identif (self->rlock_count > 0 && tid == self->rlock_owner) {             # 检查该线程的锁是否已经被锁住了unsigned long count = self->rlock_count + 1;if (count <= self->rlock_count) {PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,"Internal lock count overflowed");return NULL;}self->rlock_count = count;                                       # 重置锁住次数Py_RETURN_TRUE;                                                 # 并返回True}r = acquire_timed(self->rlock_lock, timeout);                         # if (r == PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED) {                                        # 第一次获取锁assert(self->rlock_count == 0);                                # 检查锁的次数self->rlock_owner = tid;                                        # 设置idself->rlock_count = 1;                                            # 设置次数}else if (r == PY_LOCK_INTR) {return NULL;}return PyBool_FromLong(r == PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED);                         # 返回是否是已经获取锁
}static PyLockStatus
acquire_timed(PyThread_type_lock lock, _PyTime_t timeout)
{PyLockStatus r;_PyTime_t endtime = 0;_PyTime_t microseconds;if (timeout > 0)endtime = _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock() + timeout;                                 # 获取当前时间并计算结束时间do {microseconds = _PyTime_AsMicroseconds(timeout, _PyTime_ROUND_CEILING);          # 转换时间/* first a simple non-blocking try without releasing the GIL */r = PyThread_acquire_lock_timed(lock, 0, 0);                                  # 获取锁住的if (r == PY_LOCK_FAILURE && microseconds != 0) {Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADSr = PyThread_acquire_lock_timed(lock, microseconds, 1);Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS}if (r == PY_LOCK_INTR) {/* Run signal handlers if we were interrupted.  Propagate* exceptions from signal handlers, such as KeyboardInterrupt, by* passing up PY_LOCK_INTR.  */if (Py_MakePendingCalls() < 0) {return PY_LOCK_INTR;}/* If we're using a timeout, recompute the timeout after processing* signals, since those can take time.  */if (timeout > 0) {timeout = endtime - _PyTime_GetMonotonicClock();/* Check for negative values, since those mean block forever.*/if (timeout < 0) {r = PY_LOCK_FAILURE;}}}} while (r == PY_LOCK_INTR);  /* Retry if we were interrupted. */                # return r;
PyThread_acquire_lock_timed(PyThread_type_lock lock, PY_TIMEOUT_T microseconds,int intr_flag)
{PyLockStatus success;pthread_lock *thelock = (pthread_lock *)lock;                                    # 传入的锁int status, error = 0;dprintf(("PyThread_acquire_lock_timed(%p, %lld, %d) called\n",lock, microseconds, intr_flag));status = pthread_mutex_lock( &thelock->mut );                                  # 加锁CHECK_STATUS("pthread_mutex_lock[1]");if (thelock->locked == 0) {                                                    # 如果没有锁住success = PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED;                                                # 则锁住成功} else if (microseconds == 0) {                                                # 如果时间为0success = PY_LOCK_FAILURE;                                                     # 则获取失败} else {struct timespec ts;if (microseconds > 0)MICROSECONDS_TO_TIMESPEC(microseconds, ts);/* continue trying until we get the lock *//* mut must be locked by me -- part of the condition* protocol */success = PY_LOCK_FAILURE;while (success == PY_LOCK_FAILURE) {                                      # 如果失败if (microseconds > 0) {                                                # 如果时间大于0status = pthread_cond_timedwait(&thelock->lock_released,&thelock->mut, &ts);                                            # 等待一定时间然后释放if (status == ETIMEDOUT)break;CHECK_STATUS("pthread_cond_timed_wait");}else {status = pthread_cond_wait(&thelock->lock_released,&thelock->mut);                                              # 如果没有时间则一直阻塞等待释放CHECK_STATUS("pthread_cond_wait");}if (intr_flag && status == 0 && thelock->locked) {/* We were woken up, but didn't get the lock.  We probably received* a signal.  Return PY_LOCK_INTR to allow the caller to handle* it and retry.  */success = PY_LOCK_INTR;break;} else if (status == 0 && !thelock->locked) {success = PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED;                                      # 如果返回为0 并且没有被锁住则返回锁住成功} else {success = PY_LOCK_FAILURE;}}}if (success == PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED) thelock->locked = 1;                            # 如果锁住则设置锁住标识位status = pthread_mutex_unlock( &thelock->mut );                               # 释放锁CHECK_STATUS("pthread_mutex_unlock[1]"); if (error) success = PY_LOCK_FAILURE;dprintf(("PyThread_acquire_lock_timed(%p, %lld, %d) -> %d\n",lock, microseconds, intr_flag, success));return success;


static PyObject *
thread_PyThread_allocate_lock(PyObject *self)
{return (PyObject *) newlockobject();
}static lockobject *
{lockobject *self;self = PyObject_New(lockobject, &Locktype);if (self == NULL)return NULL;self->lock_lock = PyThread_allocate_lock();self->locked = 0;self->in_weakreflist = NULL;if (self->lock_lock == NULL) {Py_DECREF(self);PyErr_SetString(ThreadError, "can't allocate lock");return NULL;}return self;
}此时生成的是一个lock对象static PyMethodDef lock_methods[] = {{"acquire_lock", (PyCFunction)lock_PyThread_acquire_lock,METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, acquire_doc},{"acquire",      (PyCFunction)lock_PyThread_acquire_lock,METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, acquire_doc},{"release_lock", (PyCFunction)lock_PyThread_release_lock,METH_NOARGS, release_doc},{"release",      (PyCFunction)lock_PyThread_release_lock,METH_NOARGS, release_doc},{"locked_lock",  (PyCFunction)lock_locked_lock,METH_NOARGS, locked_doc},{"locked",       (PyCFunction)lock_locked_lock,METH_NOARGS, locked_doc},{"__enter__",    (PyCFunction)lock_PyThread_acquire_lock,METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, acquire_doc},{"__exit__",    (PyCFunction)lock_PyThread_release_lock,METH_VARARGS, release_doc},{NULL,           NULL}              /* sentinel */
};static PyTypeObject Locktype = {PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)"_thread.lock",                     /*tp_name*/sizeof(lockobject),                 /*tp_size*/0,                                  /*tp_itemsize*//* methods */(destructor)lock_dealloc,           /*tp_dealloc*/0,                                  /*tp_print*/0,                                  /*tp_getattr*/0,                                  /*tp_setattr*/0,                                  /*tp_reserved*/(reprfunc)lock_repr,                /*tp_repr*/0,                                  /*tp_as_number*/0,                                  /*tp_as_sequence*/0,                                  /*tp_as_mapping*/0,                                  /*tp_hash*/0,                                  /*tp_call*/0,                                  /*tp_str*/0,                                  /*tp_getattro*/0,                                  /*tp_setattro*/0,                                  /*tp_as_buffer*/Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,                 /*tp_flags*/0,                                  /*tp_doc*/0,                                  /*tp_traverse*/0,                                  /*tp_clear*/0,                                  /*tp_richcompare*/offsetof(lockobject, in_weakreflist), /*tp_weaklistoffset*/0,                                  /*tp_iter*/0,                                  /*tp_iternext*/lock_methods,                       /*tp_methods*/
};static PyObject *
lock_PyThread_acquire_lock(lockobject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
{_PyTime_t timeout;PyLockStatus r;if (lock_acquire_parse_args(args, kwds, &timeout) < 0)return NULL;r = acquire_timed(self->lock_lock, timeout);                                 # 同样的使用了acquire_timed执行流程如上相同if (r == PY_LOCK_INTR) {return NULL;}if (r == PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED)self->locked = 1;return PyBool_FromLong(r == PY_LOCK_ACQUIRED);
}static PyObject *
lock_PyThread_release_lock(lockobject *self)
{/* Sanity check: the lock must be locked */if (!self->locked) {PyErr_SetString(ThreadError, "release unlocked lock");return NULL;}PyThread_release_lock(self->lock_lock);self->locked = 0;Py_INCREF(Py_None);return Py_None;
PyThread_release_lock(PyThread_type_lock lock)
{pthread_lock *thelock = (pthread_lock *)lock;int status, error = 0;(void) error; /* silence unused-but-set-variable warning */dprintf(("PyThread_release_lock(%p) called\n", lock));status = pthread_mutex_lock( &thelock->mut );                      # 首先获取锁CHECK_STATUS("pthread_mutex_lock[3]");thelock->locked = 0;                                                 # 将锁标志设置为未加锁/* wake up someone (anyone, if any) waiting on the lock */status = pthread_cond_signal( &thelock->lock_released );          # 唤醒一个线程CHECK_STATUS("pthread_cond_signal");status = pthread_mutex_unlock( &thelock->mut );                   # 释放锁CHECK_STATUS("pthread_mutex_unlock[3]");





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