
Being an intuitive and user-friendly tool and having the possibility of real-time collaboration are some of the main reasons people choose to use Figma. But the migration process to Figma may sometimes be painful or time-consuming.

人们选择使用Figma是主要原因,它是一种直观且用户友好的工具,并且可以进行实时协作。 但是迁移到Figma的过程有时会很痛苦或耗时。

That’s probably why many design teams decide not to do it or postpone the migration to Figma.这可能就是为什么许多设计团队决定不这样做或将迁移推迟到Figma的原因。

In the past 2 years, I have had the opportunity to lead two migration processes from Sketch/Abstract/Zeplin to Figma. I have faced two different setups: the first one was at C6 Bank with more than 30 designers and the second one has been at Chama App, where currently our design team has 9 people.

在过去的两年中,我有机会领导了从Sketch / Abstract / Zeplin到Figma的两个迁移过程。 我遇到了两种不同的设置:第一种是在C6 Bank拥有30多名设计师,第二种是在Chama App中 ,目前我们的设计团队有9人。

In both cases, we have faced problems. Some were quite similar, but others were unexpected. Based on that, I would like to share with you some tips I learned in both cases that will definitely help your team in this migration process.

在这两种情况下,我们都面临问题。 有些非常相似,但其他却出乎意料。 基于此,我想与您分享我在这两种情况下学到的一些技巧,这些技巧必定会在迁移过程中为您的团队提供帮助。

1.制定计划 (1. Make a Plan)

You need to set a date to start and finish this process, create steps, and define your team’s priorities. There’s no use creating cover pages for projects in Figma if no one will ever understand how things are organized.

您需要设置一个日期来开始和完成此过程,创建步骤并定义团队的优先级。 如果没人能理解事物的组织方式,那么在Figma中为项目创建封面是没有用的。

It’s about having a goal, not a cover page.


1.1映射当前工作流程 (1.1 Mapping the current workflow)

First of all, observe and map your team’s current workflow. Do not start creating a new workflow or organization directly in Figma, try answering questions like these beforehand:

首先,观察并绘制团队当前的工作流程。 不要开始直接在Figma中创建新的工作流程或组织,请尝试事先回答以下问题:

  • How many teams/squads do we have?我们有多少支球队/小队?
  • How many projects/products do we have?我们有多少个项目/产品?
  • How do we organize the design team?我们如何组织设计团队?
  • How is the current workflow for developers/POs?开发人员/ PO的当前工作流程如何?
  • Which plugins are we using?我们正在使用哪些插件?
  • How many UI libraries do we have? How are they organized?我们有几个UI库? 他们是如何组织的?
  • What are our current pains and gaps in this workflow?我们目前在此工作流程中遇到的困难和差距是什么?

1.2盘点哪些是必需的 (1.2 Make an inventory of what is essential)

The process change is the best opportunity we have to decide what to keep with us and what to leave behind. Everyone has left a chair or table at the old house in order to buy a better one for the next home.

流程更改是我们必须决定与我们保持什么和留下什么最好的机会。 每个人都在老房子里留下了椅子或桌子,以便为下一个房屋购买更好的椅子或桌子。

Leave behind what you and your team have mapped as an old/bad habit and take this opportunity to try new approaches, in the case of Figma, learn about plugins, community libraries, etc.


This is a simple example of how to create a list of your design files sorted by priority vs effort and get an average. Where 1 it's low priority/effort and 5 it's hight priority/effort.

这是一个简单的示例,说明如何创建按优先级与工作量排序的设计文件列表并获得平均值。 其中1是低优先级/工作量,而5是高优先级/工作量。

The goal is that you get a variable of priority and effort for each item. Then you can do, for example, some planning poker with your team to find out what are the priority things that will be migrated to Figma.

目标是为每个项目获得一个优先级和工作量变量。 然后,例如,您可以与团队一起做一些计划扑克,以找出将要迁移到Figma的优先事项。

You can use different variables and different ways to separate the file list.


1.3创建迁移阶段 (1.3 Create migration phases)

A common question I heard in both cases was “Do I need to recreate all the screens in Figma?” and my answer for this is “not exactly”. Everything will depend on your goals and how you plan this migration.

我在这两种情况下都听到的一个常见问题是“是否需要在Figma中重新创建所有屏幕?” 我对此的回答是“不完全”。 一切都取决于您的目标以及如何计划此迁移。

For example, you can try to migrate everything in one month or one week, but in both cases, you will realize that it doesn’t make sense and your team still needs some components, branding assets, icons, etc.


As a project, this migration needs to have an MVP (minimum valuable product). Getting your priority file list and defining the releases that you can work on is more useful than having a date for all the migration process, so you’d better set a date to these releases instead.

作为一个项目,此迁移需要具有MVP(最低价值的产品)。 获取优先级文件列表并定义可以使用的发行版比为所有迁移过程指定日期更为有用,因此最好为这些发行版设置一个日期。

2.定义工作流程 (2. Define a workflow)

We have a lot of possibilities of how to organize teams/projects/files in Figma. One of the advantages of that is having everything in one place in a collaborative way.

关于如何在Figma中组织团队/项目/文件,我们有很多可能性。 优点之一是将所有内容以一种协作的方式放在一个地方。

As I said before, to define the best organization process for your team, you previously need to have mapped your current workflow, found the gaps, and figured out how you can do make this work in a more productive way in Figma.


2.1工作区 (2.1 Workspaces)

In your workspace on Figma you can have only one team organized per products, then arrange them per feature, flow, or OS for example.


We have used this approach at Chama and it has worked well for the current moment we face and the team size we have.


If your design teams are organized according to sub-products or if your company is holding different products in a centralized design management way, this second approach is probably more useful for you.


As you see in the picture above, you can have multiple teams/products/squads and subdivide them into sub-products/ projects/tracks in Figma. You can also have an entire team for the core design system and link the libraries across the teams/products/squads.

如上图所示,您可以拥有多个团队/产品/小组,然后在Figma中将它们细分为子产品/项目/轨道。 您也可以为核心设计系统配备一个完整的团队,并在团队/产品/团队之间链接库。

Spotify has a good example of how to organize the workspace in Figma for a large design team.



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