文献题目:Modelling and Control Strategies in Path Tracking Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles: A Review of State of the Art and Challenges

作者:Noor Hafizah Amer · Hairi Zamzuri ·Khisbullah Hudha · Zulkiffli Abdul Kadir



Autonomous vehicle field of study has seen considerable researches within three decades. In the last decade particularly, interests in this field has undergone tremendous improvement. One of the main aspects in autonomous vehicle is the path tracking control, focusing on the vehicle control in lateral and longitudinal direction in order to follow a specified path or trajectory.

In this paper, path tracking control is reviewed in terms of the basic vehicle model usually used; the control strategies usually employed in path tracking control, and the performance criteria used to evaluate the controller’s performance. Vehicle model is categorised into several types depending on its linearity and the type of behaviour it simulates, while path tracking control is categorised depending on its approach.

This paper provides critical review of each of these aspects in terms of its usage and disadvantages/advantages. Each aspect is summarised for better overall understanding. Based on the critical reviews, main challenges in the field of path tracking control is identified and future research directionis proposed. Several promising advancement is proposed with the main prospect is focused on adaptive geometric controller developed on a nonlinear vehicle model and tested with hardware-in-the-loop (HIL). It is hoped that this review can be treated as preliminary insight into the choice of controllers in path tracking control development for an autonomous ground vehicle.




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