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I spend way too much time caring about spacing when designing interfaces and building design systems. You are probably no stranger to the constant 1 px and 8 px nudging, continuous checking of the bottom or in-between space for a previous component you have created, or the classic coming back to tweak everything in a series of frames just because you have changed the size of one single component.

在设计界面和构建设计系统时,我花了太多时间关注间距。 您可能并不陌生于常数1 px和8 px的微调,连续检查所创建的上一个组件的底部或中间空间,或者经典返回来调整一系列框架中的所有内容,因为您拥有更改了单个组件的大小。

Here’s a solution: try setting up a set of spacer components and use auto-layout in Figma.

这是一个解决方案: 尝试设置一组垫片组件,并在Figma中使用自动布局

Before you read on, here’s a quick demo video in loom.

在继续阅读之前,这里是织布机中的快速演示视频 。

assuming我假设... (☝


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