



#define MAXTABLESIZE 100000 /* 允许开辟的最大散列表长度 */
typedef int ElementType;    /* 关键词类型用整型 */
typedef int Index;          /* 散列地址类型 */
typedef Index Position;     /* 数据所在位置与散列地址是同一类型 */
/* 散列单元状态类型,分别对应:有合法元素、空单元、有已删除元素 */
typedef enum { Legitimate, Empty, Deleted } EntryType;typedef struct HashEntry Cell; /* 散列表单元类型 */
struct HashEntry{ElementType Data; /* 存放元素 */EntryType Info;   /* 单元状态 */
};typedef struct TblNode *HashTable; /* 散列表类型 */
struct TblNode {   /* 散列表结点定义 */int TableSize; /* 表的最大长度 */Cell *Cells;   /* 存放散列单元数据的数组 */
};int NextPrime( int N )
{ /* 返回大于N且不超过MAXTABLESIZE的最小素数 */int i, p = (N%2)? N+2 : N+1; /*从大于N的下一个奇数开始 */while( p <= MAXTABLESIZE ) {for( i=(int)sqrt(p); i>2; i-- )if ( !(p%i) ) break; /* p不是素数 */if ( i==2 ) break; /* for正常结束,说明p是素数 */else  p += 2; /* 否则试探下一个奇数 */}return p;
}HashTable CreateTable( int TableSize )
{HashTable H;int i;H = (HashTable)malloc(sizeof(struct TblNode));/* 保证散列表最大长度是素数 */H->TableSize = NextPrime(TableSize);/* 声明单元数组 */H->Cells = (Cell *)malloc(H->TableSize*sizeof(Cell));/* 初始化单元状态为“空单元” */for( i=0; i<H->TableSize; i++ )H->Cells[i].Info = Empty;return H;
Position Find( HashTable H, ElementType Key )
{Position CurrentPos, NewPos;int CNum = 0; /* 记录冲突次数 */NewPos = CurrentPos = Hash( Key, H->TableSize ); /* 初始散列位置 *//* 当该位置的单元非空,并且不是要找的元素时,发生冲突 */while( H->Cells[NewPos].Info!=Empty && H->Cells[NewPos].Data!=Key ) {/* 字符串类型的关键词需要 strcmp 函数!! *//* 统计1次冲突,并判断奇偶次 */if( ++CNum%2 ){ /* 奇数次冲突 */NewPos = CurrentPos + (CNum+1)*(CNum+1)/4; /* 增量为+[(CNum+1)/2]^2 */if ( NewPos >= H->TableSize )NewPos = NewPos % H->TableSize; /* 调整为合法地址 */}else { /* 偶数次冲突 */NewPos = CurrentPos - CNum*CNum/4; /* 增量为-(CNum/2)^2 */while( NewPos < 0 )NewPos += H->TableSize; /* 调整为合法地址 */}}return NewPos; /* 此时NewPos或者是Key的位置,或者是一个空单元的位置(表示找不到)*/
}bool Insert( HashTable H, ElementType Key )
{Position Pos = Find( H, Key ); /* 先检查Key是否已经存在 */if( H->Cells[Pos].Info != Legitimate ) { /* 如果这个单元没有被占,说明Key可以插入在此 */H->Cells[Pos].Info = Legitimate;H->Cells[Pos].Data = Key;/*字符串类型的关键词需要 strcpy 函数!! */return true;}else {printf("键值已存在");return false;}
#define KEYLENGTH 15                   /* 关键词字符串的最大长度 */
typedef char ElementType[KEYLENGTH+1]; /* 关键词类型用字符串 */
typedef int Index;                     /* 散列地址类型 */
/******** 以下是单链表的定义 ********/
typedef struct LNode *PtrToLNode;
struct LNode {ElementType Data;PtrToLNode Next;
typedef PtrToLNode Position;
typedef PtrToLNode List;
/******** 以上是单链表的定义 ********/typedef struct TblNode *HashTable; /* 散列表类型 */
struct TblNode {   /* 散列表结点定义 */int TableSize; /* 表的最大长度 */List Heads;    /* 指向链表头结点的数组 */
};HashTable CreateTable( int TableSize )
{HashTable H;int i;H = (HashTable)malloc(sizeof(struct TblNode));/* 保证散列表最大长度是素数,具体见代码5.3 */H->TableSize = NextPrime(TableSize);/* 以下分配链表头结点数组 */H->Heads = (List)malloc(H->TableSize*sizeof(struct LNode));/* 初始化表头结点 */for( i=0; i<H->TableSize; i++ ) {H->Heads[i].Data[0] = '\0';H->Heads[i].Next = NULL;}return H;
}Position Find( HashTable H, ElementType Key )
{Position P;Index Pos;Pos = Hash( Key, H->TableSize ); /* 初始散列位置 */P = H->Heads[Pos].Next; /* 从该链表的第1个结点开始 *//* 当未到表尾,并且Key未找到时 */ while( P && strcmp(P->Data, Key) )P = P->Next;return P; /* 此时P或者指向找到的结点,或者为NULL */
}bool Insert( HashTable H, ElementType Key )
{Position P, NewCell;Index Pos;P = Find( H, Key );if ( !P ) { /* 关键词未找到,可以插入 */NewCell = (Position)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode));strcpy(NewCell->Data, Key);Pos = Hash( Key, H->TableSize ); /* 初始散列位置 *//* 将NewCell插入为H->Heads[Pos]链表的第1个结点 */NewCell->Next = H->Heads[Pos].Next;H->Heads[Pos].Next = NewCell; return true;}else { /* 关键词已存在 */printf("键值已存在");return false;}
}void DestroyTable( HashTable H )
{int i;Position P, Tmp;/* 释放每个链表的结点 */for( i=0; i<H->TableSize; i++ ) {P = H->Heads[i].Next;while( P ) {Tmp = P->Next;free( P );P = Tmp;}}free( H->Heads ); /* 释放头结点数组 */free( H );        /* 释放散列表结点 */

例题一:11-散列1 电话聊天狂人 (25分)
输入首先给出正整数N(≤10e​5​​ ),为通话记录条数。随后N行,每行给出一条通话记录。简单起见,这里只列出拨出方和接收方的11位数字构成的手机号码,其中以空格分隔。


13005711862 13588625832
13505711862 13088625832
13588625832 18087925832
15005713862 13588625832

13588625832 3

13005711862 13588625832
13005711862 13588625832
13005711861 13588625838
13005711861 13588625838
13005711861 2 4



/*散列1 电话聊天狂人*/
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>using namespace std;const int MaxNumber = 10e5;
string List[MaxNumber];
vector<int> vec;int main()
{   int MaxTimes=0, NowTimes=1;int FinalUserID;int N;cin >> N;for (int i = 0; i < N*2; i++)cin >> List[i];sort(List, List+N*2);for (int i = 0; i < N * 2; i++){if (i == 0) continue;if (List[i] == List[i - 1]) {NowTimes++;if (i == N * 2 - 1){if (MaxTimes == NowTimes)vec.push_back(N * 2 - 1);}}else{  if (MaxTimes < NowTimes){if(MaxTimes != 0) vec.clear();//清空老容器MaxTimes = NowTimes;FinalUserID = i - 1;vec.push_back(FinalUserID);//推入最新的容器}else if (MaxTimes == NowTimes)vec.push_back(i - 1);NowTimes = 1;//重新初始化}}if(vec.size() == 1)cout << List[vec[0]] << " " << MaxTimes ;elsecout << List[vec[0]] << " " << MaxTimes << " " << vec.size();return 0;



1.如H->Heads[i].Data[0],这里Data是个sring,所以Data[0] = '\0’初始化相当于Data = “”,都是将字符串置空,但要注意单双引号
2.strcp,strcmp这种是C的写法,在C++中直接进行字符串= > <大于小于等于号的比较或复制就可以了。
3.关于new。 new是一个数组的时候直接 new 数组名[数组大小]就可以了,但注意这种是返回一个指针,等号左边要用一个等号接住。基本类似于malloc的 (指针名)malloc(数组大小 * sizeof(结构体))。

/*散列1 电话聊天狂人*/
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;const int MaxNumber = 10e5;const int KEYLENGTH = 11;/*关键词字符串的最大长度*/
struct LNode
{string Data;LNode* Next;int count;
typedef LNode* List;
typedef LNode* Position;/*定义散列表*/
struct TableNode
{int TableSize;List Heads;
typedef TableNode* HashTable;/*找到合适的素数*/
const int MAXTABLESIZE = 1000000;
int NextPrime(int N)
{int i, p = (N % 2) ? N + 2 : N + 1;//从大于N的下一个奇数开始while (p <= MAXTABLESIZE){for (i = (int)sqrt(p); i > 2; i--)if (!(p% i)) break;//能整除i,说明p不是素数if (i == 2) break;//for正常结束,说明p是素数else p += 2;//否则试探下一个奇数}return p;
}int Hash(int key, int p)//除留余数法的hash散列函数
{return key % p;
}HashTable CreateTable(int TableSize)//建哈希表(分离链接法)
{HashTable H;int i;H = new TableNode;H->TableSize = NextPrime(TableSize);H->Heads =new LNode[H->TableSize];for (i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++)//初始化TableSize个节点{H->Heads[i].Data[0] = '\0';   /*Data是个string,data[0]置空,则str置空*/H->Heads[i].Next = NULL;H->Heads[i].count = 0;}return H;
}void ScanAndOutput(HashTable H)
{int i;int MaxCnt = 0;int PCnt = 0;string MinPhone;List Ptr;MinPhone = "";//初始化str为空,还可以这样写: str[0]='\0';for (i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++)//扫描链表{Ptr = H->Heads[i].Next;while (Ptr) {if (Ptr->count > MaxCnt)//如果出现更狂的人{MaxCnt = Ptr->count;MinPhone = Ptr->Data;PCnt = 1;//个人计数归1}else if (Ptr->count == MaxCnt){PCnt++;//狂人计数if (MinPhone > Ptr->Data)MinPhone = Ptr->Data;//更新狂人的最小手机号}Ptr = Ptr->Next;}}cout << MinPhone << " " << MaxCnt;if (PCnt > 1)cout << " " << PCnt<<"\n";
}const int  MAXD =  5;/*参与散列映射计算的字符个数,取后5位*/Position Find(HashTable H, string key)
{Position P;//链表中的位置int pos;//哈希表的位置控制//初始化散列位置pos = Hash(stoi(key.substr(KEYLENGTH - MAXD)),H->TableSize); //用stoi将str类型转换为int/*如果用atoi的C语言风格函数,将会带来string 和 const char*的互相转换问题,用stoi比较简单*/P = H->Heads[pos].Next;//从该链表的第一个节点开始/*当未到表尾,并且key未找到,一直链表后方找*/while (P && P->Data != key)P = P->Next;return P;
}bool Insert(HashTable H, string key)
{Position P, NewCell;int pos;P = Find(H, key);if (!P)//关键词未找到,可以插入{NewCell = new LNode;NewCell->Data = key;NewCell->count = 1;pos = Hash(stoi(key.substr(KEYLENGTH - MAXD)),H->TableSize);/*将NewCell插入为H->Heads[pos]链表的第一个节点*/NewCell->Next = H->Heads[pos].Next;//其实就是给了个空值 !!!!!理解错误 换成NULL报错H->Heads[pos].Next = NewCell;return true;}else {  //关键词已存在P->count++;return false;}
}int main()
{int N, i;string Key;HashTable H;cin >> N;H = CreateTable(N * 2);for (i = 0; i < N; i++){cin >> Key;Insert(H, Key);cin >> Key;Insert(H, Key);}ScanAndOutput(H);return 0;


11-散列2 Hashing (25分)
The task of this problem is simple: insert a sequence of distinct positive integers into a hash table, and output the positions of the input numbers. The hash function is defined to be H(key)=key%TSize where TSize is the maximum size of the hash table. Quadratic probing (with positive increments only) is used to solve the collisions.

Note that the table size is better to be prime. If the maximum size given by the user is not prime, you must re-define the table size to be the smallest prime number which is larger than the size given by the user.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains two positive numbers: MSize (≤10e​4​​ ) and N (≤MSize) which are the user-defined table size and the number of input numbers, respectively. Then N distinct positive integers are given in the next line. All the numbers in a line are separated by a space.

Output Specification:
For each test case, print the corresponding positions (index starts from 0) of the input numbers in one line. All the numbers in a line are separated by a space, and there must be no extra space at the end of the line. In case it is impossible to insert the number, print “-” instead.

Sample Input:
4 4
10 6 4 15

Sample Output:
0 1 4 -

2.建一个哈希表,在插入的同时判断是否成功插入。(如果直到 x+i*i 都还没有找到合适位置,就不用再探了)

1.一个理解问题!!! 平方探测的套路不是在前一次探测后偏移的位置再往后偏 II个位置。而是从原始位置开始算偏移。举个例子:一开始是在2这个位置,第一次偏移1个,到3如果发现还有冲突发生,就跑到2的后4个,也就是6这个位置。在函数上就直接Hash(x + ii,H)即可,i是循环变量。

/* 散列二 Hashing */
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;const int MaxMSize = 10e4;int Hash(int key, int TableSize)
{return key%TableSize; //除留余数法哈希函数
}struct HashNode {int Data;//存放的数据int Info;//单元状态
};struct TableNode {int TableSize;//哈希表大小HashNode* Cells;//哈希表本体
typedef TableNode* HashTable;/*找合适的素数TableSize*/
bool IsPrime(int number)
{for (int i = 2; i < number; i++){if (number % i == 0)return false;}return true;
const int MAXTABLESIZE = 1000000;
int NextPrime(int N)
{   if (N == 1) return 2;int i, p = (N % 2) ? N + 2 : N + 1;//从大于N的下一个奇数开始while (p <= MAXTABLESIZE){for (i = (int)sqrt(p); i > 2; i--)if (!(p% i)) break;//能整除i,说明p不是素数if (i == 2) break;//for正常结束,说明p是素数else p += 2;//否则试探下一个奇数}return p;
}int FindTableSize(int N)
{int TableSize;if (N == 1) return 2;if (IsPrime(N))TableSize = N;elseTableSize = NextPrime(N);return TableSize;
/*找TableSize结束*/HashTable CreateTable(int TableSize)
{HashTable H;int i;H = new TableNode;//申请散列表空间H->TableSize = TableSize;H->Cells = new HashNode[TableSize];//申请大小为Tablesize的哈希数组空间for (i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++)H->Cells[i].Info = 0;//状态全部标记为没有元素,没有插入过,0return H;
}int Insert(HashTable H, int x)
{int pos = Hash(x, H->TableSize);if (H->Cells[pos].Info == 0)//如果此处是空的{H->Cells[pos].Info = 1;H->Cells[pos].Data = x;}else{int i;for (i = 1; i <= H->TableSize / 2; i++)/* 探测到size/2就不用再探测了:因为这个范围足以探测到所有的哈希值了 */{pos = Hash(x + i*i, H->TableSize);/* 这里我最开始写的是pos+i*i,所以一直过不了... */if (H->Cells[pos].Info == 0)//新的位置没有元素{H->Cells[pos].Info = 1;H->Cells[pos].Data = x;break;}}if (i > H->TableSize / 2)//没在1/2Size内找到,说明不可能插入了pos = -1;//用不可能值-1去覆盖上面的pos}return pos;
}int main()
{int MSize, N,TableSize;int Key;//输入的数据cin >> MSize>> N;if (MSize == 0){cout << "-";return 0;}TableSize = FindTableSize(MSize);HashTable H;H = CreateTable(TableSize);for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){int Position;cin >> Key;Position = Insert(H, Key);if (Position != -1)cout << Position;elsecout << "-";if (i != N - 1)//每个输出中间加空格cout << " ";}return 0;

例题三:11-散列3 QQ帐户的申请与登陆 (25分)


1)若新申请帐户成功,则输出“New: OK”;
2)若新申请的号码已经存在,则输出“ERROR: Exist”;
3)若老帐户登陆成功,则输出“Login: OK”;
4)若老帐户QQ号码不存在,则输出“ERROR: Not Exist”;
5)若老帐户密码错误,则输出“ERROR: Wrong PW”。
L 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com
N 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com
N 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com
L 1234567890 myQQ@qq
L 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com
ERROR: Not Exist
New: OK
ERROR: Exist
Login: OK
N 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com
L 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com
N 1002 112233X
L 1002 112233X


1.要注意if(!P),此时P是一个指针。这种写法的出错了好难查出来,这样等于是P= NULL时进循环。还是if(P != NULL)比较不容易粗心出错。

/* 散列二 Hashing */
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;const int MaxMSize = 10e5;struct LNode //单项链表节点
{string UserName;string PassWord;LNode* next;
typedef LNode* List;
typedef LNode* Position;struct HashTableNode //定义哈希表
{int TableSize;List heads;
typedef HashTableNode* HashTable;bool Isprime(int x)
{int i;for (i = 2; i < x; i++){if (x % i == 0)return false;}return true;
}const int MaxTableSize = 1000000;
int nextprime(int N)
{int i, p = (N % 2) ? N + 2 : N + 1;//从大于N的下一个奇数开始while (p <= MaxTableSize){for (i = (int)sqrt(p); i > 2; i--)if (!(p% i)) break;//能整除i,说明p不是素数if (i == 2) break;//for正常结束,说明p是素数else p += 2;//否则试探下一个奇数}return p;
}HashTable CreatHash(int  num)
{HashTable H;H = new HashTableNode;H->TableSize = nextprime(num);H->heads = new LNode[H->TableSize];//申请出表数组的物理空间for (int i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++)//初始化所有节点{H->heads[i].UserName = "";H->heads[i].PassWord = "";H->heads[i].next = NULL;}return H;
}int Hash(int x, int p)//除留余数法
{return x % p;
}List Find( HashTable H,string username)
{int HashPos;if (username.length() < 7)//当QQ号码为小于7位时HashPos = Hash(stoi(username), H->TableSize);elseHashPos = Hash(stoi(username.substr(username.length() - 7, username.length() )),H->TableSize);Position P;P = H->heads[HashPos].next;//指向这个的头节点while (P && P->UserName != username)P = P->next;return P;
}void Insert(HashTable H, string username , string password)
{Position P = Find( H , username);if (!P)//如果没找到,则插入{List NewNode = new LNode;NewNode->UserName = username;NewNode->PassWord = password;NewNode->next = NULL;int HashPos;if (username.length() < 7)HashPos = Hash(stoi(username), H->TableSize);elseHashPos= Hash(stoi(username.substr(username.length() - 7, username.length())), H->TableSize);NewNode->next = H->heads[HashPos].next;//从表头插入(就不需要循环偏移到表尾了)H->heads[HashPos].next = NewNode;cout << "New: OK";}else//找到相同的账号了,抛出已存在错误cout << "ERROR: Exist";
}int main()
{int Num;string Action;string UserName, PassWord;HashTable H;Position P;cin >> Num;H = CreatHash(Num);for (int i = 0; i < Num; i++){cin >> Action >> UserName >> PassWord;if (Action == "L") //登入情况{ P = Find(H, UserName);if (P)//找到了(写if(P)就报错,why?){if (P->PassWord == PassWord)//密码正确cout << "Login: OK";elsecout << "ERROR: Wrong PW";}else//没找到,账号不存在cout << "ERROR: Not Exist";}if (Action == "N")Insert(H , UserName , PassWord);//存入注册的账号密码if (i != Num - 1)cout << "\n";}return 0;

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    /*__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ...

  9. 数据结构(六)散列查找 —— 编程作业01 :电话聊天狂人

    数据结构系列内容的学习目录→\rightarrow→浙大版数据结构学习系列内容汇总.   题目描述: 给定大量手机用户通话记录,找出其中通话次数最多的聊天狂人.   输入格式: 输入首先给出正整数N( ...


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