
create table person {



create table person_attribute {

person_id ...

attribute_name ...

attribute_value ...






create table cc(  contact_id integer,  cad_id integer,  value integer);



sudo mount -t ramfs -o size=200000m ramfs /mnt/memory

然后把数据库的数据目录移动到/mnt/memory之中。但是数据库的缓存设置也是必须修改的,比如PostgreSQL的work_mem如果设置过小的话,在做对一个很大的表做count(distinct xxx)时就会导致中间结果被写入到临时表之中。所以我们还是把所有的缓存搞大一些吧。

work_mem = 1000MBshared_buffer = 1000MBtemp_buffer = 1000MBeffective_cache_size = 1000MBwal_buffers = 1000MBauto_vacuum = off


taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(*) from cc;'  count  --------- 5904385(1 row)

real    0m0.448suser    0m0.024ssys    0m0.000s


taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(contact_id) from cc;'  count  --------- 5904385(1 row)

real    0m0.537suser    0m0.016ssys    0m0.008s


taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'create index contact_id_idx on cc(contact_id);'CREATE INDEX

real    0m4.848suser    0m0.016ssys    0m0.008staowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'analyze cc;'ANALYZE

real    0m0.197suser    0m0.024ssys    0m0.004s


taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(contact_id) from cc;'  count  --------- 5904385(1 row)

real    0m0.534suser    0m0.020ssys    0m0.008s

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(*) from cc;'  count  --------- 5904385(1 row)

real    0m0.447suser    0m0.028ssys    0m0.008s


taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(*) from cc where cad_id = 101 and value = 5;' count  -------- 998839(1 row)

real    0m0.686suser    0m0.024ssys    0m0.000s

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(contact_id) from cc where cad_id = 101 and value = 5;' count  -------- 998839(1 row)

real    0m0.660suser    0m0.024ssys    0m0.000s


taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'create index cad_id_value_idx on cc(cad_id, value);'CREATE INDEX

real    0m10.069suser    0m0.020ssys    0m0.008s

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'analyze cc;'ANALYZE

real    0m0.199suser    0m0.016ssys    0m0.012s

and try again.

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(contact_id) from cc where cad_id = 101 and value = 5;' count  -------- 998839(1 row)

real    0m0.283suser    0m0.020ssys    0m0.012s

真是很快很快耶!让我们来回顾一下,我们现在对于contact_id和(cad_id, value)都建立了索引。

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(contact_id) from (select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 101 and value = 5 intersect select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 102 and value = 7) as temp' count  -------- 164788(1 row)

real    0m1.159suser    0m0.028ssys    0m0.008s

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(*) from (select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 101 and value = 5 intersect select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 102 and value = 7) as temp' count  -------- 164788(1 row)

real    0m1.148suser    0m0.032ssys    0m0.000s

显而易见,这么做很慢。那么INNER JOIN是不是更快一些呢?

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1 inner join cc as a2 on a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id and a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7 where a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5;' count  -------- 164788(1 row)

real    0m1.162suser    0m0.036ssys    0m0.000s

这大概要慢上个200ms了。那么IN + SUB QUERY呢?

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1 where a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5 and a1.contact_id in (select contact_id from cc as a2 where a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7)' count  -------- 164788(1 row)

real    0m2.645suser    0m0.024ssys    0m0.004s


taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'explain analyze select count(contact_id) from (select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 101 and value = 5 intersect select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 102 and value = 7) as temp'                                                                              QUERY PLAN                                                                               ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate  (cost=107853.91..107853.92 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=1471.907..1471.907 rows=1 loops=1)   ->  Subquery Scan on temp  (cost=7467.63..107375.65 rows=191301 width=4) (actual time=1366.131..1459.419 rows=164788 loops=1)         ->  HashSetOp Intersect  (cost=7467.63..105462.64 rows=191301 width=4) (actual time=1366.129..1439.781 rows=164788 loops=1)               ->  Append  (cost=7467.63..103326.69 rows=854380 width=4) (actual time=69.436..797.478 rows=1829408 loops=1)                     ->  Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=7467.63..48180.53 rows=351876 width=4) (actual time=69.435..350.031 rows=830569 loops=1)                           ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc  (cost=7467.63..44661.77 rows=351876 width=4) (actual time=69.434..264.538 rows=830569 loops=1)                                 Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                                 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..7379.66 rows=351876 width=0) (actual time=64.162..64.162 rows=830569 loops=1)                                       Index Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                     ->  Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 1"  (cost=10667.56..55146.16 rows=502504 width=4) (actual time=69.846..331.544 rows=998839 loops=1)                           ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc  (cost=10667.56..50121.12 rows=502504 width=4) (actual time=69.845..233.794 rows=998839 loops=1)                                 Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5))                                 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..10541.94 rows=502504 width=0) (actual time=64.501..64.501 rows=998839 loops=1)                                       Index Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5)) Total runtime: 1477.484 ms(15 rows)

首先,INTERSECT不是并行执行的。两个子查询分别花费了300ms以上的时间,加起来有800ms是用在搜集contact_id上了。其次,集合之间的并集操作花费了600多ms。其余的时间都花在了数集合的成员个数上了。有一点值得注意的是,根据 http://postgresql.1045698.n5.nabble.com/ANTI-JOIN-needs-table-index-scan-not-possible-td3425340.html index scan和heap scan实际上都用上了索引。然而,SELECT还是在其之上额外耗费了100ms,我猜测它可能是回到原始的表结构中把行取出来,以获得contact_id的值。这在磁盘上的话速度会更慢,因为会是random seek操作。

taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'explain analyze select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1 inner join cc as a2 on a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id and a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7 where a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5;'                                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate  (cost=180366.31..180366.32 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=1280.964..1280.964 rows=1 loops=1)   ->  Merge Join  (cost=174783.00..180104.02 rows=104912 width=4) (actual time=1043.879..1270.197 rows=164788 loops=1)         Merge Cond: (a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id)         ->  Sort  (cost=97705.18..98961.44 rows=502504 width=4) (actual time=586.735..626.292 rows=998839 loops=1)Sort Key: a1.contact_idSort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 71397kB               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a1  (cost=10667.56..50121.12 rows=502504 width=4) (actual time=75.377..257.403 rows=998839 loops=1)                     Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5))                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..10541.94 rows=502504 width=0) (actual time=69.565..69.565 rows=998839 loops=1)                           Index Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5))         ->  Sort  (cost=77077.83..77957.52 rows=351876 width=4) (actual time=457.131..492.428 rows=830569 loops=1)Sort Key: a2.contact_idSort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 63509kB               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a2  (cost=7467.63..44661.77 rows=351876 width=4) (actual time=60.039..186.422 rows=830569 loops=1)                     Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..7379.66 rows=351876 width=0) (actual time=54.929..54.929 rows=830569 loops=1)                           Index Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7)) Total runtime: 1286.846 ms(18 rows)


taowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'create index cad_id_value_contact_id on cc(cad_id, value, contact_id);'CREATE INDEX

real    0m10.683suser    0m0.020ssys    0m0.004staowen@dmright-perf:~$ time psql postgres -c 'explain analyze select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1 inner join cc as a2 on a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id and a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7 where a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5;'                                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                                         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate  (cost=180366.31..180366.32 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=1338.478..1338.478 rows=1 loops=1)   ->  Merge Join  (cost=174783.00..180104.02 rows=104912 width=4) (actual time=1090.136..1327.312 rows=164788 loops=1)         Merge Cond: (a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id)         ->  Sort  (cost=97705.18..98961.44 rows=502504 width=4) (actual time=615.843..657.438 rows=998839 loops=1)Sort Key: a1.contact_idSort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 71397kB               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a1  (cost=10667.56..50121.12 rows=502504 width=4) (actual time=80.926..275.431 rows=998839 loops=1)                     Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5))                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..10541.94 rows=502504 width=0) (actual time=75.816..75.816 rows=998839 loops=1)                           Index Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5))         ->  Sort  (cost=77077.83..77957.52 rows=351876 width=4) (actual time=474.279..510.866 rows=830569 loops=1)Sort Key: a2.contact_idSort Method:  quicksort  Memory: 63509kB               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a2  (cost=7467.63..44661.77 rows=351876 width=4) (actual time=65.335..198.655 rows=830569 loops=1)                     Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..7379.66 rows=351876 width=0) (actual time=60.314..60.314 rows=830569 loops=1)                           Index Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7)) Total runtime: 1346.587 ms(18 rows)

还是不行!Merge Join慢的话,升级到9.1然后强制使用hash join会不会好一点?

postgres@dmright-perf:/mnt/memory/pg$ time psql -c 'explain analyze select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1 inner join cc as a2 on a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id where a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7 and a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5';                                                                        QUERY PLAN                                                                        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate  (cost=902356.85..902356.86 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=1693.137..1693.137 rows=1 loops=1)   ->  Hash Join  (cost=59599.78..902135.88 rows=88389 width=4) (actual time=461.788..1682.718 rows=164788 loops=1)         Hash Cond: (a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id)         ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a1  (cost=10833.24..50406.32 rows=510472 width=4) (actual time=76.337..224.571 rows=998839 loops=1)               Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5))               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..10705.62 rows=510472 width=0) (actual time=71.028..71.028 rows=998839 loops=1)                     Index Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5))         ->  Hash  (cost=44444.15..44444.15 rows=345792 width=4) (actual time=385.256..385.256 rows=830569 loops=1)               Buckets: 65536  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 29200kB               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a2  (cost=7341.27..44444.15 rows=345792 width=4) (actual time=64.778..258.059 rows=830569 loops=1)                     Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..7254.82 rows=345792 width=0) (actual time=59.675..59.675 rows=830569 loops=1)                           Index Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7)) Total runtime: 1698.207 ms(14 rows)

2、join自身很耗费时间,无论是sort merge join还是hash join


postgres@dmright-perf:/mnt/memory/pg$ time psql postgres -c 'select count(contact_id) from (select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 101 and value = 5 intersect select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 102 and value = 7 intersect select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 6 and value = 1) as temp' count -------  6748(1 row)

real    0m1.350suser    0m0.020ssys    0m0.008s


postgres@dmright-perf:/mnt/memory/pg$ time psql -c 'select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1 inner join cc as a2 on a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id inner join cc as a3 on a1.contact_id = a3.contact_id where a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7 and a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5 and a3.cad_id = 6 and a3.value = 1'; count -------  6748(1 row)

real    0m0.756suser    0m0.028ssys    0m0.000s


postgres@dmright-perf:/mnt/memory/pg$ time psql -c 'select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1 where a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5 and a1.contact_id in (select contact_id from cc as a2 where a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7 and a2.contact_id in (select contact_id from cc as a3 where a3.cad_id = 6 and a3.value = 1))'; count -------  6748(1 row)

real    0m7.320suser    0m0.024ssys    0m0.004s

我们可以看到这回INNER JOIN是最快的了。为什么?

postgres@dmright-perf:/mnt/memory/pg$ time psql postgres -c 'explain analyze select count(contact_id) from (select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 101 and value = 5 intersect select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 102 and value = 7 intersect select contact_id from cc where cad_id = 6 and value = 1) as temp'                                                                                       QUERY PLAN                                                                                        ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate  (cost=132357.21..132357.22 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=1659.666..1659.666 rows=1 loops=1)   ->  Subquery Scan on temp  (cost=306.85..132335.71 rows=8602 width=4) (actual time=1648.818..1659.243 rows=6748 loops=1)         ->  HashSetOp Intersect  (cost=306.85..132249.69 rows=8602 width=4) (actual time=1648.817..1658.543 rows=6748 loops=1)               ->  Append  (cost=306.85..131691.89 rows=223118 width=4) (actual time=33.797..1547.811 rows=372016 loops=1)                     ->  Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 3"  (cost=306.85..26138.13 rows=14239 width=4) (actual time=33.797..153.230 rows=207228 loops=1)                           ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc  (cost=306.85..25995.74 rows=14239 width=4) (actual time=33.795..134.292 rows=207228 loops=1)                                 Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 6) AND (value = 1))                                 ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..303.29 rows=14239 width=0) (actual time=28.558..28.558 rows=207228 loops=1)                                       Index Cond: ((cad_id = 6) AND (value = 1))                     ->  Result  (cost=7341.27..105553.76 rows=208879 width=4) (actual time=1282.426..1371.255 rows=164788 loops=1)                           ->  HashSetOp Intersect  (cost=7341.27..105553.76 rows=208879 width=4) (actual time=1282.418..1353.422 rows=164788 loops=1)                                 ->  Append  (cost=7341.27..103413.10 rows=856264 width=4) (actual time=57.550..734.282 rows=1829408 loops=1)                                       ->  Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 2"  (cost=7341.27..47902.07 rows=345792 width=4) (actual time=57.550..292.595 rows=830569 loops=1)                                             ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc  (cost=7341.27..44444.15 rows=345792 width=4) (actual time=57.549..218.162 rows=830569 loops=1)                                                   Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                                                   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..7254.82 rows=345792 width=0) (actual time=52.606..52.606 rows=830569 loops=1)                                                         Index Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                                       ->  Subquery Scan on "*SELECT* 1"  (cost=10833.24..55511.04 rows=510472 width=4) (actual time=69.129..330.737 rows=998839 loops=1)                                             ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc  (cost=10833.24..50406.32 rows=510472 width=4) (actual time=69.128..242.416 rows=998839 loops=1)                                                   Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5))                                                   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..10705.62 rows=510472 width=0) (actual time=64.161..64.161 rows=998839 loops=1)                                                         Index Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5)) Total runtime: 1665.691 ms(23 rows)


postgres@dmright-perf:/mnt/memory/pg$ time psql -c 'explain analyze select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1 inner join cc as a2 on a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id inner join cc as a3 on a1.contact_id = a3.contact_id where a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7 and a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5 and a3.cad_id = 6 and a3.value = 1';                                                                           QUERY PLAN                                                                           ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate  (cost=118979.47..118979.48 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=771.393..771.393 rows=1 loops=1)   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=49073.39..118977.89 rows=630 width=4) (actual time=399.835..770.587 rows=6748 loops=1)         ->  Hash Join  (cost=49073.39..97159.97 rows=2466 width=8) (actual time=399.814..691.519 rows=34219 loops=1)               Hash Cond: (a3.contact_id = a2.contact_id)               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a3  (cost=306.85..25995.74 rows=14239 width=4) (actual time=25.655..83.526 rows=207228 loops=1)                     Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 6) AND (value = 1))                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..303.29 rows=14239 width=0) (actual time=20.570..20.570 rows=207228 loops=1)                           Index Cond: ((cad_id = 6) AND (value = 1))               ->  Hash  (cost=44444.15..44444.15 rows=345792 width=4) (actual time=373.969..373.969 rows=830569 loops=1)                     Buckets: 65536  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 29200kB                     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a2  (cost=7341.27..44444.15 rows=345792 width=4) (actual time=59.271..250.932 rows=830569 loops=1)                           Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..7254.82 rows=345792 width=0) (actual time=54.030..54.030 rows=830569 loops=1)                                 Index Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))         ->  Index Scan using cad_id_value_contact_id_idx on cc a1  (cost=0.00..8.83 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=34219)               Index Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5) AND (contact_id = a2.contact_id)) Total runtime: 774.588 ms(17 rows)

对于INNER JOIN,索引都被利用上了。它不需要取得contact_id然后再来做集合操作。结论是对rowid做hash操作比集合操作更快。
不显示用INNER JOIN,让Planner决定Join顺序也是一样的:

postgres@dmright-perf:/mnt/memory/pg$ time psql -c 'explain analyze select count(a1.contact_id) from cc as a1, cc as a2, cc as a3 where a1.contact_id = a2.contact_id and a2.contact_id = a3.contact_id and a2.cad_id = 102 and a2.value = 7 and a1.cad_id = 101 and a1.value = 5 and a3.cad_id = 6 and a3.value = 1';                                                                           QUERY PLAN                                                                           ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aggregate  (cost=118979.47..118979.48 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=762.969..762.970 rows=1 loops=1)   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=49073.39..118977.89 rows=630 width=4) (actual time=398.554..762.206 rows=6748 loops=1)         ->  Hash Join  (cost=49073.39..97159.97 rows=2466 width=8) (actual time=398.531..684.425 rows=34219 loops=1)               Hash Cond: (a3.contact_id = a2.contact_id)               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a3  (cost=306.85..25995.74 rows=14239 width=4) (actual time=34.802..91.672 rows=207228 loops=1)                     Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 6) AND (value = 1))                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..303.29 rows=14239 width=0) (actual time=29.524..29.524 rows=207228 loops=1)                           Index Cond: ((cad_id = 6) AND (value = 1))               ->  Hash  (cost=44444.15..44444.15 rows=345792 width=4) (actual time=363.537..363.537 rows=830569 loops=1)                     Buckets: 65536  Batches: 1  Memory Usage: 29200kB                     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on cc a2  (cost=7341.27..44444.15 rows=345792 width=4) (actual time=57.799..245.467 rows=830569 loops=1)                           Recheck Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))                           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on cad_id_value_idx  (cost=0.00..7254.82 rows=345792 width=0) (actual time=52.349..52.349 rows=830569 loops=1)                                 Index Cond: ((cad_id = 102) AND (value = 7))         ->  Index Scan using cad_id_value_contact_id_idx on cc a1  (cost=0.00..8.83 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=34219)               Index Cond: ((cad_id = 101) AND (value = 5) AND (contact_id = a2.contact_id)) Total runtime: 766.107 ms(17 rows)


基本上对PostgreSQL的实验就到这里了,差不多也就这样了,提高空间不大。Google之后发现,PostgreSQL使用的MVCC机制导致其甚至在做SELECT COUNT这样的操作的时候也会去更新hint bit。也许这就是其慢的重要原因。MySQL的MYISAM引擎以完全不负责事务和著称,应该会比PostgreSQL有更大的提升,下一篇中,我们将对MySQL重复同样的实验。



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  4. Mysql 多表联合查询效率分析及优化

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