


  1. Camera1 对焦(二) 对焦区域计算的几种方式(Touch to Focus)
  2. Camera1 对焦(三) 对焦功能标准化流程
  3. Camera1 Parameters参数详解(二)—— 3A算法 (对焦、曝光、白平衡)
  4. Android AF Work Flow安卓自动对焦工作流程
  5. Camera.Area相关知识 -> 【Android Camera1】Camera1源码分析【2.1】Camera.Area
  6. AF对焦模式相关知识 -> 【Android Camera1】Camera1 Parameters参数详解(二)—— 3A算法 (对焦、曝光、白平衡) 【2】AF对焦



  1. 默认自动对焦【视频、拍照连续对焦】
  2. 点击某一个区域单次对焦

从 Android 4.0(API 级别 14)开始,在拍摄图片或视频时,能够在图片中指定区域,并将这些值传递给相机硬件用于控制固定区域进行对焦和测光。区域对焦和区域测光可通过Parameters对应的Key进行设置。

2.1 区域相关设置代码

/*** <p>Gets the current focus areas. Camera driver uses the areas to decide* focus.</p>** <p>Before using this API or {@link #setFocusAreas(List)}, apps should* call {@link #getMaxNumFocusAreas()} to know the maximum number of* focus areas first. If the value is 0, focus area is not supported.</p>** <p>Each focus area is a rectangle with specified weight. The direction* is relative to the sensor orientation, that is, what the sensor sees.* The direction is not affected by the rotation or mirroring of* {@link #setDisplayOrientation(int)}. Coordinates of the rectangle* range from -1000 to 1000. (-1000, -1000) is the upper left point.* (1000, 1000) is the lower right point. The width and height of focus* areas cannot be 0 or negative.</p>** <p>The weight must range from 1 to 1000. The weight should be* interpreted as a per-pixel weight - all pixels in the area have the* specified weight. This means a small area with the same weight as a* larger area will have less influence on the focusing than the larger* area. Focus areas can partially overlap and the driver will add the* weights in the overlap region.</p>** <p>A special case of a {@code null} focus area list means the driver is* free to select focus targets as it wants. For example, the driver may* use more signals to select focus areas and change them* dynamically. Apps can set the focus area list to {@code null} if they* want the driver to completely control focusing.</p>** <p>Focus areas are relative to the current field of view* ({@link #getZoom()}). No matter what the zoom level is, (-1000,-1000)* represents the top of the currently visible camera frame. The focus* area cannot be set to be outside the current field of view, even* when using zoom.</p>** <p>Focus area only has effect if the current focus mode is* {@link #FOCUS_MODE_AUTO}, {@link #FOCUS_MODE_MACRO},* {@link #FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO}, or* {@link #FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE}.</p>** @return a list of current focus areas*/
public List<Area> getFocusAreas() {return splitArea(get(KEY_FOCUS_AREAS));
}public void setFocusAreas(List<Area> focusAreas) {set(KEY_FOCUS_AREAS, focusAreas);
}/*** Gets the maximum number of focus areas supported. This is the maximum* length of the list in {@link #setFocusAreas(List)} and* {@link #getFocusAreas()}.** @return the maximum number of focus areas supported by the camera.* @see #getFocusAreas()*/
public int getMaxNumFocusAreas() {return getInt(KEY_MAX_NUM_FOCUS_AREAS, 0);


  1. getMaxNumFocusAreas()获取当前Camera Lens支持对焦区域的个数。如果为0则表示不支持对焦固定的输入区域
  2. 通过设置focus-area来控制Camera Lens针对特定的区域进行对焦
  3. focus-area是一个rect。范围为【-1000,1000】,weight:【1,1000】,可参看Camera1源码分析【Java层】【2.1】
  4. setFocusAreas(null) -> 交给Camera自己控制
  5. 和zoom值没关系。区域对应的始终是zoom=1.0x的画面。详细可参看后续Camera1对焦之zoom

2.2 代码举例


// Create an instance of Camera
// Create an instance of Camera
camera = getCameraInstance();// set Camera parameters
Camera.Parameters params = camera.getParameters();if (params.getMaxNumMeteringAreas() > 0){ // check that metering areas are supportedList<Camera.Area> meteringAreas = new ArrayList<Camera.Area>();Rect areaRect1 = new Rect(-100, -100, 100, 100);    // specify an area in center of imagemeteringAreas.add(new Camera.Area(areaRect1, 600)); // set weight to 60%Rect areaRect2 = new Rect(800, -1000, 1000, -800);  // specify an area in upper right of imagemeteringAreas.add(new Camera.Area(areaRect2, 400)); // set weight to 40%params.setMeteringAreas(meteringAreas);
}if (params.getMaxNumFocusAreas() > 0){ // check that focus areas are supportedList<Camera.Area> focusAreas = new ArrayList<Camera.Area>();Rect areaRect1 = new Rect(-100, -100, 100, 100);    // specify an area in center of imagefocusAreas.add(new Camera.Area(areaRect1, 600)); // set weight to 60%Rect areaRect2 = new Rect(800, -1000, 1000, -800);  // specify an area in upper right of imagefocusAreas.add(new Camera.Area(areaRect2, 400)); // set weight to 40%params.setFocusAreas(focusAreas);


  1. 首先通过getMaxNumFocusAreas()和getMaxNumMeteringAreas()来判断是否支持区域对焦和区域测光。
  2. 设置了2个不同权重的Rect进行区域对焦和区域测光。


3.1 相机坐标系


图一中,给出了相机的坐标系,注意这里是横屏的。相机的坐标系中值的范围是[-1000,1000]。因此在左上角是[-1000, 1000]。右下角是[1000,1000]。


params.setFocusAreas(new Camera.Area(rect))代码2:
params.setMeteringAreas(new Camera.Area(rect))

3.2 UI坐标系




相机的输出流会和后置Camera Lens有90的的夹角;和前置Camera Lens有270度的夹角

因此在右侧整的的UI坐标系中,左上角是(0,0),右下角是(mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight),orientation:90度。


  • 3.1 横屏:左上角是(-1000, -1000),右下角是(1000,1000)。
  • 竖直:右上角是(-1000, -1000),左下角是(1000,1000)。




  • UI坐标系:左上角是(0,0),右下角是(mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight)
  • 相机坐标系:右上角是(-1000, -1000),左下角是(1000,1000)
  • 点击对焦测光:Point(x, y)[ui] -> Point(x, y)[camera] -> Rect(l, t, r, b)[camera]


  1. 获取点击对应的Point(x, y)
  2. Point(x, y)根据相机的orient方向,来判断是否进行x, y互换【后置从UI到相机参考系需要逆时针旋转-90度】
  3. Point(x, y) 从(0, 0, mPreviewWidth, mPreviewHeight) => (-1000, -1000, 1000, 1000)
  4. Point(x, y) [camera] 根据AspectRatio和区域Size => Rect[Camera]


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